A Different Identity:

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I was frozen, sitting in a chair, with nothing but a glass of water in front of me. Kirito sat next to me, aware of my fearful expression. I stared blankly at the man in front of me. Those cold brown eyes, that dirty blonde hair, and the same ring sitting on his finger. Hibiki Lates. My throat was dry.

"So, what made you come see me?" He spoke.

"Officer, we think you've mistaken somethings, and I would like to help clear the air." I voiced, shaking in fear.

"I see, what might the mistakes be?" He looked to Kirito.

"I had nothing to do with the break in of Asuna's studio." Kirito looked pissed. I put my hand on his, trying to calm him down. He put a hand on mine. I looked back at Hibiki.

"Just because you two are together, doesn't mean it didn't happen." Hibiki said harshly.

I glared, "Don't be making statements like that. I know Kirito, he would NEVER do something like this."

"I'll assume what I would like Ms. Yuuki." Hibik snarled.

"I think I'll wait until Officer Blake is working, seeing as you're arrogant." I hissed, pulling Kirito with me.

We walked out of the police station, I leaned my head on his shoulder. He sighed, pulling me closer. The walk to Fairy Tail was silent, both us trying to calm down, and not blow up in our friends faces. We were sitting in Kirito's office, he was working, while I painted my studio.

"Asuna, try not getting on the desk, okay sweetie." Kirito hummed.

"Sure thing," I mumbled. My eyes watered, but I quickly rubbed my eyes, acting like I was itchy.

"Man, my allergies are getting to me," I continued rubbing my eyes, as the tears slowly stopped.

"Asuna," I removed my hands from my face, looking into his eyes.

"You don't have allergies." He muttered, I face palmed.

"Damn it," I silently cursed in my head.

"If you need to cry, just say something, and I'll be there." His eyes softened, and his face saddened.

"I understand what it's like to lose things too." He turned back to his work, me sitting there, looking at the man in front of me. How does he manage to put up with me and work? I turned back to my painting, sighing. I then put that canvas into a box, and pulled out another one. I painted Plue, smiling to myself.

"We still need to pick him up from the vet," He rubbed his eyes.

"Oh shoot!" I scrambled to my feet, remembering I was supposed to pick him up earlier.

"What's wrong?" His eyes flashed in fear.

"I just forgot to pick Plue up, calm down." I said, with annoyance.

"Okay," He sat back down, "Don't worry me like that,"

My face softened, "Sorry," I chuckled.

"I'll see you at home," I kissed him on the lips then turned to leave. I walked up to Laxus, "Please sign me out." I grumbled.

"Gladly," He remarked, looking at his computer. I scoffed, this big oaf. I'm telling you. Laxus is the worst receptionist E-V-E-R. He looked up, smiling sarcastically, "Have a nice day." He slammed his palm on the down button for the elevator.

Such a rude, arrogant worker. Or should I even say worker? Laxus never comes to work, E-V-E-R. I growled, and walked in the metal doors, walking to the apartment. I reached the complex, and went to the apartment, opening the door. I grabbed the pet carrier and my keys to the car. Yes, you heard me right. The car.

My face had the most annoyed look. New York, and cars. Think about it. Ughhhh. The reason Kirito and I don't take the car, traffic. I walked into the parking garage under the apartment complex, walking to our unused Toyota Avalon Hybrid. I opened the car door, put the keys in the ignition. I drove out of the parking garage, and started toward the vets office.

After an hour and thirty minutes of New York traffic, I made it the animal hospital. The receptionist looked up and smiled at me, "How can I help you?"

"I'm here for Plue, he just got neutered." I told her, she smiled and stood up.

"Right this way," She walked my into the exam rooms, and I sat in the chair, waiting for my puppy. I searched around for my puppy when the door opened, seeing him tugging at the rope he was on, the vet holding the other end. "Thank you so much!" I gleamed.

She smiled, "Hope to see you and Plue soon!" She walked us out. I walked to my car, and opened the passengers side. Plue jumped in and barked in happiness. I then jumped in and we drove home. I was sitting at home petting Plue, when the door opened, revealing my boyfriend, obviously. He walked in, his face all contorted like.

"How's Plue?" He asked, hanging his office door up.

"He's tired, but happy." I giggled, Kirito walked over, and plopped next to me on the couch.

"Movie time," He stood up, and walked to our DVD shelf.

"I'll get the popcorn," I stood up, putting some ACT II into the microwave.

"How does Spy sound?" I nodded, he took it out of the jacket, and put it in the CD player.

We were almost done with the movie, and were watching as Melissa Mccarthy was going to smack the girl with a pan. We paused the movie, hearing knocking on the door. "I'll get it," We both chimed.

"We'll both get it," I joked, he laughed.

I opened the door, seeing Hibiki, I scowled. He then said the words I NEVER wanted to hear,

"Kazuto Kirigaya, you are under arrest for the break in of Asuna Yuuki's studio, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." My heart shattered, and tears started to stream down my face.

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