Chapter 12: Many Meetings

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Chapter dedicated to: ThatOneWriter2001

Chapter Twelve

As they prepared to return for lunch, Eve found herself drifting towards a bench on the docks. All around her the market bustled with activity. Findekáno and Findaráto bargained with a merchant for fancy breads. Eve decided to stay put and not get into trouble. That tended to be her motto: stay safe and stay smart. She only let her guard down once and awhile, one of those being the night she died. This certainly didn't add to her desire to go crazy. And so she sat listening to the waves and the chatter around her.

A tiny voice floated her way. "Hello!"

Eve looked to her left and smiled wide. A little girl, no more than two feet tall, stood next to her. The girl's dark hair went down to her waist. She scrambled up to sit on the bench next to Eve.

"Hi there," Eve said, laughing a little. "What's your name?"

"Tindalma," squeaked the child. "What's yours?"

She smiled. "Eve."

"You have strange hair." Tindalma stared at Eve, trying to figure the woman out. "Like Prince Nel'finwë. But also a strange name."

Eve didn't mean to blush, but she did. Her cheeks grew red as she tried to think of an answer. She recalled what the story was supposed to be. "I'm Lady Nerdanel's cousin, visiting here."

Tindalma shrugged. "Okay."

Findekáno and Findaráto, apparently finished with their shopping, walked over to them and smiled at the girl.

"Prince Findar'to," the girl stood from the bench and bowed. "It is an honor."

"Thank you," Findaráto chuckled. "Where are you parents?"

The girl shrugged. "I do not know. Somewhere buying fish."

They all turned as they heard someone calling the girl's name. A man rushed over, his hair to his shoulders, silver and wavy. His fair skin had become tanned likely from days near the sea. He skidded to a halt when he saw Tindalma with the royals.

"Prince Findaráto, Prince Findekáno," he huffed, catching his breath. "I trust my daughter did not cause you trouble."

"Not at all," Findaráto assured him. "She is very kind."

"Thank you for staying with her," the father added quickly. "Come, Tindalma. We have to keep moving."

Tindalma nodded to her father and bid farewell to the princes. Last of all she turned to Eve. "Goodbye, Lady Eve."

"Bye!" Eve added as they began to walk away. She noticed the elf glance back in surprise at his daughter's choice of words, obviously realizing Eve was not a Quenya name. But he merely smiled and turned away. Eve turned back to the princes. "Are we ready?"

They nodded. Findekáno offered her a hand off the bench and she took it. They began the trek up to the palace immediately, Findaráto carrying several loaves of bread and Findekáno two bouquets, one of lilies and one of white roses. Eve felt useless. When at last they reached the wooden doors of the palace, she insisted Finno let her carry some of the flowers.

"Gimme the roses," she muttered, grabbing them from his hands. "Come on."

He looked at her quizzically. "Why?"

With a dramatic roll of her eyes, Eve hissed back her answer quietly. "So I can do something."

"You do not need to do anything," Findekáno objected. He rolled his eyes when she scowled. "Why must you carry something?"

"To feel useful!" Eve held onto the roses tightly and Findekáno did not object again.

They made their way inside, catching up to Findaráto quickly. He led them to the right of the throne room this time. They took it down a short hallway before reaching a large dining room. The table had been expertly carved from a dark wood, and a white satin cloth draped over it for protection. Several workers moved to and fro, and Findaráto handed over his loaves of bread. Before Eve even realized what had happened, the roses and lilies were taken from their hands and ushered away to be placed in vases.

"Come, now we get ready," Findo smiled as he gestured for them to follow him back to their rooms. They walked back and he stopped before their doors. "I will leave you two here. When my family is ready to dine, I will come get you."

Eve thanked him and ducked into her room. She changed out of the sandy blue dress and into a soft, flowing gown of gold. It sat better on her than any other dress thanks to a few alterations Nerdanel had done after Eve expressed her love of the dress. She brushed her wavy auburn hair, deciding she would dress to impress the family. Her interaction with Tindalma reminded her how out of place she felt, and she didn't like it. Part of her hoped she could impress them enough to be accepted.

Of course, there was no need. The others would accept her regardless, but that was not how things had gone for Eve in her life. She shrugged to herself in the mirror, admiring her grey eyes she'd woken with in this different kind of heaven. They sparkled more blue than amber now, and she found them fascinating. As she stood there, she used a hair tie to do her hair in a high ponytail, letting her hair flow out to the sides like a waterfall.

When she heard a knock at the door, she shouted for whoever it was to enter. Findekáno poked his head in the door, causing Eve to chuckle as she messed with her hair a bit more. He asked if he could come in.

"I already said yes," she reminded him, turning away from the mirror.

Findekáno halted for a moment and then laughed, realizing she spoke correctly. So he walked in, being sure to leave the door slightly ajar. He went and sat on the bench at the foot of Eve's bed.

She was amazed at how incredible he looked. He wore a black shirt that hung loosely about his arms, and a light blue undershirt she could just barely see. His grey pants completed the look, and his long black hair contained a golden ribbon in a small, single braid down the side. Eve quickly looked away, but felt herself blushing slightly. She went over to the mirror to avoid looking at him.

"You look nice," Findekáno told her earnestly. "Your hair especially."

"Thanks." She knew herself to be hopeless at hiding her red cheeks and didn't want to turn around. But she had to as Findaráto poked his head in.

"We are ready, if you are." He glanced from Findekáno to Eve and held the door open. "Nice dress, Eve."

"Thanks," she said a bit too brightly, storming past them and out into the hallway, her sandals clipping on the floor. "Lead the way!"

Findaráto nodded and he and Findekáno led her back to the dining room. There they found Ladies Anairë, Melwien, and Eärwen, alongside Lords Olwë, Telepso, and Nendil. They all sat when the other three entered. Eve took her seat by Findekáno and Eärwen.

"So, Lady Eve, have you enjoyed our city thus far?" Queen Melwien asked her when they received their food. "Findaráto said you went down to the beach?"

Eve nodded and chewed her food for a moment, feeling almost like a child sitting at dinner after a long school day, being interrogated by a caring parent. "Yes, they did. It was cool. Back home I didn't really appreciate how awesome the ocean is."

"Truly, the sea is incredible," Nendil agreed quickly. "Ulmo helps protect us."

"Who's that?" She asked this hesitantly. But curiosity was a strong urge in her.

They all chuckled at her question, and Eve blushed. Findaráto answered for her. "Lord Ulmo is one of the Valar. He resides in the ocean and rules over it."

"Like Poseidon, then?" She murmured to herself. With a nod she spoke louder. "We had stories of things like the Valar. But they were called gods, and weren't real."

"Well, the Valar are very real here," Olwë told her with a quick smile. "We honor them as leaders, not as gods. For there is but one God, Ilúvatar."

Eve nodded and poked at her food. "Nienna, I think her name was, told me that Ilúvatar brought me here." She frowned. "Why?"

"That is not a question we can answer," Olwë replied. "That is for you to figure out or experience on your own, or with the help of friends."

Anairë nodded in agreement. "My sons will help, I am sure." When Eärwen went to add her pledge, Anairë laughed. "As will her sons."

"Káno and Nelyo will help at the least, and I bet Tyelko." Findekáno assured Eve and those around them. "They are eager to be of assistance."

Anairë shrugged. "What are they doing these days?"

Findekáno chewed his current bite before answered. "Lord Fëanáro had some kind of job in the forges for Makalaurë and Russandol." He shrugged. "Tyelkormo has been helping with the Ambarussa's studies. Curufinwë does all his work in the forge as always."

Anairë nodded and the conversation drifted elsewhere. Eve ate her food quietly, but she finally gave in. "Makalaurë? Russandol?" Eve leaned over and asked Findekáno quietly to explain who the names belonged to.

"Káno and Nelyo." He smiled at her confused expression. "After lunch, I will explain to you how names work for the Eldar."

She chuckled. "I thought Findaráto was going to teach me stuff."

Findekáno shrugged. "When we return to Tirion he will have more time to give you lessons. Here he is under more pressure."

They finished lunch soon enough and Findaráto escorted Eve back to her guest room when she expressed her exhaustion. She laid down, hoping to catch a few hours of rest without nightmares to interrupt her. She left her dress on and did not change. Findo had assured her that Findekáno would be next door or nearby, or he himself would be around, when she awoke. Eve certainly didn't fancy wandering around a palace alone.

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