Chapter1||Sunflower(a trip down memory lane)

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***This chapter has been modified and updated from the original version.

"This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is. "

~Dennis Rodman


"Grandma why can't I play with the other children in the garden?" I asked looking up at her.

"...because you are different than the other children, my dear," She answered with a small smile. Even though she had been putting on makeup, I could still make out faint wrinkles at the corners of her eyes as she looked at me.

"You see child, there are two types of people in the world, the ones who think that they are better than you. she paused gazing outside at the garden, narrowing her eyes at the children. "Then you have those who don't know their worth."

She looked at me like I was the most precious stone she had ever collected. Which meant something, according to her stories of 'scavenger hunting' that she did in her time.

I frowned at that. I didn't understand why I couldn't play with the others in the garden.

I heard a giggle and peeked outside the white, shimmery curtains.

"B-But I don't-- I can't--

"Ssh, don't cry," she said wiping my cheeks with her hands, with a small frown upon her forehead.

"J--Jerimiah says that I can't play...because I'm black". I said, my voice going lower at the end.

"There's nothing wrong with being dark-skinned."

"Yes, It's wrong! I'll never make friends here now because of my skin." I blurted out in frustration.

"Oh, my dear, if that's the case then you don't need friends here, to begin with." She shook her head.

"But I won't ever have f-- friends!" I said, a small tear streaming down my left cheek.

She wiped my tear and spoke again, in a soft, small voice.

"You don't need them, because you're special, you're independent and you will not let anyone make you feel any less," she said pulling me against her.

I just nuzzled my face in her dress. Not saying anything, she took that ask her que to speak again.

"See those Roses in the garden?" she said pointing down to where the others were.

I nodded in response. "Notice that there are dozens of Red and White roses, but only one small patch of Sunflowers in the garden?" She said smiling lightly, her brown eyes gleaming with joy.

"Just like how people say that the Phoenix rises again above the turmoil. And the flower is indeed faced towards the sun for a reason. It stays there and gets all of the sunshine and flourishes in it, that is what You are. You are my  Sunflower."

She placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Now can you be a sunflower and just look up at the sunshine, the bright side of it all?"

I slowly moved my head from her dress. "Ye- Yes, grandma," I replied.


Beep! Beep! I flew up out of my bed.
It was another dream about my grandma. How I've missed her.

So much that I had been having this dream for the fifth night in a row.

I slapped the alarm clock and looked down on my bed. I sluggishly got out of bed. Feeling dead at the very least.

I needed my morning coffee. I stepped off the bed and felt a cold lick, accompanied by a warm breath on the side of my foot.

"Oh good, patch you're up," I said looking at my very awake and energetic puppy.

Patch just looked at me while he wagged his tail, I nodded, still groggy. I went downstairs and marched into the kitchen to get his food.

"Morning mother." I grabbed the puppy chow and poured it into the doggy bowl.

"Morning," she said looking at me. Then afterward at patch.

"I've already made some coffee, so help yourself to it." she picked up her handbag and headed for the door. It was obvious that she was an early riser.

"Thanks," I muttered before picking up a mug to help myself.

"Oh, and lock up before you leave," she said, closing the door.

I blinked twice. Remembering why we had to move.

It was the very same reason why my grandmother is gone now.

I was so lost in thoughts when I heard a knock on the window. I wasn't expecting anyone.

I jumped a little in response to that, grabbing the sharpest knife I could find in the kitchen. I crept towards the front window, and slowly moved the curtain.

No one was there.

"Aren't you going to get ready?"

"Darcy, How the heck did you get in here?" I said, hitting my left palm against my chest.

"Well, through the back door of course," she said, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.


I didn't remember to close the back door.

"Patch! Hey!" she said, picking up the vivacious creature. I don't even understand why he was always too happy.

I was so jealous of him.

"Anyways, hurry up and get ready, cuz girl we ain't gonna be late for your first day," she said, putting patch down immediately and combing through her long brown curls with her fingers.

"Do I have to go to school?"

"Girl please, don't get me started," she said with her famous glare that made me laugh.

She was my only friend ever since my father and grandmother died. She was the only one who stuck with me.

And I was very grateful that we were best friends.

"Ugh fine!" I said dramatically, jogging upstairs for a quick shower.


"Finally!" Darcy beamed at me when I come downstairs in a pink crop top and dark blue jeans.

"D--Don't be so dramatic." I almost tripped downstairs.

Those darn pink Nike sneakers.

Darcy doubled over laughing, while I tried to regain my posture.

We were both heading for the door when I pause, remembering something.

"Wait, let me lock up first." I ran upstairs and around the house, closing the windows.

After a few minutes, I came downstairs and headed to the front door. I locked the door behind me and quickly climbed into Darcy's white CRV.


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-stay safe

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