Agent Venom going to Tokyo

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Agent Venom was once known as a villain who fought Spider Man. Now he is a anti-hero and it was all thanks to the symbiots new host. His name is Y/n L/n who never had a easy life. He was always bullied and his father who was a soldier lost his life in the front line. It had been difficult for him and his mom to move on but they made the best of it. Since he knew that his father wouldn't want them to stay mourning. As a student Y/n is intelligent and athletic is average. Yet he has a strong sense of justice,courage and selflessness to stand up for others has gained some respect.Then one day when he was walking down the street he heard a voice in the alleyway. Y/n decided to investigate and soon came across a large mass of black goo and he started to notice it coming closer to him. Then when he was getting covered by the goo and later shown himself hanging from a building.

Y/n:How did I get here?

??: I brough us here.

Y/n: Who said it?

??: I did. I'm the suit you see.

Y/n: What is your name?

Venom: I am Venom but now we are Venom.


Venom:Yes I am now a part of you and you are a part of me.

Y/n: Cool wait weren't you a bad guy who fought Spiderman?

Venom:I was but the hated still lingers in me and from my previous host. Now that hate is subsiding thanks to you.

Y/n: Good to know so what happens now?

Venom: That is now up to you to decide.

Y/n got up too he top of the building and took a deep breath and closed his eyes and remember something that his father had told him.


The L/n family were enjoying their family meal until the news came in.

June: This is June from the Bugle right now we are seeing Spiderman apprehending Doctor octopus. He is getting taken for SHIELD for incarceration.

F/n turned off the TV and told M/n.

F/n: I can't believe that they won't execute him for all the shit he has done.

M/n: You know how they handle things like this love.

F/n: Yeah put them in prison than they get out and cause harm and the cycle continues. Still the heroes morals are in the right place though.

Y/n: What dad?

F/n: Listen to me son. Sometimes you have to question your morals and see if it's still good for any situation. Though when it gets to out of control and you need to decided. On the fate of the one responsible. Even if lives of Civilians are in danger. Do you save them and spare him and lock him up,or eliminate him to prevent him from doing it again for the results might not be the same. The thing I'm trying to say is that being the hero isn't all that is cut out to be.

Y/n: I understand dad. That is why you are my hero.

F/n: *chuckles* Well maybe being a soldier has its perks.

Flashback ends.

Y/n then opened his eye and looked out in the horizon.

Y/n: Doing what is right and follow my father's example.

Venom: Your father,yes I know he was a great man and a even greater soldier. You have my sympathies.

Y/n: Thank you Venom. Now let's go and do what is right and do the one thing that no hero ever had the courage to do.

Venom: Cross that line.

Y/n: Yes, I can't let these villains stay alive and I think it's a worthy trade. One life over the lives of many others that are saved.

Venom: Valid points.

Y/n/Venom: This is who we are. WE ARE VENOM.

After a few years.

Venom has been making headlines all over the City. These include stopping robberies to kidnapings. Though when he news came out that this new vigilante isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Like one instance that the whole head and his lieutenants of the human trafficking network were all killed and the surviving minions were all terrified on how Venom slaughter them. Many try to compare his to Castle but they did notice that to lower criminals of lower offense were beaten and to those others who have higher and more serious offense were killed. This caught the Attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. They have tried to catch him and to interrogate him. Though they were unsuccessful in the few attempts. One say they caught him when they saw him fighting the Beetle and taking his armor and missile launchers and morphing them into his body and received a new look and weapons. They caught them and Venom was brought aboard to the Helicarrier.

Y/n's Pov

Well damn my luck and wonderful what SHIELD will do to us. I know they don't have a good relationship with Venom but who knows. Well we are now in a interrogation room sitting and waiting.

Venom: Let them try to separate us.Said in gravely tone.

Y/n:*though*Take it easy Venom.

As I can feel Venom calming down I saw the man behind SHIELD. The director himself Nick Fury. He got in with the Black Widow behind.

Fury: So we meet at last Venom.

Venom:Director Fury.

Fury: Tell me who did you trap this time.

Venom: Not by force. He accepted to be bonded to me and our bond grew stronger and stronger the more time passed.

Widow: Fury he could be Lying.

Fury: Let me talk to him Venom.

Venom: You are we are Venom.

Fury: No I'm want to talk to Y/n.

That made us see surprised. I sigh and had the mask retracted for them to see my f/c hair and face and e/c eyes. Widow was surprised by my age and so is Fury.

Widow: I can't believe it a teen doing all of this.

Fury: So tell me son why have you agree to be bonded to venom.

Y/n: I want to do what is right and Venom has allow me to achieve it.

Fury: Even kill.

Y/n: Yes when it is necessary. I am not any hero. Though I don't kill everyone just those who are more dangerous to let live.

Widow: Still a kid like you killing without remorse. It's unheard off.

Y/n: Technically I'm a teen 17 years old and I'm about to turn 18 in a few months.

Fury: Well this is a surprise but what made you feel like that.

Y/n:*sigh* I knew that my father is right that some people don't deserve to live after all the atrocities they have committed.

Fury:You're father was he a soldier?

Y/n: *sighs*Yes sir, he was one of the best from what I heard. He died in the line of duty. Now the only thing I got left of him is his combat knife. *takes it out of his sheath. *

Fury: I'm sorry to hear that son. Yes you are correct your father was one of the best soldiers even I wanted to ask him to join SHIELD. Still your fathers service will never be forgotten.

Y/n: Thank you Fury. So what happens now?

Fury: We can't let you leave and continue this work even though you only done it to those who have higher records. So I got a proposition for you.

Y/n: What is it?

Fury: Join SHIELD and be a true soldier and you'll be paid for the missions you under take and be geared up. You can still do your Vigilante work. Or you can do what you did before and have heroes trying to arrest you.

Y/n:*sigh* Though* What do you think Venom.

Venom: We should accept it. Besides I'm glad I'm not going to be removed.

I nodded and looked at Fury and said.

Y/n: I'll join SHIELD.

Fury smiled and took out his hand.

Fury: You made the right choice. Now let me be the first to welcome you to SHIELD.

We shook hands and Fury said he'll get my training and stuff ready soon.

Third person after a few months

The first few weeks of training Venom have been renamed to Agent Venom. He proved to be a excellent soldier and went out on missions to either gather Intel or eliminate a target. Still many other agents were weary of him but he didn't mind them. Though he became close to Black widow since she has shown him a few martial arts. Then when he became 18 he gotten paid well and secretly helped pay off some of the bills to help his mom not get to stressed out by them. Also he and Venom gotten to understand more of their abilities and even developed their own spider-sense. Then he was called in by Fury to the meeting. When he arrived he saluted and said.

Venom:Agent Venom reporting for duty sir.

Fury: At ease. *he stops*Now you have a new assignment. This one is different from what you're used to. We need you to attend Kyoh Academy in Tokyo Japan.

Y/n retracted his masks do said.

Y/n: What?

Fury: You heard right. We got reports of suspicions activity in the area and we want you to investigate. You'll be going in as a student and see what is going on. If you are attacked you are authorized to use lethal force.

Y/n: Fury what will happen to my mom?

Fury: Don't worry we'll look after and she was already told that you were accepted into a student exchange program. Don't worry about housing SHIELD already got one ready for you.

Y/n: I take it she was proud.

Fury: Yes she was. Also I would believe your father wanted you to finish highschool.

Y/n: Yeah your right sir. When do I leave.

Fury: Immediately you are already packed and ready to go. You'll get more information when you arrived stay in touch. A jet is ready to take you there.

Y/n:Understood Fury. I won't let you down.

Fury: I know you won't. Good luck out there.

Y/n nods and went off and got ready. First he went to say goodbye to his mom. She hugged him saying.

Mom: Oh my baby boy is going to highschool in Tokyo. I'll miss you so much.

Y/n: Me to mom.

Mom: I know your father would be so proud of you. Make sure you do your work, laundry cooking and also don't be afraid to get a girlfriend.


Mom: I know you'll do great. Take care Y/n.

Y/n: You too mom.

The he left for the jet by web swinging there as Agent venom and when he got there he saw Black Widow there.

Venom: So what do I owe for this visit Black Widow.

Natalia: Please Y/n just call me Natalia.

Venon: Okay so Natalia what are you doing here?

Natalia: Came to say goodbye to a friend and would you take off your mask for a minute.

Venom:Uh sure.

When he took it off and he saw her blue eyes looking at his f/c eyes. Then she came closer and gave him a kiss in the check. When she retracted y/n was blushing made red. For one, if the most hottest women heroines just kissed his cheek and the other he never had much experience talking to girls or the women except his mom but that is a different story.

Natalia: That was for good luck and I'll make sure to visit you to catch up.

She left with a smirk in her face and y/n was there standing in shock.

Venom:My my y/n. You definitely hit the jackpot.

Y/n: Shut up Venom. We are just friends.

Venom:Uhuh keep telling yourself that. Come on my friend that kiss was more than lfriendly".

Y/n: I'm never going to hear the end if it ain't I.


Y/n: Either way we still have a mission to do.

With the make on and got on the jet he checked his gear and made sure that everything is there.

Venom: Well Tokyo get ready to be introduced to Agent Venom.

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