-][Take them by force][-

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everything was dark. Britain was in cuffs in the middle of a dark prison sort of, two soldiers were standing next to him with their guns loaded in case they were given instructions to kill Britain.

a dark shadow figure walked in, it was Pangae. "Sir, no one is allowed near any country no matter the-" one of the soldiers went to him, Pangae kept his hand on the soldier's shoulder and looked at him with his silver eyes. "Very sorry sir" said the soldier. The other soldier glared at him, "Zach orders were given no one is allowed near any country" the 2nd soldier yelled. "It's a little too crowded in here, mind getting rid of your little friend Zach?" Pangae starred at the soldier and said. The soldier's eyes went silver. The soldier aimed his gun at his friend and fired. Britain was in shock and looked at the dead soldier once before looking back at Pangae. "Mind leaving for a bit Zach, I need to have a little 'talk' with Britain here" Pangae smirked and gave Britain a look which wasn't good. The soldier stomped his foot and left the room.

"What do you want from all us countries? What did you do to the ones that were caught?" Britain questioned, he wasn't scared and wanted answers to why all of this was happening. "Questioning things already, lets say I... got 'rid' of them. They weren't needed anyways. I just wanted to get my revenge, years ago I was banished to another realm and now that I'm back I'll make sure to make everyone's life a living hell" Pangae took a few steps towards Britain. "Aren't you going to question where the others are-" Britain asked. "Why ask when I already know they're hiding in that apartment building" Pangae kept his hands on Britain's shoulders. "The apartment!" Britain wasn't expecting the guard forces to know where they were hiding, he immediately become scared and concerned about everyone who was hiding there.

~{back at the apartment}~

"Man that was a fun night!" India said while leaving his room. "Yea, and also you look like a raccoon" Pakistan said while turning his head towards India. India rubbed his eyes, "damn it I'll go wash my face" he rushed to the bathroom. after a minute India came back, "is my face looking better now?". "Uh yea I'd say so" Pakistan replied. "And you weren't really great dancing" India said. "What- it wasn't" Paki was interrupted by Australia. "OH yea I saw that mate" Aussie said while holding a spider in his hand. "I'm not that bad right?" Paki turned to India and asked. "It was like watching a train wreck, but better than that stupid roblox dance you were doing Aussie" India reminded Aussie. "But besides we're just teasing ya" India said with a smile. Australia looked around for a second. "We were???" Australia, asked confused.

Sweden was in his and India's room sorting through their clothes. Japan and New Zealand were talking in their room. Bangla was watching TV while India, Paki and Aussie were talking. Russia was drinking vodka in the kitchen and Canada and France were also talking in France's room. "I wonder if theres any left over cake, be right back" Aussie said before heading to the kitchen. "I literally have two left feet when it comes to dancing" Pakistan said while India laughed. China was half asleep in his room. "India and America, could you come with me for a moment" France called from her room. "Coming mom" both said at the same time and went to France's room.

"You missed out so much Zea! I really hoped for you to come but I guess it's fine and all but you should've come!" Japan said. "I'm sure it was fun but I prefer to stay inside Japan" New Zealand replied.

Pakistan went and sat next to Bangladesh. Everything seemed to be fine. "Uh mom I think I forgot something in the living room I'll be back in a minute" India rushed into the living room. "Alright but get it quick" France replied.

"Japan I have to go for a second" Zealand got up and left the room. "Okie Zea chan!" Japan replied and went to grab some different clothes to change into.

"Hey mom *Zealand enters France's room* dad wanted me to tell you something" New Zealand did not look happy but upset about it.

*sounds of a helicopter flying over the apartment building*

Bangla and Pakistan looked around for a moment confused. "Is that-" Bangla was cut off, "a helicopter??" Aussie asked.

*the door is broken down by guard forces*

"RUN" India yelled. *India flips the table and signals for Paki and Bangla to come behind him quick*

*Paki and Bangla hide behind the table for safety*


*India gets up and grabs a chair and throws it at one of the soldiers*

*Australia runs to the room where Japan and S.Korea are in*

"You, don't move-" *the soldier is hit by a chair Australia threw at her*

"MOM THE GUARD FORCES ARE HERE" Aussie ran to France's room and yelled.

Aussie alerted everyone about the guard forces breaking into the apartment and hide in the room with Japan and S.Korea. India wasn't giving up and threw every chair around him at the soldiers. Russia decided to help by distracting the soldiers. "OI cykas come fight me if you can!" Russia yelled from the hallway. Sweden ran to the balcony as the soldiers started banging on the doors to almost everyone's rooms. "oh no oh no oh no" Sweden whispered. China pushed the closet in front of the door to his and Paki's room. America and Canada were holding the door shut. France tried thinking of a way to leave while Zealand closed the blinds so the helicopter wouldn't see them. "Mom I can't explain this properly but dad gave himself in to the guard forces so he could give them false information to buy us time to leave but the plan failed" New Zealand said in a hurry. "That idiot... I have a better plan to get you three out of here" France said while looking at the ground. Aussie was holding the door shut while Japan and S.Korea tried thinking of what to do. "South do you know any spell that could take us somewhere out of here?!" Japan questioned in a rush. "I only know one but I don't know where it will lead us-" S.Korea was cut off. "Just do it we have no other option!" Aussie yelled. "got it you two?" France said after explaining. "Got it" Canada and America said at once. Canada and America moved aside and immediately France broke the door and used it to push the guard forces back. America and Canada rushed out while no one was watching, Russia went with them and those three were able to escape the apartment. Zealand broke the window and was able to climb into the rooftop. S.Korea did his spell and got him, Japan and Aussie out of the apartment. China also went to the balcony. "Dear god, wait China?! Do you have an idea to get out of here?!" Sweden yelled while looking to the side where China was.

"theres one of the rooftop and two on the balconies" a voice said from the helicopter.

"You two climb down from the balconies and I'll distract the helicopter" Zealand yelled. "Come on we don't have time!" China yelled.

Sweden and China climbed down two balconies and went into a random family's apartment. A child was watching spider when he noticed China. "Spider-man..?" the child asked. "No- kid I'm not, ok forget it. Me and my friend are in danger from really bad guys and we need somewhere to hide, mind helping?" China explained. "Anything for you spider-man!" the child replied happily.

India and Pakistan attempted to run to one of the doors, a soldier was about to shoot when..

*sounds of glass shattering*

Bangla hit the soldier with a glass vase on the back of his head. "Bangla we don't have time we might be the only ones left to escape by now quick!" India yelled. Bangla and Paki crossed a elevator to the apartment were outside the stuff use only door. India was about to leave when the elevator opened to Godwana and more guard forces ready with loaded guns. India rushed to the door.

"Please remember I love you" India said before slamming the door shut.

Pakistan started banging on the door. "INDIA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

India locked the door from the inside and broke off the doornob. "Don't move and everyone leaves unharmed" Godwana said, India was surrounded by guard forces with their guns aimed at him. India turned around and raised his hands. "PAKI USE YOUR HATRED AGAINST ME AND LEAVE" India yelled. Godwana took out his walkie talkie, "So we're meant to bring them alive this time? *a voice says yes from the other side*". A soldier's eyes went silver as someone corrupted him "Kill him~".

Paki was banging on the door when 10s of bullets were fired and he stepped back. There were bullet markings on the wall. Bangla came back a few steps, "Bhai we- OH MY GOD" Bangladesh gasped and covered her mouth as she saw all the bullet marks left on the walls.

*a loud thud comes as India falls to the floor, dead*

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Godwana yelled and pinned the soldier who fired first onto the ground. "SOMEONE CHECK HIS PULSE QUICK, WE WERE GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS TO BRING HIM ALIVE THIS TIME" Godwana commanded.

As Pakistan took a few more steps back, tears formed in his eyes, his hands started shaking, his breathing quickened. Bangla started silently sobbing as she saw some blood coming from under the door. "B-bhai we-" Bangladesh was barely able to say anything.

"Sir he's.." a soldier said after checking India's pulse and stepping back. "HE WAS UNARMED AND WE HAD TO BRING HIM ALIVE" Gowana yelled.

Bangladesh, in tears grabbed Paki's wrist and ran down the stairs.

in the end, Russia wasn't able to catch up and was also caught by the guard forces. France and New Zealand were also caught. Russia felt his anger get out of control, his best friend was killed and now he was caught and he didn't know what they were going to do then...

"Till now the only death of a country confirmed is India's death, he died while helping Pakistan and Bangladesh escape. The other two escaped but he was killed by the guard forces, make sure to report any country on sight immediately "

(man poor India he dIeD. And poor Paki as well tho-)

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