Chapter one

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one week later.

I don't know how long it's been since the day I was kidnapped or where exactly I'm at. All I do know is that I'm trapped in some kind of basement with one hand and one foot chained to the floor.

The basement is always dark and extremely cold. Sleeping on the hard concrete floor is very uncomfortable but at least they keep me fed.

Every now and then, the men will enter the basement with another unconscious girl and chain her somewhere near me. I can't see any of the girls around me but if I had to guess, I'd say theres about twenty of us in here. 

For the most part it's quite down here. I'll occasionally hear the newer girls weeping to themselves. The other girls who are like me, have already cried themselves out and just given up.

"Where am I? Can anyone hear me? Somebody please help me!" I'm guessing that's the voice of the newest girl. The men had just brought her in not to long ago and she must have now just woke up.

"Hey, calm down. You're okay. There's more of us in here." I assured her, talking in no particular direction since I have no clue where she's at.

"Oh thank god. Do you know where we're at? Whats going on?" She asked.

"I wish I knew the answer to those questions but I don't. My guess is I probably know just about as much as you do."

"Are they going to hurt us?"

"Well I've been here for a while and so far all they do is bring in more girls, feed us, ignore our questions, then leave again. No type of pain involved so far." I said, answering her question.

"Okay. That's a good thing, I guess." I heard chains rustling around for a while before she spoke again, "Hey, Can I know your name?"

"Yeah. Im Madison Taylor."

"My name is Cassandra Sykes."

"Im gonna call you Cassie. It's nice to meet you." I lightly laughed.

"Then I'll call you Maddie. It's nice to meet you too." She returned the laugh.

We spent what felt like hours just talking to each other about ourselves. It felt good to finally have someone to talk to.

Cassie and I were in the middle of a conversation when the basement door swung open, cutting our conversation short. I looked up to see a large group of men piling in. One of the men pulled a string near the door and the whole basement lit up. The brightness of the lights nearly blinded me.

As my eyes adjusted to the lights I looked around me and my jaw dropped in astonishment. Remember when I guessed about twenty of us were in here? Well try about a hundred. There must have already been a lot of girls here before me.

"Maddie?" I looked around to see the girl I was guessing to be Cassandra being unchained by two men. She had platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looked extremely worried.

"Over here." I said as we looked right at each other.

I looked around to see the men going around and unchaining random girls. Myself included.  They gathered fifteen of us and hauled us out of the basement in a single file line.

Cassie was behind me in line so I slowed down and let the other girls walk ahead of me until I was in front of Cassie.

"Do you know what's going on?" She whispered.

I shook my head, "No clue."

"No talking!" One of the men yelled at us. We bowed our heads and continued walking through the corridor.

Eventually they stopped in front of double doors that had fogged out glass windows.

"Listen up. You're all to go in and take a shower. There are towels in the cart to wrap yourselves in when you're done. The sinks have new toothbrushes and toothpaste, use them. You have ten minutes. If every one of you aren't done in ten minutes we will come in there and remove you ourselves." Another one of the men instructed.

We all did as we were told seeing as we had no choice. I doubt any of us would be stupid enough not to listen. They all carried at least one visible gun around there waists.

The showers were just like the ones in my high school gym class. One large area made up of tile that had multiple shower heads. Soap bars, shampoo, and conditioner were sprawled throughout the shower area.

We washed up, wrapped the towels around us, and brushed our teeth just in time because the men stormed in and took us back into the corridor. We continued to walk until we entered a hall with multiple rooms labeled 'dressing'.

"I want three girls to a door. Now." Said the same guy who spoke about the shower.

We all scurried off in different directions trying to get three of us by each door. All the while, Cassie and I made sure to end up at the same door.

"Go in. You'll be further instructed inside. See you in an hour." The man said as the others all watched us scurry into the rooms.

Cassie, the other girl, and myself entered the room to see an older woman standing in the middle of a room filled with clothes, vanity's, and beauty products. In the middle of the room were three chairs.

"Go ahead and take a seat girls."

We did and the lady walked over to me first.

"Well aren't you a beauty. Girls like you make my job easy. It wont take much to make you look fabulous. You're already three quarters of the way there!" She pinched cheeks and laughed.

I couldn't hide the tint in my cheeks. That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

She began with my hair. She rolled strands into curlers and left them to dry. As she waited on that she added a light amount of makeup to my face and plucked my eyebrows to give them their original arch. By light amount of makeup I mean mascara and a little blush.

She smiled at me before wandering off behind the racks of clothes. When she returned she shoved an outfit into my arms and told me to go change behind a curtain in the far corner of the room.

She was obviously good at her job because she guessed my exact size. I was given no bra and a simple pair of red lace panties, which I put on. The all black dress was strapless and extremely tight. It went down to about mid-thigh, showing off my curves and a little too much of my breasts.The last thing I put on were the four inch, black heals with thin straps that wrapped a few inches up my calfs.

I came back out to see the lady had finished Cassie's makeup/hair and was currently working on the other girl now.

"Go choose some matching accessories from that bin and I'll be around to finish you up in just a minute." She said to me.

I went to the bin and decided on a pair of diamond earrings and a matching necklace. The fact that my nose ring matched the earrings and necklace was a bonus.

I won't lie and say I'm not enjoying this. For kidnappers, they sure treat the kidnapped extremely well. I wonder why?

I was brought from my thoughts as I felt the curlers in my hair being pulled out. The lady continued until every curler was removed and my dirty blond hair fell along my back in perfect curls.

I actually enjoyed the way I looked for once as I admired myself in the mirror. My outfit was nice, I didn't completely hate my body, and the mascara really made my green eyes pop.

"Thank you so much, ma'am." I whispered in complete awe.

"No need to thank me, darling. It's my pleasure." She smiled warmly at me.

With me done, She continued to work on Cassie and the other girl until they were finished too. Before we knew it, our time was up and the men from earlier came bursting through the door, taking us out.

They faced us back into a line and we walked not too far down the hallway to a steel door. We entered and inside was a row of chairs, which they had us sit in.

A few of the men each grabbed a pen, a paper, and a clipboard. They walked around asking the girls questions and eventually one came to me.

"Name?" He asked in an expressionless voice.

"Madison Taylor." I replied.




"Five foot five inches."

"Sexual status?" That question caught me off guard.

"Uh what now?"

"Are you a virgin? Yes or no. If no, when was the last time you had sex?"

"Yeah, I understood what you asked. I just don't think that's any of your business." I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him.

He groaned and reached behind him grabbing his gun. He cocked back the hammer and placed the gun against my forehead.

"Virgin!" I immediately squeaked out in fear of being shot.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" He said putting the gun away. He looked me up and down a few times and wrote down a few additional notes before walking away.

When the men were done questioning us all, The man who questioned me stood in front of us and spoke rather enthusiastically.
"Time to auction you ladies off, who's ready?"

Hold the fuck up, excuse me?

Vote and comment thank you<3

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