Chapter26||No chances

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"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it."

-Maya Angelou


"Sweetheart, you'll be my lawfully wedded wife in just a few hours from now." He adds and it's the most serious I've ever heard him since we met.

"Stop playing around now will you?" I whip my head around to face him, this time he had his head turned to the window.

He then turned to face me, his features now tense and his eyes peering straight into my soul.

"I'm dead serious, Miss Hall." He countered, his hazel eyes narrowing at me and I feel all the blood drain from my body. What's that supposed to mean? Is this boy crazy?

"Are you sure you got the right Ms. Hall?" I said, furrowing my brows in confusion. The vehicle comes to a smooth halt at the stoplight and there is also a noticeable silence that fills the entire car. I turn my head around so that I could now face him, I see that he's seated looking in front of the vehicle, seemingly staring at the stoplight that glowed a dim red.

He sighed. "Miss Hall, we have no time for these games, I trust that you'll cooperate to ensure this process is executed as smoothly as possible." His voice was much deeper and more assertive this time. He seemed to have a more controlled and domineering air to him.

I don't know what came over me, but now I can feel teardrops sliding down my cheeks. "This is not fair." I blurt out shakily, rapidly using my hand to wipe my cheeks.

"You can't just kidnap me and have your way with me, I can't die like this." More tears start to stream down my face, faster and now more difficult to hide. He once again became silent and turned his head to the window. I lose my composure. "Say something!" I scream hysterically at him." To which he doesn't even flinch.

How could I be so stupid? How could I be this careless?

And what's worse, it's like this is natural for him. I'm done for, If only Darcy was here, if only she were still alive.

Mustering up all my strength I scream at the top of my lungs. "Pull over the car right now! " my fingers automatically snake around the door handle in preparation to run out as soon as I get the chance. But to my shock, the driver quickly glances at me through the rearview mirror before putting up a separation screen between us.

I bang on the screen as hard as I can in hopes of appeasing the driver in case he could take some form of pity on me. But all my efforts were futile as I could see, from my window were only heading in one direction.

I try Ezekiel once more. "Please, Ezekiel, if you drop me off right now, I promise I won't say anything to anyone." I frantically searched my brain for more convincing things to say. "I'll give you whatever u want, just please let me go," I pleaded to feel dejected because I saw that he didn't even flinch. He still had his head turned to me, he still was facing the window.

I felt the vehicle smoothly come to a break once more and judging by the fact that there were other vehicles adjacent to this one, we were at a stoplight. On a quick flicker of hope, I hit the window as hard as I could hoping to drag someone's attention. As I hit the window continuously, my hands grew weaker and weaker each time. "Help! Anyone!" I desperately pull at the door handle, hoping that it would be accidentally unlocked.

"Please, I'm being kidnapped!" I ignore the growing pain in my hands and hit harder. "Someone! Please?!" I croaked. I paused, took a deep breath, and immediately started hitting g the window again.

Through my shouting, I hear him clicking his tongue. "Now, I didn't want it to have to come to this." He paused. In an instant, I feel his cold fingertips slightly press into my skin. I freeze in disbelief as I felt a sharp jab on the right side of my arm. My eyes quickly dart to the small needle filled with some clear fluid being emptied into my arm. Before I could even begin to protest against it, my eyelids were suddenly so heavy and so was my tongue.

"Wha'r you do--" I feel my body instantly go limp. And I drift off into the darkness.


Jacob's POV

"I didn't even care for that bitc--"

Without saying a word, I aimed my rifle just in the center of his forehead and fired. His laughter suddenly came to an abrupt pause.


After lowering my rifle, I limp over to the wall to rest for a while. In one swift move, I threw off my jacket and took off my shirt to wrap it around my thigh. Wincing in pain as I tightened the tie, to apply pressure. Even though I am a little light-headed I slowly stand up, bracing on the old desk for support.

I slowly continue to limp until my mind wanders off to Orianna. I wonder if she's still alive."Oh, bother. " I sighed to myself and pause to take out my phone.

"Hey, it's me, I'll ring you up when I get the chance, or not. " I listened to her gloomy pre-recorded mail. Even when she's not physically here, she's still a brat.

Whatever. She's not so important right now.

Going through the door, I can't help but feel a little triumphant, even though I'm busted up pretty badly. I'm suddenly hit by the harsh midday sun, I instinctively shield my face with the back of my hand. But outside was quiet. Unusually quiet at that.

A bloody and exhausted Jerald approaches me first. "Boss, we did it, we finally did." He pats me on the shoulder, to which I wince, and my hand jolts to my thigh. His eyes follow suit and his eyes soften in concern before he gives me a hand to get to the car.

"Hey! Ladies! Could you hurry up?" X impatiently shouts from the car, throwing his hands up in disbelief.

"C'mon now he got shot in the thigh, have a little compassion., Jerald answers in my defense. And with that X rolls his eyes in discontent. I don't even blame X, after all, he is a relentless man, something I quite respect him for.

That's how we survive this shit show called life. Well, for us at least.

I slowly lower myself onto the backseat. Jerald then hops in the front seat beside X and the pain suddenly became more excruciating and even more unbearable. I let out a prolonged grunt through gritted teeth and Sean looks up from his phone screen.

"You good bro-" Sean is abruptly cut off by the loud streaming in of gunshots

"Shit." X breathes out and I catch a glimpse of endless amounts of army-looking vehicles rushing into the small yard. In a frantic attempt to escape as quickly as possible, X instantly speeds up and swerves, immediately exiting the yard. Just before we could make a clean getaway one of the army vehicles block the entrance and moments after, we are fully surrounded by them.

I take a deep breath, trying to control myself, I cannot look weak. Not right here Not right now.

I take a few more deep breaths and mentally prepare myself for more fighting. Even if that meant my death. All our attention falls on the vehicle in front of us in which the engine was suddenly switched off.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? " A short, stubby man hops out of the vehicle with two giant men following suit behind him. He slowly paces towards our car and I can't hold but notice that something about him feels familiar.

That walk. That light Russian accent.

The man is closer in view to where we could better identify him. He was now about 4 feet away from us. I squint, taking in his appearance. But that couldn't be... That makes no sense.


"You youngsters have no class. " He adds and his words now carried a thicker Russian accent. In an instant, we are now surrounded by rifles from every corner and the air was now a lot thinner than before.

"Fire!" Markov spits.






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