Strange Angels

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Isolation. The word shrouds the small house. Maybe house is the wrong word; more like a piece of artwork. Taehyung tilts his head to look at he full thing before shrugging. His oversized black sweater shifts over his skinny frame and he pushes blond hair out of his eyes. String music spills out of the slightly ajar dark red double doors. Well it is an art school he thinks to himself as he walks up the stairs. The cab he stepped out of pulls away swiftly and taehyung finds himself alone. He's past the point of being uncomfortable, he's been alone in too many situations to still feel the slight anxiety. Opportunity is too tempting to waste time on being nervous. Without a second thought the blond pushes open the surprisingly heavy doors and is faced with the sound of singing and violins.

A silver haired boy lays sprawled out on the white marble floor with a euphoric grin on his lips. The music comes from a speaker mere inches away from where the boy's head lays. The room is large and shaped like an octagon. He can see what appears to be a kitchen to his left. The walls are all covered with elaborate paintings and busts and small white statues sit on pedestals scattered around the room. A large marble staircase sits directly across from the double doors that he entered in. Taehyung drops his bags at the door and clears his throat.

"Hello, is this Kairos school of art?" He asks and the silver haired boy sits up. He looks surprised that such a deep voice came out of a rather small boy.

"I wouldn't call it a school, it's more of Wouldn't you agree?" He asks the blond smoothly with that grin still in place, revealing crooked teeth. Taehyung nods.

"How many students are studying here?" He asks and the other boy shrugs.

"You make 7 so far, again this isn't really a school so don't call us students. It's too formal. Wouldn't you agree?" He asks the blond with an impish laugh. Taehyung frowns slightly. 7 is hardly a school but he takes it as a compliment, to have been chosen to go to such an elite school is really a huge honor.

"Again I agree," the blond responds absentmindedly as he picks up his bag.

"Let me help you with that," the shorter boy says and picks up another one of taehyung's bags. The blond studies the other boy, finding that he has cross earrings in his ears and dark makeup below his lashes. His appearance gives Taehyung the faint idea of feminism and beauty. Taehyung notices a thick maroon choker that is tied around the boy's neck almost like a collar. Underneath a red spot  peeps out at the top of the black band and taehyung wonders what exactly happened but doesn't dare ask the other boy.

"I believe you will be sharing a room with me, my name is Park Jimin by the way. What's yours?" Jimin asks Taehyung as he leads him up a broad set of marble stairs.

"Taehyung." He answers Jimin and can almost hear the silver haired boy smile.

"Have you a surname Taehyung?" Jimin asks, casting a look at the blond over his shoulder.

"Yes but I can't see any reason why you'd prefer to use it," the blond answers him shortly and Jimin chuckles under his breath.

"You're feisty for someone who is so small," he calls back to taehyung as they reach the second floor. The taller of the two scoffs.

"I'm at least 3 inches taller than you," he points out and Jimin smiles.

"I never said I was big, I merely said you were small," he laughs and starts walking to the left of the hall. The second floor is shaped in a semi-circle around the staircase with 4 doors, leaving one of the 7 to room alone. The doors are all white and the wall is a rose color, mounted with swirling, dark paintings. Jimin stops in front of the second door on the left, the last one on this side. A painting sits on the right of the door and holds a dark figure inside the frame. The landscape is gray and plain with a figure in the middle. Upon first look it seems to be a large bird but as Taehyung approaches it he realizes that it is an angel with large black wings. It is a beautiful painting but the angel wears an expression of pure agony, blood dripping from his head. Taehyung steps closer and traces the angel with the pad of his thumb, entranced by the artwork. Upon farther inspection, the angel has a red design on the side of his neck, similar in location to the red mark on Jimin's neck.

"Isn't it pretty?" Jimin asks him, breaking Taehyung out of his trance. Taehyung casts one more glance at the haunting painting before turning to Jimin.

"It's a little creepy," he admits and Jimin tilts his head, letting his full lips twist into a crooked grin.

"It's artwork Tae," he says softly and turns away from the blond boy to open the door. Jimin grabs a hold of Taehyung's bag again and walks through the open door.

The room is small with a singular large bed in the middle of the room. Large pieces of canvas are standing on easels and others sit on stacks spread around the room. A box of paints sits by the far side of the bed and violins and cellos are spread around on the closer side of the bed.

"We share a bed?" Taehyung asks Jimin who laughs and runs over to the bed, jumping on it with arms and legs spread.

"We hardly do any sleeping so this is more of a  decoration," he tells Taehyung who still stands in the doorway.

"Why don't we sleep?" He asks cautiously as he sets his bags down on the side that he assumes is his. He has never touched an instrument before.

"Too busy silly," Jimin responds flippantly with his eyes gazing at the ceiling. Taehyung looks up as well and sucks in a large breath of air.

The ceiling is coated in dark paints, making stormy clouds with swirling strokes. One section of the sky is free from those clouds and are dotted with stars instead. Undertones of red sit beneath these clouds and again taehyung notices a dark angel, a demon of the night flying in the middle of the ceiling, it's beady eyes fixed on him.

"This is another reason we won't sleep," taehyung says hoarsely, his eyes still lingering on the terrifying painting.

"There's another reason we won't sleep," Jimin says to the blond, but much closer than he sounded before. Taehyung turns swiftly and finds the shorter boy mere inches away. His eyes stare into the silver haired boys eyes and a faint flush dusts his cheeks and nose.

"Why?" Taehyung asks him softly and Jimin smiles then, almost to himself. He reaches up and touches the side of Taehyung's neck, letting his fingers linger on the taller boy's prominent collarbones. His eyes are lowered, almost studying Taehyung's chest. Taehyung feels his breathing hasten and his body burns where Jimin's hand touches his white skin. This feeling is strange to him but he doesn't want to think about it.

"You're so new to me, so innocent. It wouldn't be fair to you if I told you now," Jimin murmurs, letting his hand fall from the blond boy's chest. Jimin smiles again, his eyes bright and alive as he looks back up at Taehyung.

"Let the pieces fall as they may, sleep is a luxury, I'll try to treat you to it as often as I can," Jimin says and his eyes look over Taehyung's shoulder.

"Hello Hobi, I almost didn't notice you standing there," Jimin calls over to the doorway and Taehyung turns swiftly to face the door. A kind looking boy stands dressed in a similar outfit as Jimin. He has an elaborate suit jacket on that shimmers when he moves his hand to wave. A white silk shirt is underneath and a thick black choker is tight on his neck, much like Jimin's. He has shiny brown hair and a wide grin, his eyes crinkling happily in the corners.

"My name is J-hope," he says happily and scampers almost to where Jimin and Taehyung still stand quite close. The new boy slings his arm around Jimin's neck and holds out a hand to the blond.

"It's so nice to meet you," he says warmly and Taehyung feels security flood through him and his lips curl into a real smile. He feels comfortable with J-hope for some reason.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Taehyung says and shakes J-Hope's hand which is soft and warm under his touch.

"When did you get here?" J-hope asks Taehyung lightly.

"About ten minutes ago?" He says, unsure of exactly how long he has been in this house. Jimin nods in confirmation and J-hope grabs hold of Taehyung's hand.

"Come with me, I dare say you haven't met everyone yet," J-hope calls over his shoulder as he pulls Taehyung into the hallway, leaving Jimin standing alone in their room.

"I'll stay here, I have to practice," Jimin tells them and gestures towards a violin that lays sprawled on the ground. Taehyung nods and meets his eyes bravely. Jimin stares back and smiles kindly before turning his back to the blond to pick up the chestnut colored string instrument.

Taehyung closes the door of his room and turns to follow J-hope down the hallway to the left. They pass the staircase and come upon the neighboring room. J-hope knocks and the door swings open under his touch. This room looks different, almost like a dance studio with thick turquoise curtains hanging from the walls. The walls themselves are made of wood and hold intricate designs in the shapes of wings and clouds. That seems to be the theme around here. In the middle of a room is a long swing hanging from the ceiling and on the bottom of the swing sits a boy. His back is bent and he leans backwards, hands gripping the swing, knuckles white. His hair is smoothed off his forehead and he seems almost suspended in air. His eyes are closed tightly and his lips are parted, his face towards the ceiling. This time the ceiling is covered in an elaborate painting of a brightly colored sky. The colors are bright blues and whites with small cherubs peaking out from behind the clouds.

"Jungkook there's someone here for you to meet," J-hope tells the swinging boy who sits up immediately.

"Ohmygoshhi!!" The young boy exclaims excitedly as he runs over to where Taehyung and J-hope stand. Jungkook slams into Taehyung with the force of a freight train. Judging by his behavior and facial structure Taehyung decides that he can't be much more than 18 years old. Jungkook wraps his arms around the blond boy's waist, making J-hope smile fondly at the pair.

"It's so nice to meet you, Jimin hyung said that we'd be getting a new housemate soon!!" He squeals against Taehyung's chest.

"Well here I am how are you?" Taehyung struggles to make conversation with the boy's arms still around his waist.

J-hope clears his throat and Jungkook releases his vise-like grip instantly.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited to have someone new to play with!!"

Taehyung furrows his brows at the expression 'play with'.

"What do you mean?" He questions the younger boy who smiles broadly.

"You're the second youngest here, all the older boys really don't pay much attention to me," Jungkook explains, his smiles making the corners of his eyes crease.

"Not true, Jimin pays attention to you," J-hope says crossly from behind Taehyung.

"Ya I guess, but he always practices so much," Jungkook sighs as he cracks his back. "What do you do?" He asks Taehyung and the older boy assumes he's talking about his art.

"I'm a painter," Taehyung tells Jungkook and he nods in response.

"I figured you would be, your eyes look at things differently," Jungkook says lightly with a heavy stare.

"Huh?" Taehyung asks, blushing.

"For example, you see cherubs," Jungkook points to the painting on the ceiling, "where others see birds."

Taehyung looks back up at the ceiling and realizes that they are birds in the clouds, not tiny angels.

"How did you know that?" Taehyung breaths in amazement. Jungkook laughs softly.

"I see cherubs too," he murmurs and grabs the older boy's hand.

"Come swing with me, there's room enough for the both of us," Jungkook offers giddily and J-hope smiles as Jungkook begins tugging at Taehyung's heads.

"I'm gonna go help Jin with dinner," he tells them, "and Jungkook, please come when you're called this time," he addresses the young boy with a serious expression. Jungkook nods swiftly and pulls again at Taehyung's hand.

They set off towards the large swing with their hands still clasped together. Jungkook settles himself on the swing, in the dead center and begins kicking off the ground.

"Come on Taehyung," he says to the blond with an impish smile.

Taehyung ponders where he is going to sit.

"On my lap, you've never swung with another person?" Jungkook questions with his head tilted.

"I just thought that I could sit next to you," Taehyung admits, feeling a blush creep up on his cheeks. Jungkook laughs and grabs Taehyung's hands and gently pulls him forward. He gestures towards his lap before looking at Taehyung expectantly.

"Don't be nervous, if we are gonna live together for a while, we should get comfortable with one another," Jungkook explains with a soft smile. Taehyung nods and grabs a chain in his right hand before swinging his left leg over Jungkook. He seats himself on the younger boy's lap and Jungkook tugs his legs to the other side of the swing, making sure Taehyung doesn't fall off. Taehyung's face is flushed a bright red due to the close proximity of the other boy. He's never been this close to another boy before and he can't understand why he feels fire deep in his stomach. Jungkook begins swinging, rocking their crotches together, causing Taehyung shift uncomfortably on Junkook's lap, his eyes looking at the ceiling. Taehyung feels Jungkook's hand grip the base of his neck and he is pulled forward so that his eyes are looking into Jungkook's.

"You're so pretty," Jungkook breaths, his eyes roaming Taehyung's face with acute interest. Taehyung raises a brow.

"Pretty?" He asks, trying not to be offended at the feminine compliment.

"Yes, your face is like artwork, like a sculpture. Your cheeks are so high and your lips are so full," Jungkook's gaze is fixed firmly on Taehyung's soft pink lips. "Your eyes are more than brown, they have secrets and sadness in there, it makes me sad," he admits to the blond quietly. Taehyung has never been so thoroughly examined before in his life.

"Thank you," Taehyung murmurs, unsure of exactly what to say.

"No need to thank me," Jungkook says flippantly and begins pushing the swing faster, letting his feet leave the ground for a moment. Taehyung can feel the younger boy shifting beneath him, he can feel wind rushing through his his hair. Their bodies rub together faster and Taehyung sucks in a quick breath when he feels the seam of his pants shift.

Jungkook smiles up at him and starts swinging faster so that air blows through their hair. Blond mixes with shiny brown and their eyes lock. Taehyung has never had such an intimate moment with someone before but for some reason, this feels natural. Even though he just met Jungkook, his trust in him is strong. Taehyung closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the air running through his hair, the sideways motion, the friction that he and Jungkook are creating. Taehyung grips the chains in his hands tightly, moving his body in motion with the swing, eyes still closed tightly. He can feel Jungkook hardening beneath him and he struggles to swallow the lump in his throat. A part of him wonders what exactly he's doing but the more dominant part of him loves this connection with Jungkook. Jungkook rests his head against Taehyung's chest and they swing like that for what seems like hours, just swinging in space, almost suspended in time.

Soon a chiming bell sounds from behind Jungkook's door and he puts down his feet to stop the swing. Taehyung opens his eyes again and he finds Jungkook's eyes watching him intensely.

"I've decided something." Jungkook says once they step off the swing.

"What?" Taehyung asks, staring towards the door.

"Please don't feel embarrassed or think of me differently," the younger boy warns the blond strangely as they begin walking side by side to the door.

"Just tell me," Taehyung says with a laugh, trying to stay calm. Jungkook stops moving before they reach the door. Taehyung in turn stops moving and faces the brunette.

"I want to have sex with you," Jungkook says bluntly and Taehyung staggers backwards as if punched in the gut by some invisible force.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung chokes out and tries not to back up as Jungkook takes a step closer.

"Not yet, I should let Jimin have you first. He gets possessive about things like this," he tells the blond with a lighthearted laugh. Taehyung feels like he might just throw up but he pushes the feeling away, determined that the younger boy is insane.

"I'm not insane," Jungkook says crossly as though he read Taehyung's mind. "I'm normal here. We all share everything, please don't be afraid," Jungkook soothes Taehyung gently.

"Everything?" Taehyung questions, almost afraid to hear the response.

"Yes, you're the only one here I haven't played with yet but I'm sure things will change in the future," Jungkook chuckles and brushes past Taehyung to open the door and head off to dinner.

Feeling some kinky bts ;)

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