Prologue: Trouble in New York

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This will be a Prologue to the closing chapter of Part 1.

Rico & Liv woke in the hotel room in Brooklyn. Today was Summerslam. Both defended their belts today. Liv checked her phone, which had multiple messages from Jake Cross, the man she'd left to be with Rico. "That guy still think you 'n me are just kayfabe together?" Rico asked, still in the process of getting his lazy ass out of bed. Liv chuckled. "Obviously. I don't got the heart to tell em, though..." her voice trailed off. "I do." Rico answered, making a small laugh escape Liv's mouth. "Yeah, then you two would hate each other forever." She said with an eye roll. Rico sat up, and Liv smiled, meeting his gaze. As she inched her face closer to his, they heard a knock on the door.

"Damn it. EVERY time!" Rico groaned. Liv had bent a few rules by sleeping in Rico's room before, but by now, they just booked one less room and allowed it. Rico looked through the peephole, grabbing a metal rod from the closet. Liv knew why he was so Careful: The Shadow Stalker. This had gone beyond a storyline. He'd been cryptically leaving photos of Rico & Liv, Especially disturbing ones of Rico that were Partially charred from a small flame. "God Dammit." Rhodes groaned. He opened the door, seeing Breezango there. "The fuck do you clowns want?" Breeze pulled his phone out, Snapping a photo. "HA! Got it! Dirt sheet glory, here we-" Rico snatched his phone. "Gimme one reason not to throw this out my window." Fandango interjected, "The window doesn't open. "Why should I not dunk this in the toilet, then?" Breeze nervously chuckled. "S-Sorry, Man. I'm just tryna-" Rico noticed an unknown number send a text. He opened it. It said "Yes. Today, his Career ends." Rico hit the call button. The phone rang as Breeze nervously tried saying it was nobody. The voice on the other end was heavily distorted. "Aha, Mister Rhodes, I assume. These idiots got their phone swiped? Doesn't surprise me..." Rico sternly answered, "You attacked Tommy. You attacked Trevor. You even tried kidnapping Gionna. What is it you want, Motherfucker?"

The phone was silent. Then the voice answered, "Your title, and the end of your career." And it hung up. Breeze sighed. "The phone?" Rico shrugged and chucked it against the wall, making a hole in said wall and shattering the phone. Breezango booked it out of there as fast as they could, fearing the Wrath of Rico.

Rhodes closed the door, locking it. Liv looked worried. "Something tells me a bit more than a fashion police check-up?" Rico told her about the burner phone. "He's really after you, isn't he?" She was worried about him, but she had her own match with Sasha to worry about. She had an idea of how to cheer him up, however...

Liv disappeared into the bathroom, re-emerging a few minutes later. "I'm back! Whatcha think?"

Rico grinned. Usually, she showed him the attire she planned on using that night. "Lovely, as always." He replied, sitting back down. She made her way over, and as they were about to start again, Another knock came. "MOTHERFU-" Rico is getting pissed for all the interruptions.

"Aye, Rico? You in there? It's Ethan." Rico just then remembered he was planning to train with NXT Megastar Ethan Bourne before the big show. Liv Laughed and spoke for him. "He'll be out in a few! Just let em wake up first!" Ethan responded by saying "Thanks, Gio!". She rolled her eyes when Rico let out an exasperated sigh. "You can't solve your Stalker problems by hiding in the room and begging me for cuddle time, As much as I enjoy it. Go. You have a big match tonight too."

Eventually Rhodes got his lazy ass out the door, and met up with Upstart star Ethan Bourne in the lobby. "So, How'd ya sleep?" Ethan asked. He was eager, yet nervous. This was his first main roster Pay Per View. Ethan was a 2x North American Champion and a Cruiserweight Champion who reigned for 403 days in a row, so he was no stranger to big matches. He was almost Undisputedly the most popular guy on the Black & Gold brand today! Rico yawned. "Look, Kid. I haven't slept well since Money In the Bank, Ok?" Ethan chuckled. "Hittin' the wall? I bet it's hard being champ since Mania. What's it like to Main event Wrestlemania?" Bourne had many questions. As Rico began waking up more, he began gradually giving more and more advice and answers. "No, you wanna use the Spanish Fly and then transition into the Armbar, so that they have no time to regain their wind. It's a damn good move, man, and I know you got the skills to pull it off!" Rico eventually went full mentor mode, then they arrived at the gym, where they were about to put on a match for the gym members.

They wrestled to a draw after 20 minutes, Both men getting lots of impressive moves in, even reversing each other's Finishers masterfully. Rico and Ethan, both sweaty and tired, shook hands and Rico raised Bourne's arm. The kid had Talent. Mayne even World championship level talent...
Quick thanks to instantclassic for Ethan Bourne really quick! You'll see a lot more of Bourne, trust me.

Upon driving to the arena in Brooklyn, Rico Felt uneasy. Yes, the Stalker would be here. He looked for Liv, But he got a sick feeling in his stomach seeing Jake Cross talking to her. Liv didn't seem too happy, however. "What?! Come on, Drop the act, Gionna! I thought-" She cut him off. "No. I just need time to think, Jake. I've been busy as Champion, I can't have men hounding me! You just won't stop and if you even cared at all, you'd back off and let me be the face of the Smackdown Women's Division!" She stormed off as Rico approached Cross. In homage to Ron Simmons, Rico stood in silence, and then, with some real authority,  said, "Damn!" And walked away. Cross slammed the door to his locker room.

Rico found Liv in her dressing room, Applying her makeup with Some help from a few friends, Namely Sonya Deville and Aliyah. "You gotta MINUTE, Gigi?" Rico asked. Sonya shooed him away, But Liv told her it was alright. "He's worried." She shrugged. Aliyah Said her hello to Rico, as they were decent friends as well. "So what's this about potentially having a No Holds Barred Shoot Fight?" Liv demanded to know. Rico knew he'd done it. He'd asked for a straight shoot. "If you lose, It could be consequential. Career wise, Backstage wise, and Image wise." Sonya added. "Let em do it. More real it seems, the better the viewing experience. Besides, it's not any of us getting beat to a bloody pulp." Aliyah pitches in. Liv eventually dismissed Aliyah and Sonya to talk with Rico alone. "You handle your business, I'll handle mine." She said, hugging him, then whispering, "Be careful. I dunno what I'd do if you got seriously hurt-" She stopped herself, not wanting to even think about it. Rico laughed. "Relax, Gio. I'll be fine. I've taken beatings before, it's nothing I can't handle." He assured her. For once, They had a moment of alone time without some jackass knocking on the door!


The currently un-masked man sat in the dark room, in front of him were 6 computer monitors. He was watching the camera hidden in Liv's dressing room, hearing what they were saying via a hidden microphone. "Oh, you're not ready, Ricardo. I'll finally put this Nobody in his place, Unlike those Failures, Cross and Rollins." He switched off the monitors, Putting the infamous mask on before leaving the secluded room.

I hope this sets up the summerslam Feud and the Whole After summerslam chapters nicely! :-)

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