Chapter 7: So Much For Secrets...

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(This chapter mainly focuses on Luke Rhodes/Jamison as he runs his bar one night, days away from the Extreme Rules Pay Per View.)

The setting is the Jamison Grill. It was Tuesday. NXT was on. The Raw superstars had a day off, but Luke Jamison was tending to his bar. He'd been serving a rather full house with some of the staff he'd hired, and He'd just made "Last Call" for all non-WWE Employees. He usually closed it to the public and had Omos serve as a Bouncer for about an hour so that any non-WWE employee who wanted to try entering would be convinced (AHEM, Intimidated) to change their mind. Luke saw out of the corner of his eye, a man kick his doors open. The signature boots, the chaps, and the cowboy hat gave away his identity. Well, that and his "Cowboy Sh*t" T-shirt...

"Well, if it ain't the Hangman." Luke said with a grin as he slid a drink to a cameraman who had just ordered a beverage. He and Page were ol' pals from their Ring of Honor days.

Luke slid a few more beverages to some thirsty Sound technicians before filling a glass for Page. "So, Cowboy... What do I owe the pleasure?" Luke asks, still wearing his sunglasses indoors, Wiping the counter thoroughly... probably using a tad too much water, but Page didn't notice. He kept his gaze fixed on Rhodes. "You remember Mania, Right?"

Luke nods. "Hell of a match for the WWE Title you put on." He said, Quickly taking a shot of Skyy Vodka before resuming his cleaning. "Yeah, well... It's been rough trying to get plans for a singles run... so I'm wondering..." Page took a long drink. "...If the B.C.B. could come back for another run?" Luke stopped and looked down. "You want me to step outta my part time status and join you in a quest for tag team glory?" He said with a Snicker. Page shrugs. "You need it simplified anymore? Or you growin' too Soft?" Luke slammed his hands on the bar, causing a loud clattering of glass and other silverware to be heard throughout the bar. Luke peered into Hangman's cold, unmoving gaze over the lenses of his sunglasses. It almost seemed as of a fight was gonna start, but Luke grinned and extended a hand. "You Son of a Bitch... I'm in."

"¿Qué tenemos aquí? un par de burros?" (Translation: "What do we have here? A couple of Jackasses?") A Female voice said in Spanish. Luke rolls his eyes and fires back, "Bésame el culo, Raquel. ¿Qué puedo conseguirte?" (Translation: "Kiss my Ass, Raquel. What can I getcha?") "Tequila Sunrise." She says, taking a seat. She sees the "B.C.B." Dogtag Hangman had brought. "What's that for?" Luke mixes her beverage, And takes the time to fill her in. "The Brew City Brawlers. Basically? Just Two country boys who became Drinkin' buddies and Bar fightin' partners." Raquel laughs. "Sounds fun... ¿Tienes espacio para otro?"

Hangman, Who had chugged 2 beers in the meantime, Stumbled over his next words. "LUKE! Mexícan Mamí Lady is Spanishing again-" Raquel and Luke both laugh at this. Luke nods to Raquel. "Of course. Only, we do have a método de iniciación..." He grins. He fills up a trio Shotglasses with Straight Vodka. "We all toast to a new member, and you're officially a member of the B.C.B." He raised a shotglass. Raquel laughs, Picking it up. "Easiest test I've ever been given." Page managed to grip the glass, and the three toasted and downed the hard Liquor.

Rico, Liv, And Aliyah entered the bar and sat near the BCB. "Bro! How ya doin?" Luke wiped a drop of Vodka off his lower lip and turns to the three new patrons.

"So, what can I-?" Luke was Interrupted by someone kicking the front door open. T'was none other than the Virtuosa, Deonna Purrazzo. She gained a short running start before jumping up onto the bar, But due to the wet surface, she slid further than expected... so instead of stopping near Luke, she slid about 6 feet too far. Her face turned bright red as Luke grins. "How do I always know someone's gonna try that?" He shakes his head and moves down a few feet to address the female customer who has her ass planted on his Bartop. "Miss Virtuosa. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks, casual as always. She rolls her eyes and pulls the sunglasses off his head and tossing them to the side. "Don't play games, Jamison."

This got the attention of Raquel, Aliyah, and Liv. "¿Qué secreto tiene la chica bajita?" Raquel asked, to which Luke, for the first time lost his calm & casual demeanor. "It's nothing, Tori!"

(Tori = Victoria, As in Victoria González, Raquel's real name.)

She laughs and asks, "¿Estas seguro de eso?" ("Are you sure about that?") as Deonna slides one of her legs up onto the bar, and Luke shoots Rico a look. Rico just grinned. "Hey, Not my fault no one else knows because you're Introverted as hell!"

"No one else knows what? Why're you acting like we should All Know whatever this is?" Drew McIntyre, who was in the bar with fellow WWE Superstars from the UK, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, and Pete Dunne.

Theory, who had been in the bar, ran over and tried to touch a little bit of Deonna's derriere, but Luke's Icy gaze stopped him. Jamison had an idea. He loudly stated, "What did you say about Jinny, Austin? You said she reminds you of a Pig who hasn't been washed in years?" Theory looked Puzzled. He turned to walk away... But was met by a rather Irate WALTER. "Du wagst es, meine Frau zu beleidigen?!" WALTER said angrily, tearing Theory's Shirt off and laying a trio of brutally stiff Chops across the chest of Theory!

Luke grins, and Deonna turned to see the sight. She laughed rather hard, leaning against Luke in order to prop herself up. "You're such a menace." She says almost dreamily. "I have loyal customers." He shrugged, as WALTER lifted Theory and Powerbombed him out a glass window! WALTER Walks up to Luke and Deonna, setting a roll of $100 Bills on the table. "Damit wird das Fenster gezahlt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Beziehung." WALTER said before going back to his table with his wife. Deonna looked at the roll, confused. "The hell'd he say?" Luke understood, and explained that the money was for the window... and he congradulated him for *something*...

"WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN PLEASE?!" Drew yelled again, evoking some laughter from Morgan and Aliyah. In response, Hangman rose and yelled, "I'M KRUNK OFF MY ASS RIGHT NOW!" Raquel also stood and yelled, "¡CÁLLATE EL AGUJERO DEL CULO DE VAQUERO! ¡NADIE TE HA PREGUNTADO!" (She basically called Page an Asshole and said No One Asked him) Luke took a moment to excuse himself (Meaning getting Purrazzo to sit back on the bar top), and walked over to the two drunk B.C.B Members. "Page, sit back down. Raquel, tranquilo, mami grande!" Raquel slumps back down in her chair and says, "Este vaquero es molesto, pero ustedes son increíbles." (The Cowboy is Annoying, but you guys are awesome.) Luke grins. "Thanks, Raquel."

Deonna chuckled as Luke walked back over. Rico looked back and forth between the two. "WAIT, ARE YOU TWO-" Liv and Aliyah both burst out laughing. "Like, Bro, we could see it from, like, a MILE away!" Aliyah shrugs. "They're cute together."

Deonna hopped down, paced over to Luke, and said "Gravity Check!" before jumping up. Luke casually caught her using his right arm around her Waist.

"I thought we were gonna keep the whole thing under some kinda secrecy..." Luke chuckled. Deonna dropped down to the floor. She poured a rum & coke, swirled it around, then sighed. "Yeah, we were. Past tense. You were the GM, we couldn't have people thinking there would be favoritism... Although, only One Pay-Per-View match on the main roster, and mostly, just relegated to NXT? Come on, man." She smiles, jokingly, in reference to Luke being the GM and barely booking her, out of fear people would badger and belittle Deonna for dating the General Manager. She was rather understanding about the whole situation and enjoyed a few months as a Dominant NXT Women's Champion before dropping the belt to an old rival in ROH, Roxanne Perez.

"So, cheers fpr Country boy and Jersey Girl?" McIntyre proposes a toast. Deonna rolls her eyes and jumps back up on the bar. "I promise, I'll give you more time once the place clears out." Luke promises with a smile, picking up his sunglasses off the counter. She smiles and nods.


[Disclaimer: The following is about to get a *little* steamy between these two...]

About two hours later, the place had cleared out. Rico, Aliyah, and Liv were the last to leave. Deonna was helping Luke clean up. Luke went to close the blinds over the windows, leaving Deonna to wipe down the spot Rico and his friends had been sitting in. Luke began a conversation as he walked to the window. "So, be honest, Deo... Did you really wanna just drop the secrecy oooor did you just wanna tell everyone that so you could be brought along into the B.C.B.?" He asked, slightly smirking. Deonna sighed. "I thought, since I'm getting called up soon, No more secrets. Luke, you can't be a vault of privacy forever!" She rolls her eyes... And noticed Luke wasn't looking, which gave her an idea.

"I've told you, Rico wears enough of his heart on his sleeve for both of us. I'd rather not get the entirity of Twitter on my ass for my personal life. I'm telling you, I sorta just think I'd be better to keep qui-" He turns around, only to see Deonna had removed her tank top. Luke stood still for a few moments. "What?" She asks with a devious grin. "W-Why're you-" He stammered as Deonna stepped out of the shorts she was wearing. Luke gulped. "What, no one else's around, and you like, NEVER turn on the AC. MUCH more comfortable this way..." She stretches and does one-eighty, which just so happened to give Luke a nice view of her backside. Amazingly, Luke shook his head for a moment. "Stay Strong, Jamison-" He told himself. "You're no Simp like your brother-" Luke went about cleaning the tables, with Deonna following him around and making small talk. The longer Luke tried to stay "Professional", the more Purrazzo persisted. She sat on the bar, and he paused in front of her. She had been sitting in her underwear for a while now. "Wow, you're..." He began. "Beautiful?" She tries filling in his sentance. Luke smirks. "I mean, I already knew that, but I was gonna say 'Persistant'." She tilts her head. "I guess you're not wrong, I mean-" Deonna didn't want to continue talking, as evidenced in her next movement, which was leaning forward and causing her liips to come into contact with his. Rather than resist or freeze in confusion, Luke returned the gentle pressure. If anything, he was much more of a romantic than his younger brother was. He slid his hands underneath her backside and lifted her off the bar, holding her up, then pinning her against the wall as she slid one of the straps of her bra down her upper arm. "Oh, you dog-" She chuckled. "You wanted me to stop holding everything in? That's your request? Fine. I'll let my walls down, but only for You, Mi Arcanum Amor..." She laughed again. "How many languages do you know?" She muttered. "Fluently Speaking, Three. Understanding Fluently, Twelve." He shrugged as if this were no big deal. Deonna rolled her eyes. "Enough bragging, Luke." She leans her forehead against his. "I think you know why I came here..." They both leaned in again, but the door burst open. The 6'8" Aussie, Rowan, had come late by accident. He facepalmed. "Why the bloody FUCK do I always walk in on this shit?!" The Aussie laughed.

Luke set her down to address the big man. This made Deonna looked less than pleased. She bit her lower lip and grumbled something under her breath. Luke took a short time explaining how they moved Closing time. "Why would you-" Rowan began asking... but he then connected the dots. "Oh... You're... You two?! Hell yeah, Luke! You lucky bastard!" Rowan had always been quite the Ladies' man, so he had to respect the fact that Luke somehow managed to land the Virtuosa. Luke rolled his eyes. "We were Kiiinda in the middle of something..." Luke eyes Deonna. Rowan's eyes widened. "O-Oh! So Sorry, mate! I'll leave the two 'a ya to it! Take it easy!" He told them both, but Deonna chirped, "Taking it Easy isn't as fun as going hard, though." With a serious expression. Rowan burst out laughing. "You know what I mean, Deo. I'll catch ya both later!" The aussie left in a hurry. Luke breathed a sigh of relief.

Deonna had taken a moment to notice something behind a "Staff only" door... surprisingly, instead of a break room, it was a bedroom. She called out to him, asking, "Hey, what's this for?". Luke walked over and smirked. "This' the room I use whenever I gotta have the business running and I drank during the night. So, I guess It's kinda like my bedroom here at the gri-" He heard the door shut behind him, and the light turned off as the *Click!* of a lock. He felt a piece of fabric hit him in the face. When he caught it, he immediately recognized what it was. "Is this your-?" He gulped, feeling like he knew what was coming... "Take a guess, smart one." She said in a hushed tone... but nonetheless, he decided to Play along. He slid his "BCB" tank top off. "Good Boy~" she says in the same hushed tone. Luke feels her hand tracing the rose tattoo on his pectoral as she pressed against him. "You got any plans for tomorrow morning?" She asks in her hushed tone that began sounding awful suggestive. Luke pauses to think for a moment. "I mean, we're usually not opened in the mornings..." He said as he hoisted her up again. She smiled in the darkness and whispered, "Perfect~"


The next morning, Rico knocked on the "Staff Only" Door. He had keys to the place, naturally, as He was Luke's Brother. Luke was awake, shirtless on the bed with Deonna under the covers, asleep with her Head on his chest. He picked up his phone and shot Rico a text; "Deo's asleep. What do you need?"

Rico shot a text back, "So what happened to Dating in Private?" Along with a Laughing Emoji. Luke sighed. He responded, "Deo said Screw it. And hey, people dont criticize you & Gionna, so what's the worst thing that could happen?"

Luke felt some slight movement on his pectoral. Deonna moved her head slightly, adjusting her body as she felt his movement. "Up so early?" She asks. "I'm always an Early Riser. More time to get a workout in." He sits up, gently lifting her off his chest. "Do you EVER just relax?" Deonna sighs, yet smirking as Luke stood and pulled some shorts over his waist area. "Aww, I was enjoying the view!" She posted Jokingly. "You have nice thighs." She added on.

Luke rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Ignore the nasty ass scar on my left knee." He was referring to the surgical scar from his 4 knee surgeries to repair the injury that should have been career ending... but Luke Jamison refused to accept that ending to his career. Deonna sits up and pulls Luke's "B.C.B." Tank top over her shoulders. She looks in the mirror and notices the Decal on the back of the tank top. "Oooh. Scorpion design? What's this for?" She asks. Luke smirks as he changed behind the closet door. "My old Ring of Honor and TNA nickname. 'The Silver Scorpion'. Never knew why, but it stuck." She smiles and walks over to him, seeing him in jeans and his cowboy hat without a shirt on. "You're really going out like that?" She asks. Luke nods and gives her a quick peck on the forehead. "Rico's impatient as ever. I gotta get the Grill up and running. If you wanna help, I could use some extra help behind the bar." He says, putting his Sunglasses on, as he usually does. Deonna shrugs, then goes back to the bed. "I'll sleep on it for a while. You'll know my decision when I wake up, alright?" She yawns as she lays back down. Luke grins and closes the door behind him.

Rico grins as he greets his brother. "Have a fun night?" Luke rolls his eyes and Flips his bro the bird. "You're just like a Pistachio, Luke. Once ya Crack the shell, the good shit's insi-" Luke sighs as Rico made the terrible analogy. "Shut up." He snaps. He wasn't too keen on letting his Private life into the media. TMZ would have a field day with it. "Who knows, man. Maybe you won't have to say anything and people will know!" Rico suggests as he takes chairs off the tables and sets them on the floor. His phone then goes off. He checks the notification. Liv had posted a photo of Deonna sitting on the bartop with Luke in front of her, with the two making eye contact. She simply had written the caption "I ship it!" With the hashtag #Leonna. Rico snickered. Luke then checked his phone, seeing Liv's post. He stared for a moment, then calmly took off his shades. Rico kept laughing as he made eye contact. "Because I can't hit a woman... I'm going to kill you." Luke says with a sneer. Rico pats Luke on the shoulder as he smiled, but Luke grabbed his arm and twisted it back into a hammerlock. Rico adjusted and spun himself around, then swiped down with his other hand and broke the grip on his wrist. Luke shook his head as Deonna exited the room in a pair of lightly worn Skinny jeans and Luke's BCB tank top and a "Jamison Grill" Cowboy hat. She was sporting a smile as she walked over to the brothers. "Ya said you needed help? I'm down. Also, it's like, You're hot, but you need a bit more energy to this place..." She said. Rico smirked at his bro. "So much for Secrets..." Rico nudges Luke. "It's not the end of the world, Luke. You deserve to be happy too." She says after walking over and placing a hand on his arm. He lets out an exasperated sigh. "I guess so. By the way, my son Tyler wants to meet you. He's been watching all your R.O.H. highlights ever since I told him about you." She softly smiled and glanced at Rico, who gave a thumbs up. "Wait, the kid from your match at the rumble? He's actually your kid?!" She thought it was just an idea from creative to spin it into a story. "Yeah. He's big into Wrestling as it is. So you down to meet em?" Without hesitation, she responds, "Hell yes! I'd love to!"

Rico smiles and pushed a button on his suspiciously raised phone. "Aaaand Sent to Gionna." Luke and Deonna snapped around. "...Were you filming that?" She says with an Icy tone. "So what if I did?" Rico nervously backs towards the door. "Delete that." Luke says with his voice lowering half an octave. Rico glanced left, then right, then Bolted out the door, hopping in his Mercedes, and sped away.

"So... About heading to the gym...?" Deonna asks, grinning after the whole thing played out. Luke shakes his head at Rico's antics. "Sounds like a good plan. I mean, now that you're keen on No more secrets, I guess it wouldn't hurt to go together." He slings a duffle bag over his shoulder. Deonna noticed he still wasn't wearing any shirt. "Aren't you... uh... gonna cover that up?" She asked with a gulp. "Nah. I'm gonna be workin' out anyways." He took his hat off as he walked to his Dodge Charger (yes, he owns a charger) and tossed the bag in the backseat. "You comin?" He asks. "I already did last night." She responds with a devious chuckle at the end. Luke lowers his head and grins. "...To the gym?" He knew he shouldn't have worded that so poorly. She hurries over to the car and hops in. "Yup." Luke says to himself. "Today's gonna be interesting to say the least..."

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