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"Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality."

~Emily Dickinson


"Darcy!" I bawled out as I fell to my knees, feeling the cold gun press into my bare neck, I disregarded the fact that my life was already in danger.

"No!" Jacob seethed as he pulled out his handgun and aimed it at the guy's head. In an instant, Sean pulled out his phone and immediately pressed onto the screen.

"Hello? There has been an accident.." he spoke to what I assumed to be the police, but I turned my attention back to Darcy.

"I'm fine..." she whispered as her eyes flickered briefly and then closed. My heart sank as I looked over her now motionless body.

"Darcy! Wake up!" I whimpered, as I shook her softly, desperate for movement. She has to be alive, she just has to be. I grabbed her wrist to check for a pulse. It was very faint.

She's going to die. "No, she's not going to die!" I exclaimed weakly, not wanting to accept losing her.

"Come on man, she's got nothing to do with this!" Jerald dramatized, throwing his hands up.

"She's only collateral damage." He snickered, waving his gun around. He cocked the gun again, pressing deeper into my neck. I winced at the sudden pressure.

"It's her that needs to die!" He shouted and I heard a gun go off. I no longer felt the cold gun pressed into my neck, I watched as the man stumbled backward, he ran his hand against his fresh wound, falling afterward with a thud.

Jacob tucked his gun into his waist before advancing toward me. He knelt frantically checking for a pulse and after a couple of seconds, he ran his hand through his hair. I was at the very least shocked at how he didn't acknowledge my presence at all.

I heard the screeching of tires outside and I jolted to my feet. Jacob picked up Darcy and headed for the door and I followed behind him to see a black Jeep Wrangler, it looked shiny and pristine as the engine was revved. I immediately noticed the guy in the front who stared onwards, barely giving us attention.

He appeared to be in his early 20s with jet black hair, he seemed tense, quite stoic in my opinion. We all went in and the jeep cut out of the parking lot.

So long for the safe house.

Minutes later, the jeep pulled into the parking lot of a hospital. Jacob ran out first, without a second thought, holding Darcy in his arms. The three of us followed behind him.

Jacob was the first who approached the receptionist inside the hospital. The hospital was quite busy with persons on wheelchairs being pushed about and squealing toddlers that seemed to dread vaccination day.

"She needs help!" He bellowed. The lady announced over the intercom and shortly after, a stretcher was rolled in front of us where Jacob lowered her and she was then taken over by the medical staff. Jacob impulsively walked beside the stretcher and I followed closely behind him, as I held unto Darcy's cold hand.

They stopped at the operating room where we could not enter. Jacob paced back and forth frantically, tugging his hair psychotically. I observed quietly while praying for Darcy to be okay.

Jacob suddenly rushed into the waiting area where Jerald and Sean were seated, both staring off in the distance.

"Jerald put the boss on the phone for me." He ordered, barely above a whisper.


"Now!" He barked, which made me jump a little. Jerald pulled out his phone, and after a few seconds he held it out, putting it on speaker. It rang twice before picking up.

"I knew you would come around." A deep male voice answered, his tone was laced with mischief and his accent didn't fall short of Russian.

"You owe me." Jacob gritted, his eyes were red and puffy. I honestly felt bad for the guy, at least I now know he has a heart.

"Come whenever you can Jakey boy!" He mocked over the phone, this only caused Jacob to tense up.

"I'm coming for you alright and trust me when I say your end is near." He seethed, gesturing to Jerald to end the call.

I sat on the couch provided in the waiting area, hugging my knees as I held my head down, silently praying for my best friend to live.

We all sat in the small, cramped waiting area, every person wanting to leave with a very much alive and peppy Darcy.

I looked over to a very exhausted Jacob, who was slouched back on the couch, seemingly half-asleep. Jerald was busy on his phone, while Sean patted his pockets, looking for something.

Probably something to do with drugs.

"You okay?" I perked up, trying to start a conversation for the life of me. It has been about 3 hours since the accident and I needed to talk to someone or else I think I'm going to go crazy.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." he answered, faintly as he looked at me with bloodshot eyes, his trademark green hair shaggy and unkempt from the previous tugging.

"No, I miss my best friend." I breathed out shakily as tears threatened to fall.

Don't cry. You'll look weak.

His sea-green eyes met my hazel ones, causing me to turn to mush. The tears streamed down and I hid my face, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He lifted my chin and wiped my tears away with his thumb, his gaze was unwavering.


"Doctor." Jerald shot up from his seat. Jacob and I instantly turned our attention to the middle-aged man in a long white coat. His hands were tucked inside his pockets. His face fell as he approached all of us.

"We did everything we could." He sighed as he stared at the floor and the whole room went cold.


A/N: Oop...I can't believe it either!

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-stay safe


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