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Y/n's pussy scared him.

Alright, that was maybe a little blunt, but it was true: he didn't know how the whole soulmate thing worked. At least, not in detail. Lucifer had never explained much about how the soulmate life worked for incubi. If he fucked Y/n, would that change him? Would he fall for her and give up immortality? Would he want to? The thought had him trembling even as he stripped them and tossed their clothes to Narnia.

"Can you teleport to the gas station and steal a condom?" she asked in between kisses, and he snorted.

"I'm an incubus. We can't get women pregnant or carry STDs, remember?"

"Oh, right. Forgot about that. Never mind, then. Raw dog me."

He laughed and kissed her again, their bodies bare and her legs wrapped around his waist to pull him in closer. Despite the proximity of their figures, he focused on kissing her. For someone who hadn't gotten action in a while, she wasn't a bad kisser. Her lips were smooth, and that alone made it more interesting. That and her strawberry taste. He swore she had a thing for chapstick, seeing as she had a new one every day. The previous night, it had been coconut. The day before that, it had been watermelon. He wondered what the next day would bring.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered as he bit her lower lip. He didn't care if he drew blood. "I want you so badly."

It wasn't a lie, but he couldn't tell if he wanted her or the thing between her legs. Not that it mattered; he was about to get both either way, so he could figure it out later.

She stared up at him with wide eyes as she took in his appearance, and then, her voice came out as a shaky mutter. "Then have me."

That was no problem, and he proved it a beat later when they tangled together on her bed. He draped the covers over his lower half, covering both of them and pressing his chest against hers. A grunt left his lips, and he buried his head into her neck. For some reason, the pleasure wasn't the same as it had been in the past, and that had him stiffening, his hips stopping right after they had begun.

"What is it?" she asked in a mumble. Since his head was on her neck, he could feel the vibrations of her throat as the whisper dug into his ear.

"Nothing." He cleared his throat and swallowed, realizing he couldn't stop. Not that he wanted to, but the back of his mind kept screaming about their soulmate connection that could change him after he fucked her.

Welp, too late. His dick was already having a blast.

So, that was what he did: had a blast. The thought of being soulmates and their potential bond didn't occur to him as the night carried on. As an incubus, he had increased stamina for that purpose. It took longer than usual, totaling around fifteen minutes since he paced himself and took breaks to kiss her and play with her hair and body instead. By the time they wrapped up and Jimin was sweaty and panting in bed, Y/n went to the bathroom and left him with his thoughts, of which there were plenty.

The ceiling welcomed him as he gazed at it. Post-nut clarity was a real thing, and it blessed him in that moment. For a second, a single second, he toyed with the idea of living life with Y/n. Mortal life. But that was one second. No more, no less.

What occupied his brain was how he had gotten pussy for the first time in a while. Okay, not a while, but it had been countless months if not years since he had last gone a day without pussy. Getting some was a gift of Park Jimin's, but he had abstained for sake of Y/n, and he had to abstain from screwing around with anyone else while living with her. As much as he enjoyed sleeping with different women every night, he knew if there was as much as a 0.1% chance that Y/n found out, it wasn't worth the risk. The goal was to get her on his side, not against him. Cheating wouldn't work in his favor, to say the least.

Y/n came back a minute later after doing her business and put on a t-shirt but nothing else, instructing him to get up so she could change the sheets. Moving sounded like hell, but meh, oh well. Anything for her, right? That was what he had said.


Jimin stood in the corner with his dick hanging out in helicopter mode while she changed the sheets and made the bed. Did he lift a finger to help? Nope!

Y/n had first dibs on the mattress after she cleaned it. That was fair, but Jimin pouted anyway as he sulked his way back under the covers with her, inviting her up on his chest. She took the invite and snuggled there. Her hair sprawled out on him, and he snorted and ran his hand through the tangled locks.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

"You have no idea."

Her voice came out muffled due to her lips being stretched on his skin. She was so close that he could feel her teeth grazing by whenever she so much as moved her head an inch. Despite what it seemed, it wasn't a terrible feeling. If anything, it was rather pleasant. Knowing he was gaining her trust more and more by the minute was what inspired him to keep going. Soon enough, she'd fuck up. And it'd send her to Hell, securing his immortality for a little longer.

Yes, he was aware Lucifer would assign him a new soulmate, but Jimin could buy himself some time by acting sad about Y/n. After all, he wouldn't be the one making her do any acts. No, that was all her. That was why he couldn't interfere when she was slapping the shit out of Taehyung. If an unfortunate situation happened where Y/n went crazy... well, Jimin could pretend to be heartbroken, and then he'd be in the clear. Lucifer was a cruel, heartless man, but for his demons, he had a soft spot. If he saw Jimin's despair, he'd wait before assigning Jimin anyone new.

That meant Jimin had to visit Lucifer to set that seed. He'd have to inform Lucifer that Y/n was the one, and he'd give up his powers at the end of the two week mark. Acting was one of Jimin's strong suits. After all, he had been doing it in front of women for, well, centuries. Pretending to be interested in a woman's hobbies, or her favorite food, or the TV show she loved watching—all so he could get in their pants. He'd pretend to be the guy they wanted, and then disappear without a trace.


Y/n picked her head up, her hand still on his chest. "Something on your mind?"

"Wow, you can tell you haven't had action in a while." He motioned to his helicopter dick. "Post-nut clarity. You should know the five minute rule."

"The... what?"

"Five minute rule. An unspoken, unwritten rule that you should be quiet for the first five minutes after sex, so we have time to catch our breath and gain our bearings."

"Sooo you don't want to talk to me about how you clapped cheeks and made me moan like a punk little bitch?" she asked with a quirked brow, and he had to admit her offer was tempting, but he didn't want to acknowledge that he had sex with her. He figured if he thought about other things, it'd lower the chances of him getting attached to her.

"Sure, sure, but not now. Don't you have a guinea pig to check on? I'm sure he's traumatized after hearing you squeal louder than him."

She huffed and pinched his cheek as punishment, causing him to wince as she slid off him, put on some shorts, and disappeared to go find Harry. That left him alone... again.

Nothing came to mind that time. He swished his feet back and forth and whistled, but nothing of substance came to him. Post-nut clarity was to blame for that. All he could ponder was his ecstasy. At least, that was all he pondered until Y/n returned with that stupid fucking guinea pig.

"What in the fuck shit hagstickle on a poptart is that thing doing here?"

Y/n placed a hand on her hip while her other held Harry. "Cuddling."

"Am I not a better cuddle partner?"

She got back in bed and plopped Harry on his chest. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

No, so he shut his mouth and held the stupid pig.

Y/n nuzzled up next to him and yawned, some hair hiding her pretty face. Unlike before, Jimin opted not to stroke her hair or push it behind her ears. It wasn't that he didn't want to, more that he didn't feel he deserved to. His stomach bubbled, and his throat felt clogged. For some reason, tears bit at him, and he had to clear his throat to get them to go away. Ah, his old friend was back. An emotion he hadn't felt in years, if not decades, if not centuries. An emotion he never thought he'd feel again.



A/n: Sorry for the later update. I was finishing TCFB and The Gamer's Guide to Romance. TCFB is completed, and  TGGTR is receiving daily updates now that I've written the full story. It will finish on September 25th and receives daily updates at 11 a.m. EST, which is around 8:30 p.m. IST.

Now that those two are done, my focus will be on this, my contests, and Starfield!

Nionna, my forbidden romance fantasy PJM x reader, will release in the near future. I'm just pre-writing as much as I can so I can give frequent updates. I'd like to finish most if not all of the book before posting it.

Remember to vote for clear skin.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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