Chapter - 9

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As I sit here talking to Simone about my upcoming book, my thoughts wander off to the man who was busy ravishing me the entire night as he promised.

I still cannot believe that he asked me to be his girlfriend. Like imagine! DONNY FREAKIN' LEWIS asked me to be his girlfriend. Damn... Luck is finally in my favour.

I had no idea that my vacation would turn into baecation. Not even in my wildest dreams did I expect to meet someone like Donny here, not that I was looking for someone either. It just happened, spontaneously. I just wanted a break from the mess my life had become and what a good break this turned out to be.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot? How's it going, huh?" Simone smirks at me, knowingly.

"No, wait. Don't tell me. You're having that after-mind-blowing-sex-glow. He's giving it to you goooood......" Her perfectly shaped eyebrows wiggle at me, making me blush.

"We are so not discussing my sex life..." pointing a finger at her warningly, I narrow my eyes at her along with it for full effect, but her annoying ass just rolls her eyes at me.

"So where did you guys go on your "date"? Enthusiasm is filled to the brim in her voice.

A small smile creeps to my face at the thoughts of our perfect date.

"God, Simone, it was freaking amazing. I mean the best! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" I sigh dreamily at the memories as I begin blabbing about the best date of my life to my best friend. She gives her input in between in the forms of squeals and numerous 'oh my Gods' accompanied with her complaining about her boyfriend being an asshole and not giving her enough time.

She grumbles about it, making me feel a little bad for her. Something is wrong with their relationship as Dominick, her boyfriend has become aloof, too focussed on his work and least bothered about their relationship. He used to really dote on Simone and worshipped the ground she walked on. I don't know what changed in the last few months. Simone has tried talking to him to know what's wrong or if she did something but he just ignores her.

He has no idea what he's missing out on. I mean it's not wrong to stay focussed on your work, but private life matters too, as much as work life, you just have to create a perfect balance between them in order for both the things to go smoothly. You cannot just prioritize one thing over the other.

Seeing how my best friend is hurting, I make up my mind and finally say what I've been meaning to say to her for a long time but didn't want to because of the longing I've seen in her eyes for her boyfriend to love her back. I've tried a few times to talk to her about it but she always refuses to listen. But now t's time for her to stop expecting anything.

"Look, Sim, I'm just saying this for your own good. If you're not happy, just break it off. You shouldn't have to be the only one to put effort into your relationship. It goes both ways. I don't know what's going on between the two of you and I don't want to pry if you don't want to share but what I know is you really deserve so much better than the shitty way he is treating you. It's just so toxic. Please don't do this to yourself anymore. I want to see you happy too. Please think about it. Okay?"

She gives a solemn nod and sniffs, indicating that she's crying.

Simone Zane crying? That's once in a blue moon kind of thing because Simone doesn't cry. Like very rarely. She is emotionally too strong. I remember that she didn't even cry when she broke her leg once. She didn't even whimper. Not even when she was kicked out of her parents' home for being rebellious and coming out as bisexual. Her parents are hard-core Christians and her bisexuality is the biggest sin in their eyes. So they cut off all ties with her.

Yeah we were both dropped like hot potatoes by our parents. We are like two peas in a pod, the reason why we clicked instantly when we first met. She is my platonic soulmate and I love her even if she's a bitch sometimes when she is in her editor mode.

One of the two times I've seen her crying was when she lost her Callie, her German Shepherd. She never got another pet after that as she didn't want to go through that loss again.

The second time was when she saw me in such misery during my darkest days. She would literally do anything to comfort me, just to make sure I don't inflict any harm on myself. She practically glued herself to my side just to make sure that I survive the hell-hole that I was pushed into unexpectedly.

She is one hell of a strong woman. And seeing her crying right now, was breaking my heart.

"Simmie..." I call out to her softly and she just dips her head back and fans her face with her hands, trying to stop her tears, enchanting 'I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay' over and over again.

She takes a deep breath and looks at me after she composes herself.

"I didn't mean the waterworks to just roll out. I'm getting all sappy over a guy, Sky! A guy! Dammit!" She exclaimed in utter disbelief, her voice hoarse from bottling up her emotions.

"It's alright. It's human nature. Look, you have tried talking to him so many times already and then you guys always end up in a nasty fight. I think it's time for you to stop putting your heart out on the platter for him when he doesn't even give a flying fuck about it. You are dating a guy, not a freaking onion, for God's sake, who keeps on making you cry."

She just nods and continues, "I'll think about it. Now, enough with this sappiness. Let's talk about how you came over your writer's block. These many chapters in only a few days is a big deal, Sky! Now I can finally make those asshole higher-ups shut up by throwing the edited work on their ugly mugs and yelling at them to get off our backs." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

I chuckle at her excitement and brazenness. I might've sent her the first 10 chapters of my new book and it feels good to finally have something to work on again. My mind doesn't feel blocked anymore. And, surprisingly, after such a long time, I'm enjoying writing again. It doesn't feel like a burden anymore. It feels so damn good to be back in the game. It feels liberating.

"So, 10 whole chapters huh? I wasn't expecting this much this fast. I mean you've been there only for what? 11 days or so, Right? You've Only been there for a little more than a week and you're doing great already! Good job girl! See, I told you a break would be beneficial for you." She beams at me, making me laugh along with her.

"I mean, I was feeling inspired and good about writing, so I just went with the flow and the words kept pouring out of me. It felt fucking amazing, Simmie!"

"To finally sit in front of my laptop, hearing the sound of the keys clicking underneath my fingertips as they dance mechanically across the keyboard creating a symphony that was resonating with the exhilaration I was feeling at finally being able to write again, was just music to my ears..." I try to explain it to her because I know she will understand me. She always does.

I eye her notorious smirk warily, as I meet her gaze and I know for sure that she's going to say something that's going to make me choke on my own spit. "What, he fucked the writer's block out of you or something?"

Of-fucking-course, I fucking knew it!

"Sim..." Rolling my eyes at her, I give her my most intimidating glare.

"What? I'm curious okay... I mean he did a pretty good job..." She winks at me shamelessly before continuing, "This book so far is amazing... In fact this may be your best book till now. Better than your previous one. I mean you're a great writer, but this book takes you on a whole another level of greatness." She shrugs nonchalantly, as if she didn't just insult my writing skills, although it was indirect. It doesn't piss me off though. She's the only one who can get away with it.

I roll my eyes at her, again, "For every author or artist, their recent work is always going to be better than their previous one, Sim. The book after this will be better than this, I promise. You know I strive to deliver the best." I say smugly, patting myself on the back, feeling proud of myself.

"Are you implying that we're going to get another book from you after this soon enough?" she asks, surprised, raising her perfectly trimmed eyebrows im question.

I shrug not giving a sure answer, but the possibilities of various plots and ideas have already started swirling in my head. "Hmm, maybe..."

"Wow! He really did fuck the writer's block right out of you." She says, now in complete astonishment.

"He's got the good D, huh... What do the kids these days call it? Ah yes, BDE! Big Dick Energy..." She starts laughing like a hyena at her own words, making me scowl at her. But she ain't wrong though. He does have BDE. In fact, he is the epitome of it.

Well... When I think about it... I find myself agreeing with her.

He fucked the writer's block right out of me...

She continues to make fun of my sexcapades with Donny, making my cheeks flare in embarrassment and mortification. I hide my face in absolute horror at her innuendos, groaning out loud in frustration.

"Will you shut up? Don't you have anything better to do rather than discussing my indulgence in fornication, you bat-shit crazy woman?" I glower at her, making her laugh even more. She was practically wheezing right now.

As I try to keep her from going absolutely crazy I hear a deep chuckle from behind me, and that is how, ladies and gentlemen, I know he's been listening to everything this bitch has said in the span of the last few minutes. Fuck my life! I wish the ground would open up and swallow me right now.

I feel him walk up behind my chair, and I can literally feel the heat radiating off of him, as he walks towards me slowly but surely. He comes to a stop just behind my chair and leans down, resting his arms on each armrests, kissing my temple. "Hi babe."

I look up at Donny, who by the way is looking breathtakingly amazing and quite delectable dressed up in a white formal shirt with rolled up sleeves with light beige tailored pants.

(A/n: Aaahhh!!! Can you blame me? CAN YOU!!?? I can't stop simping over this man... 😭😭)

"Hi." I squeak, meekly feeling embarrassed out of my wits.

"Hey Simone." He greets my stupid best friend with laughter evident in his voice.

"Hey Donny! I heard you have THE BDE." She winks at him, causing him to throw his head back in a hearty laugh. And me? I just stare at my no-filter best friend, with my mouth agape with incredulity.

And the utter humiliation doesn't end there as she keeps going on and on.

"You're doing a great job, dude! Oh, can you keep drilling ideas into her? The more she writes the better it will be for us. It will help us save our asses from getting fired." She grins at him maniacally.

Donny chokes on his laugh at her words.

Okay. I've had enough of her shit.

"You better be ready when I come back, Simone Zane. I'll sew your fucking mouth shut." I warn her in a deadly voice.

Donny just chuckles lightly at our interaction, clearly enjoying himself at my misery.

"Neith'r I knoweth who is't thou art n'r I knoweth who is't I am! 'Kay bye." Speaking absolute gibberish in Shakespearean language, she is obsessed with when she wants to avoid conversation, she disconnects the call. This crazy bitch-

Sighing loudly, I turn towards Donny ready to face my doom. He purses his lips trying to hide his amusement.

"Not. Another. Word." I warn him.

"But I didn't even say anything..." He mutters as his shoulders start to shake with barely restrained laughter.

I groan and slap his chest before putting my forehead on it.

"Stop it... " I whine at him, making him finally lose it. His hands circle around my waist as he continues to laugh at my expense causing me to bury my face deeper into his chest in absolute humiliation.

"That was quite a conversation..." He chuckles.

"She is crazy. Ignore her." I mumble against his chest.

"Yeah but funny too. I like her spirit."

"I will make her regret this. I swear. " I grunt.

"Aww, it's okay, babe. Don't be embarrassed. It's just me." He kisses the top of my head.

"Aren't you bothered that my best friend was talking about your dill pickle as if she's done a PhD on it."

"What did you just call my dick?" He asks with an incredulous laugh.

"Dill pickle." I reply cheekily.

"God!" He starts laughing again. "You're something else." I start laughing with him.

"So, why are you all dressed up?" I finally ask.

"I have an impromptu meeting with my manager, here. He is waiting for me at the hotel restaurant. Wanna join me?"

"Nah. I'll just stay here and finish some writing." I smile at him.

He nods his head. "Okay. Do you need some ideas before I go?" He asks genuinely, but that sparkling look in his eyes doesn't miss me.

I cross my arms under my chest and give him a straight face.

"Come on... I can give you some more ideas by 'drilling' into you." His eyes twinkle with mischievousness, clearly enjoying my predicament from before.

"Ugh!!! Not again! You shouldn't have listened to us." I groan.

"You can't blame me when your talks sounded tempting to me. Besides, I love drilling you. You getting ideas from the high is just a bonus..." And then he finally lets go and starts laughing without any inhibitions, which is quite contagious as it makes my lips twitch too. This idiot.

Stop! You're supposed to stay mad at him for teasing you.

But I can't help it and start chuckling along with him finding the hilarity in the whole situation with Simone fucking Zane.

He glances at his watch before stepping away from me. "I have to go. I'm getting late. Dinner date later?" He asks.

"Okay." Standing up on my tippy toes I give him a thorough kiss. He grabs my ass in his hands and squeezes them not so gently.

"God, you're intoxicating." He whispers rubbing his nose with mine.

"Go before your manager gets furious." Giggling, I push on his chest playfully to get him moving.

While Donny is out for his meeting, I busy myself with writing.

I become so engrossed in it that I don't even notice when I feel a pair of lips on top of my head.

Startled, I turn around to find Donny looking at me adoringly.

"You were so into your writing that you didn't even hear me call out your name." He whispers, trailing soft kisses on the nape of my neck.

"Damn. How long has it been?" I ask, adjusting my glasses on my nose.

"Almost 2 hours. You know how sexy you look in those glasses? It is giving me certain ideas..."

I giggle at his antics as I snake a hand around his neck, into his hair, to push him down towards me, as I am still sitting.

I lean my head back and pull his lips onto mine in a soft kiss.

(A/n: Imagine them kissing like this. Upside down with Sky's head resting on the chair while Donny is leaning over her.)

The kiss soon turns into a full-blown make out session. My neck starts to hurt being in this position for long so I pull away from him to stand up.

The moment I stand in front of him he attacks my lips once again, this time savagely. Not that I'm complaining.

We both engage in quite a decadent lip-lock. He traces his tongue on my bottom lip before nibbling on it, making me moan softly.

"Come on, let's go swimming." Donny suggests as he pulls away from the kiss.

"Okay. Give me a minute to change into a bathing suit." I murmur against his lips. Pecking his lips once, twice, thrice, I make my way to my suitcase and take out a white, two-set bikini.

"I'll be out soon so you can go to the beach. I'll join you." I say to Donny who has already changed into his white swimming trunks and a white button up shirt which he kept open, giving a perfect view of his rockhard-defined abs. His trunks hang low on his hips drawing attention to the sexy v-line on his pelvis.

I literally feel my mouth water at this fine specimen of a man.

"Okay. Stop ogling me and get ready. Don't keep me waiting." He winks and strides towards the beach.

I shake my head to get out of my lovestruck trance and begin getting ready.

The white bikini brings out my curves. I add a white lace half sleeves long shrug as a cover-up for modesty.

(A/n: imagine the cover up to be lace and ankle length long.)

I find Donny doing laps in the sea looking so sexy as his muscles flex with every stroke. Once his gaze falls on me he stops swimming and emerges out of the water, walking towards me, in slow, sure strides with water droplets dripping off his body, making me want to lick each and every one of them off his body.

“You look absolutely gorgeous.” He compliments the moment he reaches me and swoops down to press a lingering kiss on my parted lips.

“I hate how all these men are staring at you. Makes me want to gouge their eyeballs out.” He mumbles grumpily making my heart go awe.

“And all the women here staring at you makes my inner serial killer want to come out and play.” I retaliate. His gorgeous blues widen at my statement before he starts guffawing.

“Come on my sexy serial killer, let's go swimming together.” With that he channels his inner barbarian and leans down, wrapping his sturdy arm around my knees he throws me over his shoulder in one swift motion.

I let out a loud squeal at his sudden act taking me completely by surprise.

I start to giggle and struggle on his shoulder demanding him to put me down as people were watching us, but instead I hear a loud smacking sound that makes me go utterly still.

Did he just–

“Donny!” I gasp outrageously.

“What?” He shrugs, acting all innocent.

“You did not just spank me in public.” I scoff at him, disbelief clear in my voice.

“Yeah, I didn't. My hand just accidentally slipped onto your juicy ass because of how slippery it was due to water.” My mouth hangs open at his words and before I have any time to comprehend what's happening he hurls me into the ocean.

I sink a little, my mouth filling with salty water. Springing up to the surface I splutter the water out, before giving a deadly glare to the man who is currently busy laughing his ass off at my expense.

“YOU ARE SO DEAD, LEWIS!” I bellow pointing my finger at him threateningly with my eyes narrowed into slits.

He just laughs even more and just as I was about to launch myself at him, the asshole dodges and runs away.

“COME BACK HERE, YOU ASSHOLE!” I yell running after him like a mad woman who is hell-bent on seeking revenge.

We both chase each other around, laughing hysterically. At one point I managed to submerge his head under water only for him to pull me down with him.

I don't care that we are acting like kids. All I care about is this beautiful moment right here. The fact that I created another special memory with him during this moment, the kind that is now forever engraved in my memory and will continue to live there until the day I die, is worth so much more to me than anything else in this world.

These little moments are what that gives meaning to life. You collect them as memories but they stay with you for life, playing in a continuous loop like a broken record in the conscience of your mind over and over again.

These little things are truly priceless yet powerful enough to bring you absolute joy.

And right now, with these memories and time well spent with the man I've fallen in love with, I am finally in my happy place and my happy place happens to be with Donny.


A/N: This chapter has to be my most favourite of all so far. They are both so cute like wtf! Don't make us single people feel even more single. #singlelivesmatter  😭❤️

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Don't forget to vote and comment! It helps me out to reach out to more readers. ❤️

Oh and major warning for next chapter! Don't be surprised when you read the first line itself. Lmao. 🤣🤣

Until next time
S ❤️

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