Chapter 10: Above the Waves

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The thing Eve noticed most in Alqualondë was the water. Be it crashing waves or splashing fountains, or even the spray of the sea in the air upon her face, there was water. The buildings stood constructed of pearl and white marble, with grey stones on the ground inlaid with sapphires. Alqualondë was immeasurably large from her perspective, built back into the mountains and all along the coast. At the sea were thousands of docks. A true haven for fisherman and sailors.

Findaráto led them onward, up a great many steps that wound between various towers and over covered walkways. Eve couldn't speak; words failed her. She had thought Tirion beautiful in the golden morning, but Alqualondë in the silver night left her speechless. Findekáno walked next to her and watched the pure, childlike wonder on her face. He smiled in response.

After thirty minutes of climbing, Findaráto arrived at a grand courtyard above the waves. At the end of the courtyard, massive double white wood doors stood, leading into a hall half inside the mountain.

"Welcome to the palace at Alqualondë." Findaráto turned and gestured to the doors. "I ask that you let me do the talking, Eve. At least until King Olwë hears of what has happened."

Eve nodded immediately, refusing to speak even then. Findekáno and Findaráto went inside, the doors opened apparently by an unseen elf. The inside of the hall was lit with many white fires, and the area open to the sky was filled with some type of elvish glass, allowing for light to filter in. At the end sat two thrones, both made of smooth pearl and ivory, with blue cushions upon the seats. Neither sat occupied.

"My grandfather, King Olwë, is likely out on the balcony with my mother and Lady Anairë," Findaráto told them. "Follow me!"

They did as he asked, turning left to go down the first hallway. It didn't go very far and before long turned left again. It opened out onto a massive balcony of marble, the sky far above and the sea down below. On lounging couches sat several people.

At Findaráto's arrival, a male with shoulder length silver hair and a circlet of silver to match waved with a grin. "Findaráto!"

Everyone who had been seated turned in surprise. But Findaráto merely smiled and bowed to each. "Mother. Uncles. Grandfather. Grandmother. Lady Anairë."

"Findo!" A woman, with light silvery hair smiled wide and stood, placed her glass of wine on a glass table and rushed over to him. "What has brought you here." She finished her hug and smiled gently at the other two. "Hello, Findekáno."

A dark haired maiden had already leapt to her feet and embraced the other dark haired elf. "What has brought you and your friends here, Finno?"

Findekáno and Findaráto exchanged glances. Eve shuffled awkwardly where she stood behind them, twirling her auburn hair between her fingers.

Findaráto sighed. "We have a strange tale to tell. We ask that you hear us out before you deny us."

"What do you mean, Findo?" A tall elf with shining dark grey hair stood and walked to them. His circlet was intricately designed. "What could you possibly have to say that we would deny?"

Findo, Finno, and Eve exchanged humorous looks. But Findaráto continued simply. "This is Eve. You know of the secret Lord Manwë told the royal families, of the Secondborn who will someday come?" He paused as they all nodded. He went on to explain what had happened, Findekáno jumping in and sharing his personal experience with her waking up.

"She hit me." Finno smirked at Eve as she hid behind her hands.

"I didn't know!" She found herself nearly laughing from the strangeness of it all. "I said I'm sorry!"

The first elf who had spoken stared at her and then at another of his family. He shrugged and turned back to Eve.

"Lady Eve," he said. "I am Lord Nendil, son of King Olwë. I at least believe the tale, for my nephew would not lie."

She nodded. "Oh I know. They're all amazing. Findaráto has helped a lot."

The dark haired woman smiled. "And Findekáno? Has he helped? Or been trouble."

Finno immediately rolled his eyes. "Mother!"

"He's been fine," Eve chuckled.

"Good." She nodded. "I am Lady Anairë, and this young elf's mother. If he ever causes you annoyance, let me know."

The mother of Findaráto laughed. "I am Lady Eärwen. The same is true for me and my son. Do not let their smiles fool you, both these princes are handfuls."

King Olwë stood and walked forward followed closely by a similarly tall woman with silver hair to match his own. They looked curiously at Eve and the king nodded. "Welcome to Alqualondë, little one. I hope you enjoy your stay."

The woman added more quickly. "I am Queen Melwien. If you ever have need of something, do not hesitate to find myself or my daughter Eärwen."

The last elf to be introduced stood then and bowed to her. His hair was nearly white. "I am Lord Telepso. I am Nendil and Eärwen's brother."

"Hi!" Eve smiled at them and waved awkwardly. "Eve Gallowyn."

"Welcome, Eve Gallowyn." Olwë smiled at her. "You may stay as long as you wish here. It is a marvelous city."

"Thanks," she said quickly.

"Why don't you show Lady Eve and Finno where they can rest if they wish, and freshen up at the least," Eärwen told her son. "Use the third and fourth guest rooms, Findo."

"Alright," he said with a nod. "Follow me, friends."

Findaráto showed Eve to a spacious room first, and beside it, Findekáno. He told them that if they wanted anything, he would be with his family on the balcony. But Eve decided to rest a bit after bathing.

The water for bathing was cold, but not unpleasant. She scrubbed her body clean of dirt and grime and sweat before finally moving to wash her hair. She used a wonderful flowery smelling soap which she never would've wanted to touch at home. But here it seemed fitting.

Once finished with her bath and finally clean, she wrung the water from her red hair and put on a light blue dress and a warm, royal blue fur cloak that acted more like a blanket than anything else. She lay down to sleep and drifted off. When she woke several hours later, she decided on a whim to explore where she could. She wanted to see the ocean from the balcony again.

Eve slipped on her silver sandals and quietly opened the white wooden door. Tiptoeing down the hall, she got about ten feet before she heard another door open and close. She turned around, wrapped in her massive cloak blanket. She nearly laughed when she saw the noise had been made by Findekáno.

"Hello," he chuckled quietly, walking down the hall towards her. "Where are you going this time of night?"

She paused. "Around."

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head smiling. "Come, I will show you the balcony. I assume that is where you were sneaking off to."

"Yeah, I'm caught." She laughed quietly and walked with Finno down the hall. "So what're you doing up now?"

"I am unsure," he admitted. He would say nothing else. "But you, what has you awake?"

Her face became closed off, her eyes shutting every so slightly at some sad memory. He instantly regretted asking, but a small part of him wanted to know her more. He wanted to know her story.

She didn't immediately respond and before long, they stood on the empty balcony. Eve sighed and breathed in the fresh air, sitting down on a large white couch and wrapping her cloak blanket around herself. Findekáno sat in a nearby matching chair, the one Nendil had occupied earlier. He didn't push the question. So it was that he looked up in shock when she answered it.

"I still miss them," she started quietly, holding something beneath the blanket. "All of them."

Findekáno nodded, all his mirth falling away and replaced by seriousness. "Who did you leave behind? You mentioned two siblings."

"Lucy and John, yeah." She flashed Finno a small smile. "And my dad. But I had other friends too. I was getting ready to start a new semester at school." She paused and realized he probably didn't understand. "A new session for study, if you will. My roommates, Sophia and Avery, we had picked out some new furniture for our rooms. Bright yellow couches." She smiled at the memory. "But now Sophia is dead, and Avery's alone. And then I'"

Findekáno leaned forward and frowned. "Is here such a bad thing?"

She shook her head with a small, sad smile. "No, not really. In fact, it's amazing here. Everything is so perfect."

"But it is unfamiliar," Findekáno said with a nod. "To be honest, you are adjusting better than any of us would had we ended up in your world, I think."

She laughed at that, her eyes sparkling with joy as she thought about one of these elves trying to survive in the twenty first century of Earth. It made her giggle, to which she hid behind her hand as the childlike sound left her. She let the blanket drop slightly and Findekáno saw what had been in her hands. His heart sank as he saw the cat plush.

"You should paint something, someday, Eve." He smiled softly at her. "You mentioned you are an artist?"

"I try to be." Eve nodded and he saw her blushing. "I'm not sure I could capture of beauty of this crazy place. It's so cool."

Finno shook his head in amusement. "You use that word a lot. What does it mean?"

She opened her mouth to give an explanation before shutting it in confusion. "You know, I don't really know. It means okay, it means good, it means tons of different things."

"Cool." He mulled the word over. "A simple word to have so many meanings." He paused. "You are cool, Lady Eve."

She laughed and threw a pillow at him. He gasped and tried to duck but failed. It hit him straight in the face. With a laugh, he moved it and shook his head. "Now you have hit me twice."

The sassy expression on her face made him chuckle. She rolled her eyes and giggled again. "You deserved it this time at least."

Finno chuckled and stood, walking to the rail of the balcony. He looked down at the ocean, the give and take of the waves. He watched the little specks of light from lamps and candles in windows. He saw the glint of light reflecting off the silver hair of the Falmari elves. He was soon joined by Eve. She left her cloak on the coach. The air was warm and she didn't need it, and it dried her wet hair. But she held onto her cat plush.

"It's crazy beautiful here," she murmured. "I could never paint this."

"But you should try," Findekáno told her earnestly. "I think you could capture this if you tried."

She looked from him to the rolling waves and docks below. Eve smiled thoughtfully. "Sophia always wanted me to paint when I was upset. Maybe I should do that here."

Findekáno nodded and looked at her. Her eyes drooped from fatigue. He encouraged her to return to her room and rest, to which she agreed, however reluctantly. He walked her back.

"Good night, Lady Eve," he smiled. "Findaráto or I will fetch you come morning. Rest well."

"Good night!" She lifted her cat plush and made the animal's paw wave. With a raised voice she said it again. "Good night, Finno!"

He laughed and shook his head, leaving her alone in her suite. She climbed into the lavish bed and lay dreaming. She did not even notice closing her eyes, and later was unsure she ever had. But she rested.

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