Chapter One

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My eyes open to see the dimming sunrise overlooking endless fields. I must have fallen asleep in the car. Cash decided it was about time we had our first romantic getaway and he was right. Most of our relationship so far has been taken up by our jobs and hours that don't match.

I put a deposit down on a house with my savings and Cash is going to help with the monthly mortgage payments. Felicity said she will too but I just smiled and nodded because Cash and I both know that won't happen. Her money goes on alcohol, alcohol and more alcohol. It's fine though. Irene kept me afloat for so long, it's only right I do the same for Felicity.

Cash hasn't told me where we're going because it's supposed to be a surprise but he keeps making the most ridiculous kangaroo jokes so if we don't end up in Kangaroo Valley then I'll be very surprised.

"Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course. Houses can't jump. "

Then came the puns...

"You make me so hoppy."

"You know I'm roo-ting for us. "

"You're my wallabae. "

I didn't jump out of the car in horror, but I did come close.

I must have dosed off when he was telling me stories about how bad he was with women in the past. I told him he's not much better now and then we laughed a lot. A lot...lot. You know, I don't think I've laughed that much since Willow left.

I can feel his eyes on me now and I tell him to focus on the road. We're from Sunmer Bay. We are accustomed to bad things happening when you least expect it. At least, I am.

"You know I love you, right?" he says out of the blue and I blush. I turn to look in the wing mirror and notice that I'm starting to resemble a lobster so I stare out of the window hoping he won't notice. I'll never hear the end of it if he notices.

"Yeah, of course I do," I reply softly.

"I knew from the very moment I saw you that... " he pauses and I look back at him, "that you would be a complete nightmare."

"Oh come on, you couldn't resist me. Why the sudden insult though?"


I roll my eyes. "For what?"

"Falling asleep just as I was getting to the juicy part of my story."

"Go on..."

"Nah, it doesn't matter now. I'm just glad I have you back because a 4am chat with myself was making me feel a little bit insane. " It wouldn't be the first time I've caught him talking to himself.

I roll my eyes again. I don't think I've ever dated somebody who's properly funny before. Annoying funny. I've never dated anybody who's annoying before. My eyes roll so often that I'm surprised they still work.

Silence has fallen, only for a minute or two and then I smile and say, " you know I love you too, don't you?"

"Even though you've never met somebody so annoying?"

"You read my mind." I laugh but then my voice softens. "Honestly? You saved me. Just when I thought I was broken and miserable that nobody would ever want to put the pieces back together again...there you were"

"Well that goes both ways." I smile so hard that my cheeks are starting to feel numb. That's what happens when your smiles have been scarce over the past few years, you have to get used to that feeling of smiling again.

It doesn't last much longer because suddenly I hear the loudest screech and feel my body being pulled dramatically to the left, with only my seatbelt holding me in place. The car has stopped and my heart feels like it's going to escape my chest.

I look around, trying to catch my breath but Cash is gone.

That's when I slowly look up and see another car. Half on the road, half off. It must have been there before us, it must have crashed earlier and we've just swerved to avoid it. Half asleep and half terrified, I get out and find Cash screaming at me to call an ambulance.

Once I'm on the call, I walk over to the other car. My body is shivering but I'm not cold. Being a nurse doesn't prepare you for situations like this, neither does being the most unlucky human alive.

There are three people in the vehicle, two adults and one toddler. I reach in to feel their pulses, each in turn. I feel like I've been punched in the chest. "No pulse on either of the adults," I breathe into the phone.

I realise they could have been here for hours. It's a road in the countryside and it's the early hours of the morning. Maybe we're the first to pass them.

Cash points to an animal on the side of the road, equally as motionless as the two adults in the car.

"They must have tried to avoid it and ended up losing control of the wheel," Cash sighs. Another accident caused by a scared kangaroo.

As I try to control my trembles I look over to him, he's carrying the toddler out of the car. She must be around Grace's age. A little bit of dark brown hair, probably the age where she can only just walk. She has these huge brown eyes and is clothed in a white dress with daisies covering it.

It's hard to explain the relief that hits me when I see that she's okay. She's mumbling toddler rubbish that doesn't make much sense. Attempted words, but unsuccessful ones.

A smile almost crosses my lips but then I realise. This child...this poor, innocent child is about to become an orphan. Just like I was.

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