Chapter 7

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"Jeez.. What a bummer.. Sorry Mairu." Kade reassured the very mute and non-responsive boy.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked, rubbing his back. Kade usually always acted like a punk, always feeling cool, but this had to be the first time anyone has seen him down for anyone. The demon nodded slowly. Ivory felt awful about what had happened. He wants to remove the armor, but by doing so, there's a risk for him to be endangered.

"I'm sure there's plenty more we can do. How about that beach? It's not too far from the school. We could go there tomorrow?" Ivory suggested. Mairu was a bit too down to think of anything.

"What a great idea! What do you think, Mairu?" Kade asked excited, still no reply or anything from him. The gang looked at each other, wondering what they could do to cheer him up. Celine was thinking of something until she noticed the rose designs on Mairu's armor and got an idea.

"Hey Mairu, there's a huge garden inside the school green house with plenty of roses in it if you want to see it?" Celine asked as she walked in front of Mairu. The second he heard the word 'roses' his head began to look up at Celine.

'Roses?' He signed intrigued. The demon loved roses so much. He had his armor designed with a rose emboss on the surfaces.

"Yeah. I can tell you like them with the design print on your armor." Celine pointed at the few prints on his chest plates and shoulder plates. Mairu nodded, his mood changing a bit positively.

'I'd like that." He smiled under his helmet. He was looking forward to seeing the many plants. For once, Sebastian smiled.

"Then let us go to the Garden of Usia." Sebastian spoke, feeling content to cheer up the Underworld boy. Since he revealed his true identity, the Prince of the Northern Elves believes the demon is more trustworthy than he thought. The gang travelled back to Majica. Making their way through the hallways of the facility. Many students, who were still staring in the hallways hanging out, were staring at the group. More specifically, the armored student. Kade, to try and make Mairu feel more at ease, decides to hold his hand. Ivory caught on and held his other hand. Mairu looked at both Kade and Ivory with a smile, feeling way more at ease. He gave them a thankful nod since he couldn't really sign with his hands both being held. Mairu's heart was melting with happiness. As they made their way through the halls. They finally reached their destination, the Garden of Usia. Usia was a student who passed away a few years back. She was a Plant Fairy just like Celine. It was her idea to create a garden for the students to enjoy and relax, but before she could see the finished product she had passed to the next life. To preserve the memory, they named the garden the "Garden of Usia". Mairu looked around amazed by the scenery, it was huge! All kinds of plants resided there. All coexisting peacefully.

'This place... It's amazing..' Mairu signed slowly. It was indeed a breathtaking sight to see. He walked around for a bit, his friends following behind. Mairu began to shake and turned to his friends. 'You guys are so lucky... Living in a world with such wonders. So much life and amazing sights... I wish I was born here, on the surface.' He began to sob again, this was a lot to process. Ivory stepped up.

"If you don't mind me asking. What's the Underworld like?" She looked at Mairu. He turned to everyone.

'The Underworld is a miserable place. No other color than red. Screams of the souls everywhere. No life. Nothing. I hate it down there. There's nothing calm..' He signed away. 'You don't want to go there..I do not wish that for you.' Celine chuckled.

"You're definitely the one good thing to come out of such a place. You're so kind, nice, polite. There's no bad bone in you at all. There's no way anyone would think you're from that pit." She went on. Mairu has never heard that from anyone before. Though he was a demon, they thought of him as a fairy rather than a demon.

'Thank you.. it means a lot..' Mairu smiled as he began exploring the garden. The group enjoyed their time together. The plant fairy Celine showed the many different types of plants since it was her field of expertise. The demon simply wanted to learn. To understand this world and be a part of it without fear. While the gang explored the garden, they came across a very familiar face.

"Oh! Hello there students! What brings you here?" Headmaster Mercury spoke with a kind smile.

"We're simply showing Mairu the garden, he's never stepped foot here, so might as well since we can't go into the city.." Ivory replied, her smile turning into a small frown.

"Oh? Why can't you go into town? Is there construction again?" The old man asked. Ivory began to explain the situation, everything that had happened inside the city. Headmaster Mercury was quite upset. "I see.." He turned to Mairu, who was looking down. "Don't be upset Mairu. I'm sure you'll be able to go in no time! Have faith." He smiled as he placed his hands on his shoulder plates.

"All due respect Headmaster, but it will be impossible. As you may know, Mairu's armor is keeping his magic level concealed to avoid being detected. Only we know his true identity." Sebastian started. "And you know how everyone is about demons."

"That is true. But I'm sure after meeting him in person, I'm more than certain the races will be fond of this young man and accept him for who he is, regardless of what the rest of his race are." Mercury smiled. Mairu smiled happily at that, he was glad to see someone was viewing his goal exactly the same as he is. Mairu looked around at the different flowers, admiring their beauty. It was something he truly admired. The headmaster soon heard a noise coming from his pouch. It was a crystal ball. It was glowing.

"Oh excuse me. I must take this.." He gently tapped the crystal ball to reveal the face of Mrs Thorn. "Hello?"

"Excuse me Headmaster Mercury, but there's a guest here who wishes to speak with you. It is quite urgent!" She said, almost in distraught.

"I'm on my way." He tapped the object again and the face of Mrs Thorn had disappeared. "I'm sorry kids! I must be going now! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!" He smiled kindly and walked off.

"I wonder what's that all about, I've never seen Mrs Thorn this freaked out before." Celine started.

"I'm sure it's nothing. The Headmaster got this." Kade spoke while looking up at Mairu. "Where to next?" The armored boy thought for a moment, thinking of what they should do next.

'I would like to go back to the dorm please.' He signed. It was getting late. So it was only natural to go back.

"Yeah. I kinda want to, We meet again tomorrow guys?" Celine asked. Everyone else nodded. They all began walking out of the garden. It was a good day today, Maybe not in the city, but hanging out with friends was the best. 

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