Chapter22||Breaking Point

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"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. "

-Tony Robbins


There was a time that only my mother could make me feel the deepest most intense feeling of irritation. But Jacob? he takes the cake.

I can't believe I had feelings for this guy.

After minutes of banging the door and trying to hit the door off its hinges, I've finally done it. I've exhausted myself.

I crash onto my bed, taking a breather. There must be a way outta this place.


Even if I have to crawl out here I will. I can't believe that jackass Jacob locked me up and even in the most important of times. Doesn't he think that I wanna have at it with that guy who took Darcy's body?

O,h the things I could do to him.

I sighed as I begin to think of another way outta here, my eyes sweep over the entire room and stop at the huge glass window.

It'd be a shame if it were to be shattered into a million pieces. I smiled as I make my way over to the nightstand where I see a huge book resting on top of it.

Must be Jacob's. All the better to destroy it.

In one quick move,e I hurl the book with all the might I've got. It sails and connects with the glass window, only making a small crack.

I muster up all of my strength once more and hurl it again and it hits the window, shattering it into small fragments of glass.

Oops. I laugh a little before kicking out the other fragments that could fall on me.

I look down and I can see that it's quite a long way down. I quickly rummage through the closet and grab some sheets, tieing them together in knots.

I tie one end on the frame of the bed and make my way over to the window slowly putting my feet out, one after the other.

"Okay." I breathe out before tugging on the makeshift rope to test its integrity. Once I see that it is good, I skate down the wall bit by bit.

Moments later, I reach the ground and I let out a sigh of relief.

Thank God.

I brush my clothes off and do a quick fixing up of my hair and walk out of the parking lot. Since this place is so discrete, I'll have to walk to the nearest bus stop. After a few meters,s I pull out my phone.

I've been walking for over an hour and still nothing in sight. And I can't even risk calling an Uber, because I'd risk someone discovering this place.


I continue on the pavement until I hear the roaring of a car engine behind me.

"Pssst." The stranger calls as they pull up at my feet.

I turn around to see that it's a dark-skinned man in shades.

"Need a ride? " He asked casually, his tone suggesting a bit more. Looking further past the driver's seat I can see that there is another dark-skinned man next to him.

And the back row looked packed with mostly women and two men on either side of them. All the while, the man's eyes were fixated on me. As if I were his prey.

Something seems off here.

"No thanks, " I replied trying to sound as neutral as I can. He continues to stare for moments longer until he let's out a deep chuckle.

"Suit yourself then. " He eyed me from the ground up. And with that,t I walked a bit slower until he drove off ahead of me.

Good riddance. Just hope he doesn't decide to reverse. Just the thought of that happening urged me to walk faster.

After a little while, I start to see an old bus station coming into view, I pick up my pace even more, and when I eventually reached there is a bus already loading. I hop on before it's too late and tell the driver that I'll be stopping at the airport. I urgently take a seat close to the front of the bus.

~ ^ ° • ^ ° • ~

~ Jacob's POV ~

Kazan, Russia

Arrival Time: 3:15 a. m.

We landed on Russian soil, sometime in the early morning.

"Nice." I nod, peering over at X as we both take our headsets off.

I exit the cockpit shortly after switching off the motors and walk into the passenger section of the jet. All the guys instantaneously pack up the luggage and we head out of the jet.

The city of Kazan is beautiful, the architecture, the people... the girls.

I inhale sharply, memories of my last visit being recalled all too rapidly.

I remember being forced into this business. I was so young... too young. I remember being threatened with death if I said anything to anyone and if I messed up shipments.

I remembered the sleepless nights I had from all the trauma.

Watching one of your friends in the business being killed because of one slip up.

Right in front of your face. Markov is ruthless and so that's how he taught us to be. He used to work us like slaves, not giving us a cut of any profit that we the slaves made.

He disgusts me and I just want to end him even more.

I remember it was just me and Darcy taking this city by storm.


"He's staying in the countryside, right? " I ask Jerald. To which he agrees and I decide it is about time I make a call.

Minutes later a black Benz pulls up at my feet and we waste no time getting in.

"Boss, I think word got out about you coming here. " One of the men speaks up and X and I exchange looks.

There's definitely a rat.

I don't say a word for the rest of the ride and just run over the plan once more in my head.

The car pulls up at a hotel. The building was painted in a very clean shade of white. The entire building seemingly buzzing with activity on every floor. Above the entrance hung an extensive golden splatter of words, written in cursive across the wall.

"dvoynoye derevo. " I read to myself before we all enter the hotel as a group and check into our rooms for a good rest.

Thankfully, my men had already taken care of the reservations. Perks of being a boss.

After opening my room door, I tread slowly through the doorway. The bright beige carpet lends itself throughout the entire room floor, matching the plain white bedspread and pillows neatly packed on top.

Placing my bags in the closet I found at the far end of the room, I fall back exhaustedly on the bed.


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-Stay safe

~ Killerbeanqxeen

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