A Different Identity:

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It's been what, three weeks? Well, Brandish and I have become good friends. And hope has been surging through our veins.

"How the hell are we getting out of here?" I asked Brandish. We were now in the hallway, the generator had gone out.

"Follow the other girls." So we did. We followed five other girls, they opened a door.

"Look!" A girl pointed to the floor, seeing some light. We moved it out of the way, even though the generator turned on. The first one went through the vent, Brandish and I followed. We came out the other side to see a room.

"Hibiki has a soul?" I asked allowed.

"Brandish," She nodded, "That's right Lucy. This is his room." I cowered in fear.

"We need to find a way out." All of a sudden, we heard more crawling from the vents. Nine more girls, came through.

All of the girls Hibiki trapped, were coming through the vent. The five girls Brandish and I followed had an idea, so we went along with it. They set Hibiki's stuff on fire. Brandish and threw all of the things we could into the fire, and we all made a dash for it. We tried banging on a door, the door we hoped let to the outside world.

"Lucy?" I banged harder.

"Let us out!" I screamed, banging my small fists on the door. We all came out, breathing hard. I hugged Brandish.

"Lucy!" I heard some people shout. I looked the direction of where it came from and ran.

"Natsu!" Tears came down my face.

"I thought you weren't alive." I nuzzled my face into his neck.

"Don't l-leave me." It came out in sobs.

"Never," He caressed my face.

"Let's get you to the hospital," We drove to the hospital, followed by millions of different ambulances.

"Natsu, there was a girl I met down there. Brandish. She's been down here for a year." He sighed and held my hand.

"Lucy, you're out of there now." Natsu smiled.

"And you're coming home, to the house." I smiled and kissed him.

He got next to me on the bed, and we slept. The first real sleep we've had in a while. I cuddled in with him.

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