A Derpy Revenge: No Clue.

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(Mith's P.O.V.)

        "Huh?" I was in bed. Was that even a dream? "Hey Mitch, you okay?" I heard Quentin on the other side of the door. Not a dream. "Yeah" I called back, then Quentin came in. "Do you think you can walk?" I tried getting off my bed, but fell on my face. "Ouch!"  Quentin laughed. "Guess not." He helped me get back on my bed. "Where's Jerome?" I asked. "He went to talk to Seto. Anyway you hungry?" I nodded "I haven't got my breakfast, so what would you expect?" "Okay, I'll bring it to you." I said thanks and flopped on my back in my bed. "Okay, i'll be back!" And he left. As soon I decided to go back to sleep I heard a voice "He's your friend huh? Well that's no problem" "What!" I sat up looking around. "Who are you? Why do you keep talking to me like that!?" No answer. Now that's what would make me go insane! "I thought it was pretty obvious? Do you think?" I screamed "Are you the one who made me unconscious!?" "Who else do you think?" "I don't know? One of my friends?" "I ain't no friend, Mitch! Maybe I'm just that voice that makes you go crazy." "What do y-" I was cut off when Quentin came up with my breakfast. "Who are you talking to?" Quentin asked handing me my breakfast. "Um, no one." I answered. Quentin just stared in confusion. "I thought you were talking t-" "Nope, maybe it's just Seto and Jerome." He walked out of the room. "Well okay then, take care" He shut the door. Phew, I didn't want no one thinking I was crazy. With that I ate my food and drifted into sleep.

(Seto's P.O.V.)

        "I think Derps back" Jerome said suddenly. "What?" I answered very confused. "You know bacca's have excellent hearing, right?" I nodded. "Well, I heard Mitch mumble something when he was unconscious." Wow! If he could translate what Mitch was mumbling, then who knows what else he hears! "So, what did he say?" I didn't really want to know, but if it has to do something with my friends I'm in. "Well, you know Derp tried killing us and make Ian suffer?" I nodded real slowly, preparing for what I'm about to hear. "It was something like that..." Just then a loud crash was upstairs. "What was that?" Ian yelled from the kitchen. "I'll go check." Jerome insisted, then went upstairs.

(Mitch's P.O.V.)

        When I fell asleep I thought I heard someone mumbling, but I figured it was Ian or Sky. I kinda thought it was one of them because Ian still talks to himself for some reason, or Sky because he always mumbles very "strange" things when he gets his hands on budder. When I ignored the mumbling it turned into talking then yelling. I turned around to tell whoever it was to shut up, but when I turned I saw a red liquid trail from my bed to about two feet away. Then a figure started to form in the puddle of red liquid. Then I realized it was blood and Jerome! I jumped out of my bed and backed up wide-eyed. Then someone touched my shoulder. I slowly turned around and saw Derp. I turned and try running, but I tripped on Jerome's lifeless body and looked at Derp staring me down. Smiling. "Well Mitch, you have me now. Don't need your "bacca" now do you?" My heart pounded so hard I couldn't even move. Derp had a diamond sword in hand and he swung at me, but I found the energy to move and ducked. Derp growled and said "Stop moving don't you want to die quicker?" I turned and ran, but Derp was gaining on me. And I really didn't know where I was going so I panicked and just kept going. Bad idea. I ran into the rest of Team Crafted and they all were bleeding from their hands, chest or legs. They all screamed when I went up to them. They said "Stay away from me!" I turned and Derp was right there. Grinning, grinning insanely and his eyes full of amusement. "I'm certainly surprised you made it this far without me getting to you" I stood there staring. "I'm not killing you yet, I have big plans for you." He started to dissapear and the place around me started turning red. Blood red. I woke up on the floor and stood up. At least I could stand again. "Miss me?" I quickly turned and saw Derp. I backed away "Not you again!" I then crashed into my plate and the bookcase. It made a loud crash and I saw the knife and quickly grabbed it to protect myself. "Don't even try Mitch, now I'm a part of you since Ian decided to get rid of me." Then Derp started to shift into, me? No no no no! This can't be happening. I'm dreaming I'll wake up soon. When Derp finished shifting he smiled at me. "If I were you. No wait I am a part of you! I guess I would start watching my friends." I froze. "You stay from them!" "Make me!" Then he dissapeared leaving me on the floor with a knife in hand. Then I heard Jerome volunteer to check on me. I look ed at the knife in my hand, then heard a voice. "Kill him, kill him!" No! I yelled in my head. "Thought you wanted to?" No, no I don't! Then I threw the knife under my bed before Jerome came in my room. "Mitch, you ok?" Jerome asked.


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