The house

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(Warning this book has a lot of smut )

I opened the door to the house and said "hello " there was only quite.  Maybe going out here wasn't the best way to go out and discover.  Then I heard a creek noise upstairs I walked up to check it out.
      But once again there was nothing .Soon I felt a shiver up my spine as someone softly touched my  I jumped.  And turned it was a tall wolf he seemed very different tho and he even looked cute . The he softly spoke " I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I Don't get a lot of visitors " I noded a little he smiled and asked " so what are you doing out here only " I replyed happily " I wanted to discover " he looked surprised but nodded
    " Well uh do you wanna stay here and rest for awhile you must have came a long way " I smiled and was about to say something before he kissed me . I was shocked, surprised, and confused "mmh!?" That was all I could say he pulled back "sorry " he says "it's just that your really cute " I blushed "r-really " I asked stuttering a bit . He replyed "yes oh what's your name never got it " I smile my tail wags " olive and yours? " he smiles back "Brayden " he kissed me again this time I kissed back

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