Day Sixteen: _Smallsky_

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Before I start, I'd just like to say how happy I am that the kits have been announced! Look forward to make some more Smallsky and Ravenfire art!

Anyways... I have a chapter to write, so lets go!

~Life is 10% what happens
And 90% how you react to it~

Fruit, something that I admire you for is that even with all the hardships you face, you always bounce back and become your happy self again.

It does sometimes mean you taking a hiatus, but everyone needs to do that eventually. It's like that old saying...

~Don't judge a man by how high he can be
Judge him by how high he bounces when he hits rock bottom~

You are the exact definition of coming back from the bottom. You've been through a lot, and have overcame everything coming your way.

I don't know how you do it,
But you do.

You are one strong human being Fruit, so stay strong.

~Never let anyone bring you down,
But let people help you up if you fall~

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