Day Ten: -honeyandtea

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"Never forget how far you've come..."

Fruit_Spice , it's truly amazing to see people like you who are so dedicated and passionate about Wattpad and spreading happiness rather than hatred.

It's more people like you that we need in this community... people as strong and as loyal as you are.

"Everything you have gotten through. All the times you pushed on, even when you felt you couldn't. All the mornings you got out of bed no matter how hard it was. All the times you wanted to give up but got through another day..."

You truly are so strong for doing everything you possibly can to make others happy. You've made it so far, and even when things got stressful you never gave up. You're truly so inspiring.

Yeah, maybe you had to take a few breaks, but every car eventually needs to stop and get gas.

I remember meeting you and thinking, "Hey, this person seems pretty cool... They're so good at roleplaying and have an interesting username, I wonder what It's inspired by?" xD

Since then we've made it so far! I'm so happy to call you my friend :)

"Never forget how much strength you have learned and developed."

I feel like you forget how beautiful you are, personality-wise and I'm sure physically aswell.

Sometimes I think you don't realize how great of a person you are, and you don't realize how many people love you and care about you.

I want you to know that I am here for you, and I always will be, along with your many other friends here, who all love and support you and all of your decisicions, no matter what they may be.

If you're ever having a bad day, and feel like you've finally reached the end just remember,

"Once you've hit rock bottom, the only way left to go is up."

Tell your parents I said thank you for creating such a beautiful soul.


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