Chapter three

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Three hours of driving in complete silence and the car finally slowed down. We pulled up in front of large, secure looking, metal gates. On the drivers side of the car was a pin pad, in which Mr. Moretti reached out and typed in the longest combination ever. When he finished, there was a loud buzzing sound and the gates opened. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw inside those gates. We pulled into the driveway of an obviously extremely expensive mansion. From the angle of view I had on said mansion, it had to of taken up thousands of square footage along the land. I couldn't see any details on the sides or back of the mansion due to its size, only the clean cut grass and the stone fountain in the middle of the roundabout driveway.

As soon as the car came to a stop Mr. Moretti was quick to exit the car, slamming the door shut behind him. He walked around the front of the car and came to my side, opening the door. One of his large hands clamped around my upper arm and yanked me out of the car.

He hastily walked with me up to the double doors of what I was assuming was his house. When we reached the doors, he got out a set of keys and unlocked them. Once inside the insanely large mansion, we were greeted by an older looking lady.

"Antonio, my boy! What took you so long I-" She stopped mid sentence as her eyes finally landed on me, "Who's you're new friend?"

Wait! Antonio? Now I know why his last name sounded so familiar! I am so, so very fucked.

"Y-You're Antonio M-Moretti? As in m-mafia leader, Antonio Moretti?" I stuttered out, my voice filled with nothing but utter fear.

I heard about Antonio all over the news on the t.v. back at the orphanage. They never showed pictures of him, only scenes of the horrible things he would do. Sometimes the stuff he did was so bad, they weren't legally allowed to show it; but that didn't stop them from describing every horrid detail.

"Obviously." He rolled his eyes at my pathetic sounding voice before replying to the old woman, "She's not my friend. She's a new servant so I suggest you get her situated and away from me. She's already on my nerves and I have work to attend to. I'd like dinner done by six."

Before he walked off, the old woman did something I didn't expect. She smacked him upside the back of his head. Hard. Holly hell. Does she have a death wish?

"What the fuck! What was that for!"  He yelled at her. Oh god, Please don't let him hit her.

"Get rid of the grumpy attitude! Whatever has you knickers in a twist has nothing to do with me and for gods sake, learn to use your manners!"

"Please." He grumbled. Well... that took a turn.

She narrowed her eyes at him but eventually gave in and nodded. As he walked out of sight the woman sighed and palmed her forehead. All the aggravation in her body seemed to just disappear as soon as she shot her head up to look at me.

"Hello, sweetheart! How rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm Dona, the head chef." She smiled kindly.

"I'm Madison." My voice came out in a hushed tone.

"Awe, you're so shy it's adorable," She cooed, "How old are you anyway."

"Sixteen." I whispered.

"Sixteen?! Why did you take a job like this at such a young age? You obviously know who Antonio is. Why catch yourself up in this?"

"I-I didn't."

"Wait, what? What does that mean?"

"A-Antonio bought me at an auction. I was k-kidnapped about a week a-ago." I hung my head in embarrassment.

All emotion dropped from Dona's face but I could see what looked to be pure anger hidden in her brown eyes.

"Come with me." She said, her voice stoic and her tone flat.

She led me down hallways, a few living areas, an overly large kitchen, a dining hall, a few doors, and finally a staircase case. I followed her up the stairs and turned right. We passed a few doors until we reached the last one at the end of the hallway.

"This is where you will be staying. There are two other servants staying in this room. They are both very kind so don't worry I'm sure they'll answer any questions you have. They will tell you anything that is mandatory for you to know. The closet is already stacked with uniforms for work and random clothing for when you're not on duty. Undergarments  and health care products are also provided."

She paused and I nodded dumbly as she looked at me to see if I understood. I processed everything she said in my mind but before I could question her, she continued.

"I must get going though. I have people to find and shit to yell about. Please join Jason and Sarah for the five o'clock shift. See you soon."
With that said, she rushed away and out of sight.

I sighed and turned back to the door, looking at it nervously. I guess I should probably go in.

As my shaky hand reached for the doorknob, the door swung open before I could even touch it. I was met with smiling face of a girl who I'm guessing was Sarah.

"Um, h-hi. I'm Madison." I said, still a little nervous.

"Hi, I'm Sarah! I heard Dona's whole speech about you staying here through the door. I'm so exited to finally have someone other than Jason to talk to! Come in, Come in!" She said,  pulling me into the room and quickly shutting the door behind her.

"Wow, thanks Sarah." I heard the voice of a male scoffing. I looked in the corner of the room furthest from me at a boy sitting on the top bunk of a bunk bed.

"You must be Jason." I said normally, the annoying stutter finally leaving my voice. The atmosphere around these two makes it hard to be nervous or scared of my situation.

"Sure am!" He smiled and hopped of the bed, "Nice to meet you Madison."

"You too." I smiled back.

Wow, Dona was right. They really are nice. I mean everything about them radiates kindnesses. Even their looks.

Sarah had soft facial features, like that of a child, with a button nose, rosy cheeks, and soft heart shaped lips. Her hair was dyed bubblegum pink and sat atop her head in a loose, carefree bun. Her wide hazel eyes seemed to shimmer whenever she smiled. She was obviously breathtaking and even thought I felt more comfortable around her; I couldn't help but to feel extremely self conscious about my own looks compared to hers.

Now to Jason. He had a boy next door type of look. You know, the one you grow up with and you guys become the best of friends. I mean, I never had that and I'm sure a lot of other people haven't either, but everyone can dream right? The blonde mop on top of his head matched his blue eyes perfectly. The freckles that dotted along his cheeks and nose were there but almost unnoticeable. When he smiled, he had the cutest dimples.

He was good looking like Mr. Moretti, except Mr. Moretti had a manlier vibe to him which I found more attractive than Jason's boyish vibe.

Wait. No, Madison. No.Why in the hell am I thinking like that? Mr. Moretti is a feared, good-for-nothing, mafia leading, person buying, control freak, dickhead. There's nothing attractive about. Well, except his hair... his eyes... and his lips... that jawli-

"So, did you catch all that?" Sarah asked me breaking me from my thoughts.

"Uh, what? Oh, no I'm sorry! I zoned out." I panicked.

"Its okay. Sarah was just saying that we should probably start getting ready for work. But first, do you have any questions?" Jason chuckled.

"Only a few."

"Shoot." Sarah said.

"Okay. Well, how did you guys get here?"

"Probably the same way as you. We were auctioned off to Mr. Moretti." Sarah said.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape and I couldn't stop the next questions from spilling out.

"So how do you seem so okay with being here? Weren't you kidnapped too?How do you speak of Mr. Moretti so calmly if he forced you into this?"

"Woah woah woah," Jason laughed and then began explaining, "We've been here for a while. I was twenty, and Sarah was nineteen when Mr. Moretti bought us from two different auctions on the same day. It's been about two years since then. Of course at first we were nervous, scared and justifiably angry. We hated  Mr. Moretti until we got used to things. Being here isn't as bad as we thought it would be. Our agenda is the same everyday. Get up at eight, Get the list of chores from Dona (who gets the list from Mr.Moretti), and do them. It's also important that we make any meal Dona schedules us to make, like today we have dinner. It's simple really and the work we do is never all that hard. In fact, before we were kidnapped, both Sarah's and my life weren't all that great; If anything, We should be thanking those auction houses and Mr. Moretti for taking us away from all the struggle."

"Yeah," Sarah pipped up, "To be honest, we never see much of Mr. Moretti though. He's always locked away in his study working, or simply out of the house. We see him here and there whenever we get assigned to work a meal shift."

I thanked the heavens for their explanation on how things work around here and the fact I wont see much of Mr. Moretti. Maybe being here won't be all that bad if things are as easy going as Jason and Sarah made it out to be.

"Is that all?" Sarah asked.

"Actually yes. Just one thing. I would watch on the news all the horrible things Mr. Moretti does but when I watched Dona hit him, He did nothing but give in and listen to her. Is he not as dangerous or scary as everyone makes him out to be?" I questioned.

"Oh honey," Sarah rolled over in laughter before calming down and continuing, "He's terrifying."

"Yeah, I wouldn't wanna get on his bad side if I were you. Trust me, I've seen him angry. I think I shit myself and It wasn't even directed towards me." Jason said. He looked scared just speaking of the simple memory.

"Dona is the only person who can get away with disrespecting him. For the most part. Mr. Moretti doesn't have any family left and Dona has been like a mother to him since he was a child. Don't try anything stupid with him unless you have a death wish or you want to be beaten to a pulp." Jason said.

"Ha, thanks for the tip" I laughed nervously.

"No problem. It's almost five though, we should really get ready and going before Dona comes in here and throws scones at us again." Sarah says.

She starts running around the room like a mad man to get her uniform from the closet and quickly rushed in the bedrooms connected bathroom to change.

I looked over to Jason and gave a questioning look just to see that him himself looked a bit frightened.

"Lets go. Sarah's not kidding, it's happened before and it'll happen again if we don't hurry."
With that, we quickly got changed and left the comfort of our room to deal with whatever the evening had in store for us.

Wow guys its been a while. I know I kept you all waiting and this chapter isn't all that juicy but there's a lot of important details hidden throughout it that will make more sense in the coming chapters. You'll like the next chapter way more once I finish and publish it (Hopefully).

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