Chapter 3

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"Come on Mairu! Let's play!" A young fairy kid ran up the green hill. The armor-less Mairu nodded and followed.

"Want to play ball with us?" Another kid asked. The boy tilted his head confused. All the children his age chuckled playfully. "That's okay! We'll show you! Come on!"

For hours, all the children played in the small field near their village. Endless fun and laughter. Soon, an adult fairy wandered nearby and spotted the children. Something was off with her and grew mad.

"Children! What in Orosa's name are you doing-" She was interrupted by one of the kids.

"We're playing ball in the designated area. Like the village said-" He was cut.

"Let me finish Ryu! What in Orosa's name are you doing around that demon!? We forbid you children to get near that horned boy!"

"But Sister Mossa-" A lot of the children were sad.

"No buts! You know the law, demons are evil and you must stay away!" All the children walked away back to the village, leaving the woman and Mairu alone on the field. Some children stayed behind to see what she was going to do.

"As for you demon, You get away from here! You're not welcome here! And if you ever come back here, I swear to Orosa's name that you shall be executed." She shouted at the boy, who started to cry. "Don't start crying you fiend. Pitiful. Now scram!" She yelled as she slapped him across the face, making him fall to the ground.

"Mairu!!" Ryu and some of the other kids gasped and shouted. Sister Mossa was furious. Mairu began to run away.

"That's right! You get away and never come back you demon scum!"

The next day, Mairu came back to the village, seeing the kids play. He wanted to play with them again, so he slowly approached them. The kids glanced over to the demon and grew an expression of disgust.

"Ew! It's that demon!" One kid said.

"Yeah get away! Don't come back! Ever!" Mairu couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought they were his friends. Most of them ran away. Others were ready to beat him up. The boy backed up, defenseless and scared,

"Sister Mossa told you to never come back, why are you back you stupid demon!?"

"Yeah! Get out!" Mairu looked over at Ryu, teary eyed. Ryu didn't do anything, he looked away. Some adults came by ready to attack with their magic and swords. Mairu began to cry, running away and leaving for the Underworld. Since then, Mairu has never been the same...


Mairu gasped as he looked around the main room of the dorm. Panting with distress. He seemed to have fallen asleep. He sobbed a bit, thinking about that time years ago. The boy took deep breaths and stood up. Knowing he was safe at this point. While he had free time before he actually started his classes. He decided to take a stroll around the halls, going to map out the school so he doesn't get lost for next time. The school was massive, a lot of royalty students attended it. The cafeteria served many different types of food. There will always be something for everyone, even the pickiest of students. The Gymnasium was a mix of inside and outside. With a special magic item, the walls can retract and open for outside. The lockers were everywhere, bathrooms, makeup rooms for the princesses and princes who wished to wear some. A swimming pool outside and...more lockers. This school pretty much had anything a very high end one would have. Upon walking in the halls, the bell chime could be heard. Mairu was confused by what that sound was until he noticed the students walking out of classes.

"Hey New Kid!" A familiar voice could be heard. It was Celine. He waved back with a smile under his helmet. "Whatcha doing out here?" She asked as they both walked together.

'I am simply exploring, mapping out the school to see where everything is.' He signed back.

"Nice! Yeah, it is quite the maze in here. I get lost sometimes too. Gives me an excuse to not go to class. Hehe" She grinned. Mairu was very confused by her way of thinking.

'Why would you not want to learn?' Mairu asked, tilting his head to the side. He really wanted to know why. She turned to him with a 'Really?' expression.

"Because it gets lame fast." She thought for a second. "You never went to school before have you?" Mairu shook his head. "Eh, Maybe that's why you don't talk." She chuckled and continued to walk. Mairu stopped and thought about what Celine said. Talking normally was something he was never able to do. Not because he was shy or anything. But another reason.

"Mairu? Hello? You spacing out on me here?" Celine waved her hand in front of his helmet. The boy snapped back to reality and waved his hands apologetically.

'I'm fine. Sorry. I thought of something' He signed, making up excuses.

"Sure..?" She hesitated a bit. "Anywho, let's get some food. Mama's hungry!" She grinned and led the two to the large cafeteria. Many of the cooks were elves. "You know how to get food right?" Mairu shook his head. "Of course you don't. Come on big guy." She dragged Mairu to the line. The leaf fairy handed him a tray. "Hold this and follow me."

The two stood in line. Many of the other students stared at the armored boy with fire wings. As they arrived at the kiosk. An elf spoke, looking down at the food.

"Hello there! What would you like for lunch? We have many options for everyone-" She stopped herself upon laying eyes on the armored boy. "Uhh.. Anything you want?" She grew a bit nervous and scared a bit. Mairu looked around, seeing many many things. Though, as a demon, he doesn't need to eat as much as the others would. He pointed at a few things, like a salad, soup and spaghetti. "I-is that all?" The boy nodded and bowed a bit thankfully. He walked out and tried finding Celine.

"Yo Mairu! Over here!" Celine spoke, waving her hand. She sat with a group of 3 students. 2 fairies and 1 elf. All from different regions of the world. It was quite apparent. "I saved ya a spot here." She patted the seat. The demon sat down, the students at the table were a bit uneasy by the presence of the new student. "Jeez guys, way to make the new kid feel welcome."

"Sorry Celine! Um.. Hi, I'm Ivory, I'm the Princess of the Water Fairies." She bowed nervously. Letting her dreads droop down a bit, Mairu smiled under his helmet and nodded greetingly.

"I'm Sebastian, Prince of the Northern Elves." The blond, long haired boy spoke with a rather disgusted expression.

"And I'm Kade, eldest prince of the Dark fairies." The slightly dark-gray skinned fairy spoke with a smirk. There was a bit of silence as Mairu took in the information.

"Yeah, he doesn't talk, you won't get much outta him, but there's a way he communicates that is very cool. Show em'!" The boy began to sign.

'Hello, my name is Mairu. It is wonderful to meet you all.' He signed with a smile on his face, though it wasn't visible. Ivory was lost for words, Sebastian's expression drastically changed to confusion and Kade was very amazed.

"Wow! It's so cool! Nice to meet you too!" Ivory smiled. Sebastian was lost for words.

"That's rad Mairu! You should teach us how to do that. It will be like our secret language!" Kade grinned. All were talking to each other and laughing from how cool that would be, until they noticed, Mairu chuckling and sobbing all at the same time. Celine looked at his friends.

"Look what you guys did! You made him cry..and laugh?" She was confused by what she was hearing. It was hard to tell with the helmet in the way. Mairu waved apologetically again.

'Don't worry dear friends. I am just content with all of you. So welcoming and kind.' He signed and smiled under his helmet. Sebastian seemed to be lost in thought, thinking over and over about who this mysterious armored boy was...

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