Inspection And Escape

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while (the notice I put up before doesn't count). Please enjoy this latest chapter. I lost motivation to do this piece, then I was on a trip for a couple days. When I came back I found D. Gray Man online and became obsessed with it again. Then there was no inspiration for my works, and school came about again. I offer my most sincere apologizes for making you wait.

Because of the hiatus, I tried to make this chapter more lengthy as an apology. I tried to give it a more action feel to it. I have never written a fight scene before, so when I tried to write one for this, I cut it out. I'll put one in the later chapters when I've improved on writing them. There'll be scuffles, but no fighting for a good while. I'm sorry to those who really like reading battles (I tried, I really did! T-T). For now, you'll just have to be content with this instead.

Sorry again for not updating. For those of you who were worried that I abandoned this story, let me tell you; I will absolutely not abandon any of my stories, both current and future ones. Never will I fall prey to the temptations of abandoning my babies!

Edit: So this was supposed to be the new chapter, but I had fallen into a rut again. Good news, though! Summer's here, and that means school's out for me, so I will be able to dedicate myself to these stories here!


And about my decision on where to put my babies. . . . .I have decided that I will still update, but after a few more chapters, I will begin posting my stories on both and


"Hey, I think I saw her over there!"

"No, she's over here!"

"We've been tricked!"

"Not again!"

"After her!"

"Catch that girl!"

The sounds of the thundering steps of the most recently deployed police squad were getting louder as they began catching up to their target. The target itself was currently fleeing from her pursuers, trying to shake them off her trail.

'Dammit,' She thought as the figure ducked into a back alley throwing off the ones on motorcycles, leaving around a dozen men left on her tail. 'That last decoy I set up should've set thrown them off and set them back by at least half an hour!"

Dodging futile attempts to catch her, the child let her thoughts drift back to the event that started the fall of dominoes to this troublesome situation. The last day she lived in that godforsaken house, and the first day she rebelled against my jailers since she first entered that blood-soaked house.  It was a day she cherished yet loathed, a day filled with no regrets, yet it laid heavy within her mind.

(4 Days Ago)

"Well, now that I've finished with this floor, would you be so kind as to show me the entrance to your basement?" The Inspector asked Kuroi, who accompanied him as per her 'guardian's' orders. Kuroi wasn't a name that her jailer's knew, the girl made sure of that. Her current designation was Naoko, or 'docile child'. But while they got what they wished for, The preteen thought viciously, they are about to find out that what they were grasping for was only an illusion. 'Naoko' thought as she led the inspector down--

(Present Time)

Snapped out of her reverie by the sounds of running feet draw closer-lessthantenfeetmorethanfive- the girl sighed, an exasperated expression appearing upon her hooded face. She had grown familiar of the various tactics the police force used over the past week. This particular one was supposed to intimidate her with the threat of nearing police officers and herd her to a contained area under the police's command. She nearly got caught the first time it happened -gunshotbloodsomuchbloodwhyistheresomuchblood-, now it was just sad that to her that the police had to stoop to such tricks. 

"So you wanna play that way big boys?" The girl murmured under her breath as she ran towards a crossroad, the police in hot pursuit. 

'This is my game your playing you know. Play with fire and your gonna get burned.'  


A/N: Sooooo. . . .yeah, I'm in another rut, b-b-bu-b-but not before having a few (try a few PAGES worth) ideas, so not so bad, right? This chapter is me trying out something new, so please don't hate me on this! Oh, and for my other story, I will update on it. . .someday, but I haven't had anything ready yet. At least, nothing I want to show my readers(thank you for being so kind to such a lazy and unmotivated author! *tears up dramatically*)

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