Closed eyes (chapter 2)

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Willowkit felt the weight of her brother on her. The grogginess of sleep washed off almost immediately as she tried to roll his snoring body off of hers.

"Get off Bearkit!" She growled and tried again, but to no avail. The weight of her brother pinned her shoulders, the most powerful part of her body at the moment.

They had been born a week ago, and her brother's eyes had opened, but she still hadn't. Willowkit let out a squeak, hoping her mother would sense her destress.

Suddenly the weight was lifted off her. A squeak sounded as Bearkit fell to the ground. She felt the general rasp of her mothers tongue against her flank.

"When are your eyes going to open?" A strong scent suggested that he was right in front of her. Willowkit took a deep breath, it might have been Deerkit, but she wasn't to sure.

"Erm," she squeaked, her voice coming out higher and quieter than her expected it to, "I'll open them when I'm ready to I guess," she covered up quickly, than scampered off blindly across the nursery. Her muzzle felt a sharp poke, as Willowkit tried to back up the she-kits white paws got tangled in moss and she fell down onto her rump.

Suddenly light flooded her vision. "Wha-" she was cut short by Bearkit, who had ramped into her. Suddenly a grey fuzzy shape darted in front of Willowkit, the grey shape must have been Sootkit, judging from the smell.

Deerkit walked into her view. "Hey! Look, she's finally decided to open her eyes," he sneered.

"Yes I have," Willowkit snapped back, her vision clearing and becoming sharper by the minute. Deerkit was a light brown tabby tom, with an intense green stare that made shivers go up her spine. A golden furred she-cat walked into the nursery.

"Oh, Willowkit, you've opened your eyes!" She mewed softly to the kit.

"Can we explore the camp now?" Bearkit squeaked, hoping that Sunleap would give them permission.

"You should ask your mother first," The golden furred she-cat replied.

"Okay," Bearkit replied happily, than bounded off to Lilacpelt, their mother.

Willowkit followed slowly behind, hoping that she wouldn't trip. The giant mounds of moss was a struggle for the tiny cat to get over. Slowly she flexed her paws and sunk her claws into the soft moss and bracken, getting a grip she heaved her minuscule body over the lip of the nest. She heard Bearkit asking Lilacpelt if they could go outside and explore.

Lilacpelt yawned, "I guess," she said sleepily and put her head back down onto the soft moss.

"Yes! Come on Bearkit!" Willowkit squealed and dashed out of the nursery, a strange, soft, white, flakey... Thing covering the clearing.

Willowkit stuck out yet tongue and lapped at the snow. "What is it?" She squeaked as the cold thing brushed her nose. She closed her eyes and sneezed scattering the tiny bits into her fur.

"Lilacpelt says it's called snow," Bearkit says he had a slight bragging tone to his voice. It was like he was proud to know something Willowkit didn't. With that he bounded over to a mound of snow. "It only comes during leaf-bare though,"

"That's good," the she-kit replied, "it's so cold!" Bearkit scooped up a pawful of snow and flung it at Willowkit, she squeaked as it hit her in the flank.

"No fair! I wasn't ready!" The tabby she mewed and scampered off towards the blank area were the fresh-kill pile was.

The pine trees around her glistened with fallen snow. The small nursery was strained because of the heavy snow that was on it.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Bearkit asked as he walked up beside her.

Willowkit nodded and smiled, she saw the other kits coming out of the nursery their fur was free of spikes and ruffles.

"Let's ambush them!" Willowkit mewed, thinking of revenge for the taunting.

Done! This chapter was hard because I didn't really have anything to write.

Sorry if it's super bad... At least that's how I feel about the second chapter.

please don't forget to vote and critic as always

Random fact of the day: Art requests are open! PM me if u want one :3


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