Chapter 1: JUSTICE

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A dark silhouette lurks stolidly , its sweaty hands gripping the edges of wall leisurely , his eyes brimming with a feeble alertness . As his heart filled with an eerie trepidation , he falls deeper and deeper into that inebriation , a chams of drowsiness that he had been longing to sink into for so long .  The rubbish garnishing of a well reputed fame had frettered his innate desires until now .  Alas, no such binds could held him back any longer , all washed away by a single stroke . All the love, adoration and admiration nulled the moment that vermin opened her filthy mouth.

"But it was all good right " A snarky thought came to his mind as he found his way through her shirt. Her tender body brushed against his brutish and brazen palms as Zina gasped for breath , her iron willed hands and feet with she so walked so all day , stricken with a fear unknown .

As her eyes wandered around here and there , desperately seeking a way to cull the ordeal about to begin , he fastened her hands in a tight grip pressing his face against her.

"Where is your tongue now , *itch" His eyes reticent with bubbling revenge pinched her nipples as she winced , struggling to make her move . But he didn't give her even a moment to settle pushing her down forcefully until all she could was crave back in her memories , being aware that the sole option still resting with her was to rue hard enough for a miracle to happen.

As his hand found its way into her insides and attempted to violate her soul , she closed her eyes , her heart already crushed with irrevocable guilt , pleading for all the benevolence to shed its light just this once.

Seconds turned to minutes before long as she found herself disrobed from head to toe , accompanied by stale breath of the beast beside her.  She bit her lip , her eyes already sore from her cries within , cursing herself .

"Even the heavens didn't find me worth enough for redemption . What a piece of work...I truly am." She lightly chuckled masking her sombreful despair. The blood rushed strongly within her veins as she worked her way up , but alas , the ordeal was yet to be over.

A dark dread enveloped her the moment she met his face once again . His eyes flushed with disgusting tint of happiness reclining her back to floor again .

"No ! No ! " With a ferocious alacrity , her legs twisted around his neck . After that ceaseless amount of torture, there was no way she could get through it again alive . Solely driven by conviction , she restrained the burly man before her as her left hand crept its way into her purse.

The man's bloodshot eyes rose threateningly as a familiar gleam sparkled in her eyes. That same scurrilous face , that same determination with which she had spouted those lies in front of all vehemently. 

Shaking her hand away , he grabbed her chest cracking its ribs in half before she let out a blood-curdling scream saved by his hand over her mouth.  His lips curled in satisfactory grin of ephemeral triumph, before a cold feeling crept up shoulder.

His hands simply bore an affright girl secluded from anyone in ambience . Yes , he had made sure of that before making a move as drastic as this . So why ? Just why was everything in his mind letting out that desperate plea ? Just why were his feets trembling all of sudden?

Eager to affirm of his conviction of being safe, he cocked his head slowly sideways before he felt it sliding away from that flesh like a socket ball thrown against ball as blood draped the floor.

 His eyes scampered like a wild cat trying to register just what had taken his place. As a familiar flesh met his eyes from a distance , the answer soon appeared in his mind hastily succeeded by the inevitable feeling of shock.

Even after losing his head, it seemed his conscience wasn't willing to let go just yet .  Should he be relieved that the figure approaching him can't hurt him anymore or wonder about the uncertainty , the uncertainty that had made him suddenly near brink of death so labile. 

"Malice begets sorrow  and sorrow begets malice . Vehemence of both nulls it all reducing even noblest of all to simply a savage ."  A gentle voice rang in his ears like a tinnitus as sharp iron wedges hot as fire stoking the meredith of sun itself found its way into his face, ablazing his skin and bones alike.

A sole image of a young innocuous figure provided him one last bit of his solace as his soul withered its way into depths of hell . A hell he had been destined for the moment he entered this room.

Zina's breath stifled as the figure turned his attention towards her .  His dark black hair mingled in with darkness of night as a specks of blue nightshade aroma enveloped around him.

Was he the savior she had prayed for ?  His crystal white eyes told her a different story as he knelt before her. That gentle voice, was like a melody of angel granted to a being ripped away of his prestige and glory alike. Even though it was her body that shivered in this cold and dark night , the despair circling his eyes , she realized that it far exceeded her own , the very moment she heard those words.

"How would you like to die now?



"Don't speak malicious lies . Don't commit heinous deeds or abet them.  Be virtuous and just."  These three rules were some of the few that were fundamental to each and every god residing within Ilensian. These principles formed the very root of all divinity that was bestowed upon beings known as god.

In millenias of civilizations and life that had prospered under the  Supreme God Ilahen's shadow, not a single one of his children had ever crossed that line . Yet here , he rested on his throne , forced to pass a judgement on the one he had deemed favorite so fondly for so long . A large crowd of spectators from different realms and factions had gathered , in anticipation of unexpected trial .

Taking a deep breath , Ilahe composed himself before cradling his his head on his arms.

"Why would you sully your name by torturing that mortal knowing fully well that you hadn't asked for permission? Was there not enough time? If that was the case, then why did you also kill that poor girl who was molested , against her will? Just what has got into your head , Azonius?"  Ilahen asked sternly , his hands barely clinging to edges of his thrones , waiting for his response more than any other god in vicinity.

"Poor girl? Humans are simply savages alike.  That same girl had planted fake evidence in an important murder case and scandalized that man 's clean image . Even after that , she didn't stop and filed a fake charge of stalking and corruption against him all because of her own drive to get a good story for the press. " He stepped forward towards the throne as other gods eyes him cautiously. "That man on other hand resorted to extra constitutional means of dislodging the irregularity persisting in his new lease of life . All he simply desired was to quell the frustration that he had been subjected to because of that girl . If I wanted, I could have easily stopped his advances the very moment he made , but was it truly just for me to intervene for a mortal like her?"

"I simply watched as humans carried out their savagery on each other . What is so unjust about it? You have all been silent when the great wars took place shedding millions of innocent people's blood.  I have simply emulated that by letting that man commit a sin graver than her. For then , it truly became just for me to kill him. "

His words hit many in the room like a thunderclap as they frantically looked at each other seeking validation of claims in which they had held so much conviction not too long ago.

"What about the girl then? How was it just to bereave her of rightful redemption?" Ilahen's deep voice shunned all to silence .

 "It seems that you have forgotten , dear lord Supreme . My eyes can see into any moral's future. That girl had no chance at redemption from the very moment her pleas to be saved were answered by me. This was the only divine justice and retribution possible in such a scenario . That is why I even offered her a choice as to how exactly she wanted to die?  Quite noble , won't you agree?"  Azonius smiled brightly as  a heavy feeling crept up Ilahen's heart.

Just what happened to you , dearest of my all?

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