A Different Identity:

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Ten years earlier...

"Mama!" A young blonde haired girl shouted.

"Yes sweetie?" The older blonde replied.

"Can we go to the park and play?" The young girl was bouncing off her feet, excited for all the friends she could meet.

"Sure, let's go tell Daddy!" The Mother ran up the steps, little blonde in tow.

"Jude, we're going to the park!" The mother said sweetly.

"Alright, be back by seven Layla!" A deep voice replied.

The mother and her little blonde skipped with every step to the little blonde's room.

"Oh my Lucy, what should we wear to the park?" Layla smiled and looked through the blonde's closet.

"How about this?" Layla pulled out a purple dress, it wouldn't fit the young one though.

"Mommy! I'm ten not four!" Lucy laughed, "Silly Mommy!" Layla giggled at her child's laughter.

"Momma! I wanna wear that!" Lucy pointed to a baby blue top.

"But of course, only the best for my princess!" Layla teased. She brought the shirt to Lucy.

"What would you like to wear for your bottoms? We can't have your buttocks show!" Layla giggled as Lucy made a disgusted face.

"How about this?" Lucy pointed to short dark shorts. Layla nodded in agreement to Lucy's choice.

After Little Lucy put on her outfit, she had to choose shoes.

"What shoes?" Layla asked.

"Hm," Lucy looked at her options very carefully.

"A princess must have slippers!" Layla smiled and pulled out white converse.

"Yay!" Lucy slipped them on and grabbed her mother's hand.

"Let's go!" Layla smiled and ran with Lucy.

Once making it to the park, Lucy found some other young children. Lucy being ten years old. Lucy had always been an outgoing individual. Layla walked to the bench, sitting down. Lucy however, ran up to the children.

"May I play with you?" Lucy asked nervously.

"Sure!" A young girl replied.

"Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, what're your names?" Lucy asked smiling.

"Well, I'm Levy." The light blue-headed one replied.

"I'm Gajeel." The black haired one added.

"Gray." He smiled and stuck out his hand. Lucy shook hands with him.

"Juvia!" Juvia smiled.

"Erza," A beautiful redhead replied.

"Jellal." He had a weird mark on his face, Lucy just shrugged it off as a carnival tattoo.

"The names Natsu." A pink haired one smiled and slung his arm over Lucy's shoulder.

"What's your name?" Levy asked.

"Lucy!" Lucy remarked.

"Nice meeting you Luce!" Natsu smiled.

"It's LUCY! L-U-C-Y!" Lucy huffed and crossed her arms.

"It's just a nickname!" Nastu pouted.

"A nickname?" Lucy questioned his logic.

"A nickname is a shorter version, of your name." Levy stepped in.

"I see! Well, I like it!" Lucy smiled.

As the day went on, Lucy earned two more nicknames, Little Blonde, and Lu-chan. Lucy and the others played a modified game of castle. Natsu was a fire breathing dragon, and Gajeel was an Iron Dragon. Erza was a knight, protecting the princesses. Levy, Lucy, and Juvia were princesses. Gray was an Ice Demon Slayer. Jellal, well he was another knight with Erza.

Sadly for the children, the night came to a closing end when dinner came around.

"Lucy, it's time to go!" Layla called standing from the bench.

Lucy nodded at her mother, "It was nice meeting you! I hope we can play again." The kids all nodded.

Lucy and her mother began on their way home. Layla was smiling at her daughter.

"Who were those kids you played with?" Layla asked.

"I played with: Levy, Gajeel, Gray, Juvia, Jellal, Erza, and Natsu!" Lucy responded, with a big smile on her face, "I hope I can play with them again!" Layla nodded her head.

"I'm sure they'll want to play with you again." Layla smiled.

"Yay!" Lucy was happy at her mother's answer.

Not knowing so much could change, in such little time.

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