Chapter five

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Weeks passed and the world was still, rain pour through the holes on the roof. Shadow Freddy had forgiven me, Nightlock kept his distance for now. I sat staring off at nothing in particular, Plushtrap sat beside me thinking. My power was always halved from what it should be, the crossbreed wouldn't be easy to raise as it required constant power. I was always in constant pain, honestly I wished it would just die but I couldn't leave my friends. I groaned as a sharp paint shot through my head, Plushtrap looked at me I could see fear hiding in his gaze.
"You ok?" He whispered, I shook my head unable to speak as pain continued to shoot throughout my body. Plushtrap stood and went to fetch one of the others, Nightlocks voice sounded for only me to hear.
"It grows restless puppet, be careful or it will drain you completely," Nightlock chuckled and his voice faded, the pain kept up and I grew dizzy. Plushtrap returned with Golden Freddy and Shadow Freddy, I had my hand on my head holding it. I gave a pain sigh, they knelt down next to me.
"Marionetta what's wrong?" Golden Freddy questioned, I could hear fear edging his voice.
"Soo.........much..........pain........." I choked out, Golden Freddy and shadow Freddy glanced at each other. Crossbreeds were rare and nothing was known about them other then their constant need for power, Nightlock knew more then anyone did about crossbreeds. Golden Freddy and Shadow Freddy were trying to figure out what to do, Plushtrap helped me keep myself from falling over. I began loosing control of myself, everyone saw that I had no control over myself anymore. Suddenly I fell to my knees and power began to leak from my hands, it exhausted me as it drained out. Suddenly it began to form the crossbreed, once it had fully formed I collapsed exhausted and drained. I blacked out, Nightlock would try to get it now so I had to protect it and show it truth and kindness where I could.
I awoke sitting back against a wall, the crossbreed looked like a nightmare version of me but had Nightlocks sharp teeth that went across its stomach and one of its eyes were white and the other red. It lay beside me sleeping, I could tell it had no intention of harming anything as of right now. Golden Freddy was on guard incase anything bad happened, honestly the crossbreed didn't bring me fear like I thought instead it made a warmth spread across my chest. I put my hand under its head, it grabbed one of my needle thing fingers and cuddled into it. I couldn't help but smile, Plushtrap came over.
"Looks like it's a killer alright," Plushtrap joked his voice a whisper, I gave him a playful glare but my eyes went back to the tiny crossbreed at my side.
"I dunno it seems so peaceful......" I trailed, I knew my power now decided between the three of us but it only made me stronger. Plushtrap sat beside me, he looked at the little one and even he couldn't see a fault with it.
"Well if it's going to be around us it will need a name other then it and crossbreed," Plushtrap pointed out, I nodded unable to take my eyes off of her.
"One name nags at my mind, I think she will be called Chanda, it means one who is passionate," I sighed, Plushtrap nodded agreeing with the name.
"Let's hope Nightlock can't trick her into what he almost tricked you into," Plushtrap prayed, I nodded. If Chanda were to fall into his claws everything we knew would be destroyed, she began to stir. First thing she did was look at me with cheery eyes, I couldn't help but smile at her. The others came over to see, even they couldn't even do much as find an evil thing about her. I helped her stand, she was small for now but as time passed she would grow but she would always be attached to my power to help herself grow better. I spotted Nightlocks blood red eyes and immediately stood, he wouldn't touch Chanda.
"Well isn't this a sight to behold, anyways hand over that little crossbreed and I will leave without a fight," Nightlock offered, I looked at Little Chanda who hid behind me. I turned back to Nightlock, he wasn't about to just waltz in take Chanda and then raise her to be a weapon.
"Your not going to touch her," I promised, Nightlock sighed and the twisted ones entered and began to try and sneak around to take Chanda. I grabbed Chanda and swiped at twisted wolf who tried to take her, everyone used themselves as shields so Nightlock couldn't touch me or Chanda.
"Why is it you always put up a fight when all it takes is to follow my orders and this doesn't have to happen," Nightlock grumbled, I knew he preferred a fight but sometimes fighting wasn't necessary.
"Because we don't follow a creep who wants the world destroyed just to please an old enemy," Golden Freddy growled, Nightlock chuckled. When the time was right I sent a blinding light and teleported us all away, Nightlock wouldn't be happy. I had brung us to an abandoned mine, we went inside where we would be hidden for quite a while. Chanda seemed happy to not be near Nightlock, Nightlock wouldn't stop until she was on his side and destroying the world.
"Why does Nightlock want me so bad?" Chanda questioned softly, I sighed.
"He wants to turn you into a weapon little one," I explained, she nodded and went to examine some left over gems. The mine had been abandoned due to some caves collapsing and minerals running low, I noticed claw marks along some of the walls. I examined some closely, they belonged to something that had been here only a month or two ago. It got me thinking, what used to live in this mine before us.

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