Pro Hero Training and a Confession (Slight Changes)

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The next day 

(Y/n) POV

We were all talking in the classroom until we heard someone loud come through the door.

All-Might : "I AM HERE... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON." he shouted, he then started to walk to the podium.

Denki "It's really All-Might!" he shouted

Kririshima : "Amazing, he really is a teacher, this years going to be awesome." he stated

Tsu : "Hey look, is he waering his silver age costume?" she asked 

(Y/n) : "I think so, Tsu." I answered

Ojiro : "It's style is so different, its giving me goose bumps." he said in awe

All-Might : "Welcome to the most important class at UA High, think of it as heroing 101, here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good. Right lets get into it, todays lesson will pull no punches." he stated

Bakuguo : "Combat..."

Deku : "Training..."

All-Might : "But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good." he shouted pointing to a number of suitcases that came out of the wall. I guess my hero costume is done. "These costumes were made based on your quirk registration forms, and the requests you sent in before school started." 

Everyone : "Awesome!" 

All-Might : "Get yourself suited up, and then meet me at training ground beta." he stated 

Everyone : "Yes Sir!" we all say

After Changing

3rd POV

Everyone then came outside in their hero costumes, and I got to say everyone was looking really good. But some of the others outfits, that I could see could use a few tweaks and upgrades but I should suggest to them later.

All-Might : "You are all looking good, but question we are missing two students where are Young  Midoriya and Young (L/n)?" he asked, then everyone then heard footsteps coming from the tunnel behind them and saw Deku come out in his costume that looked similar to All-Might. Then they all heard slow footsteps coming from the tunnel and (Y/n) came out of the darkness and everyone was shocked by how prepared he was and how armed to the teeth he also was as well.

Your Costume and Weapons :

Costume :

(The one one the left is the top part of you costume the green and brown parts will be a light green and you will have no googles and you will have a different mask and yes you will even have the hood)

(The bottom part of you costume will look like this and it will be all black)

(These are you gloves and they have built in brass knuckles just like in the picture and you call them Knuckledusters)

Your Mask

(What you have under you outfit)

(Your parents wanted you to have this under your outfit so you could have the best type of protection the arm things stop at the elbows)

Weapons :

Razor shuriken : It is made out of a material that is attracted to your lightning so if you throw it and hits a wall you can activate your lightning and it will come back to you.

(This was given to you by your father)

Dagger you have on your back : its color black and the yellow is green and it doesn't have the things on the sheathe, it was given to you by your mother. you also throw it as well it is also made out of a material that is attracted to your lightning so if you throw it and hits a wall you can activate your lightning and it will come back to you.

Dual Short swords : These swords were given to you by your grandfather and he taught you how to use them. They can even light of fire as well when you channel you fire on to your hands you carry them on you back.

Extra Items 

Holo Watch (On your left hand) : You mom made it for you and you can use it to contact others and send messages, you can even research things on it as well.

Kirishima : "Dude you look so cool and manly." he shouted

(Y/n) : "Thanks some of this stuff was made by my parents and given to me because its a family tradition to give their children their weapons, my mom gave me her dagger, and my dad gave me his shuriken." he explained

Mina : "Wow didn't that your family did that." she said 

Momo : "Wow, when you say you are prepared you really are prepared." she said smiling, I blushed a little.

All-Might : "Now that you all here we can begin, you'll be splitting into two groups! Heroes and Villains! And face off two on two indoors battles!" he shouted

Momo : "What determines the victory?" she asked, and before All-Might could answer her question, Bakugou interrupted him and other people as well started to ask questions as well.

Bakugou : "How can we hurt the other team."

Uraraka : "Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like last time."

Iida : "Will you be splitting us up based on change or skill."

Aoyamaya : "Isn't this cape fabulous."

(Y/n) : "Oh for god sake let him finish guys, also the cape is a tad much." (Y/n) said with a bit of frustration in his voice

All-Might : "Yes thank you young (L/n), I wasn't finished talking." he then took out a book and started to explain what were going to do.

After All-Might finished explain

All-Might : "Lets choose teams my drawing lots." he stated 

Iida : "Isn't there a better way?" he asked

(Y/n) : "I thinks its the best way to choose teams because one heroes have to team up with other heroes from other agency's to help defeat bad guys and two it does happen more often then you think." he explained

Iida : "Yes I see, excuse my rudeness." he said bowing 

All-Might : "No sweat lets draw." he said 

The teams : Replace Mineta with you

(Y/n) : "I guess were on the same team" he said smiling at her

Momo  : " I guess were are" she said blushing a little bit

(Y/n) : "Well I also didn't expect you to have your chest area open." he said blushing a lot while looking away, then Momo realized what he was talking abbot and blushed a dark red as well. They both head to the observation room to watch the fight between Team A and Team D.

After the fight between Deku and Bakugou

(Y/n) : "Damn that was brutal" he stated with a look of shock on his face

Momo : "Agreed " he said with worry on her face, (Y/n) then put his hand on Momo's shoulder to comfort her, she then looked at him with a weak smile

Time Skip to your fight 

Team B vs Team C

(Y/n) POV

Me and Momo were the villains while Shoka and Shoji were the heroes. Me and Momo were by the weapon currently disusing a plan to defeat Shoka and Shoji.

Momo : "Shoji is a tough opponent but you'll be able to paralyze him with your lightning, but then there's Shoka and her ice is going to be a problem, well be luckily if she doesn't freeze the entire building. We need a way to deal with her ice." she stated, with a bit of worry in her voice

(Y/n) : "Don't worry I've got a way to deal with the ice, watch this." I say, I then held up my hand and Momo looked at me with curiosity, my hand the started to create then whisps of green fire until my hand was fully on fire and Momo just started at me with shock.

Momo : "You have a second quirk !" she shouted, and stared at me

(Y/n) : "Yup its little harder to control, but it will melt the ice easily." I stated with a smile on my face

Momo : "Then this is good, Shoka doesn't know about you other quirk and so we can use it as an advantage. You can use hit and run tactics on them while I'll make a barricade to block the door, sound good to you ?" she asked me 

(Y/n) : "Sounds good I'll head down stairs and prepare while you start making the barricade." I said walking down the stairs, Momo nodded to me and with that I went down the stairs and waited for Shoka and Shoji.

*Time Skip* 3 minutes

 I walked around one of the lower level of the building making sure to check every single hiding spot, but on a level that was two floors below the weapons, I saw my breath and realized it was cold I then heard something that was down a dark hallway I squinted my eyes and saw a red eyes in the darkness my eyes widened as ice started to come towards me at a high speed that I only had a few seconds to react and jump out of the way. When I tuned around I saw Shoji and Shoka and her costume was actually pretty cool.

(Y/n) : Well this is going to be fun indeed, Momo their here start barricading the door NOW!

I shouted as I blasted lightning towards then other teams but this time I focused my lightning through middle finger and index finger concentrating it while shooting it at the two of Shoka was fast enough to dodge it but Shoji was not and got it by it making him paralyzed for 2 minutes. Shoka then turned back to me with a look of shock her face, she then charged at me. I pretended to charge lightning through my left hand while I was actually charging up a fire blast through my right hand which was behind my back. when she was close enough I shoot the fire at her, she looked at the fire is horror and barely dodged it, she did get some of her costume burnt off. I didn't give her a second to breathe as I shoot I beam of fire at her again, she then jumped behind a pillar to get cover from my fire.

(3:10 - 3:30) You are Godzilla, while Shoka is Kong

(Y/n) : "Come out Shoka this is a fight, there is no time for hiding."

I say taunting her, while I crept up to her hiding I then lit both my hands on fire, when she came out from her hiding place and tried to blast me with ice, I punched her in the stomach making her spit out saliva and sent her crashing into the wall. I walked up to her and she got back up and blasted a wave of ice at me, I then blasted an intense wave of green fire which melted the ice with ease, but the fire didn't stop there it kept going until Shoka realized what was going to happen and moved out of the way.  I then walked down to where Shoka was and turned the corner to see her catching her breathe, she then looked a me with a glare, I just chuckled at her expression.

Shoka : "So you had a second quirk this whole time." she said angrily, but then she smiled slightly and said "Impressive". She then made a wall of ice to block my path, but I shot a bolt of black lightning at the wall and it shattered on impact, Shoka was still standing there I then focused and the fire around me came back to my hand and it extended into and fire whip, I then swung with a lot of force and Shoka made a wall of ice again and the whip shattered the wall in a few seconds and created steam as well but when the steam cleared, Shoka was gone, I looked everywhere for her. I then went back to where Shoji was and saw that he was gone as well.

(Y/n) : "Dammit, Momo they both got away is everything ok up there?" I asked over the commlink

Momo : "Yeah everything is all good up here." she said over the commlink, I then started to look around for Shoji and Shoka.

In the observation room  3rd POV

Mina : "Wow, I didn't know (Y/n) had another quirk." she said surprised

Denki : "Me neither and it looks powerful as well, did you see how fast the Ice melted from the fire?" he asked

Jiro : "He also seems to use the fire as an extension of him self as well." she said

Kirishima : "Yeah its so manly and scary at the same time though."

Iida : "It seems that Todoroki and Shoji are going to have to change strategies if they want to win." he said, and everyone agreed with him and they all focused back on the fight.

(Y/n) POV

I was using my lightning quirk to get around faster and after 3 minutes, I finally found Shoji and Shoka. They both looked at me with worried expression, I then start to walk towards them but not before staggering a bit and catching myself with the wall, and I then realized it was my drawback from using my lightning to much. Shoji and Shoka used this to their advantage, Shoji picked up a barrel and threw it at me, I looked up in time to see the barrel flying towards me I used my lighting to form a blade to cut the barrel in half, but Shoka then used her ice to freeze my body. 

I was exhausted and looked around to see my body frozen in ice I then see Shoji and Shoka walking past me heading to Momo.

Shoka : "Sorry (Y/n), looks like were going to win." she says gloating, I struggled to get out of the ice and get free. After 2 minutes of struggling I couldn't get out of the ice, I then stopped and started remembering things from a long time ago like when me and Shoka were sparing when we were kids and she would always say she was going to best the best, I then snapped out of my thoughts and when I realized I have something to get me out of the ice. I started to use my lightning to increase my strength, the ice then started to crack and it shattered after a few seconds. I caught my breathe and started running towards where Shoji and Shoka.

I then arrived at Momo's location and stopped I peaked around the corner and I saw Shoji and Shoka trying to get into where Momo was. I then shot a bolt of lightning near the both of then, they turned around with shocked faces, they both charge at me trying to attack me but I crouch down and engulfed myself in green fire and slam both my fists of the ground using a fire moved called.

(Y/n) : "Scorching Land" I yelled

Green fire then traveled across the floor racing towards Shoji and Shoka their eyes widened but it was to late the fire exploded from underneath them, making them flying upwards, Shoji hit the ceiling knocking him out while Shoka landed hard on her back, but to my surprise she got, she then sent a volley of ice at me, but I countered it with a wave green fire I shot back at her.

The fire destroyed the ice in an instant and hit Shoka sending her crashing into the wall behind her I then walked over to her she tried to get up and throw a punch at me but I caught it and pushed her back down to the ground. I then crouched down to her level and held her face in my hand, she was blushing like crazy, I chuckled a bit and then paralyzed her as well and with that my team had won the match.

*Time Skip* end of the day

At the end of the day I told Shoka and Momo to meet me outside for an important talk, I noticed that I too had started to develop feelings for the two girls, I wanted both of them to be happy, especially Shoka

Momo : "Hey (Y/n) why did you want me and Shoka to meet to here after school ?" she asked

(Y/n) : "I'm just going to get to the point and say that I know about both your crushes on me since we were kids." I say bluntly and with a smug smile, both Momo and Shoka's eyes widened with shock and they blushed with a red color on their faces.

 I then walked in front of Momo, she looked up at me and her blush deepened a little bit. Then in one swift movement I kissed her and she didn't have any time to react and her face was now a deep crimson red and she had a extremally shocked look on her face, we both then separated and I then walked over to Shoka and then Kissed her she also had the same deep crimson red on her face and we also separate and both girls just stared at me. I smiled at both of them and grabbed my things stared to walk to my home with the girls having dark crimson red looks on their faces.

(Y/n) : "See you two tomorrow !" I shouted back

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