Chapter 30: See the Light

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A/N 1: I know I updated less than 24 hours ago, but here's the most precious chapter I've ever written. Enjoy (At least I had the self control to wait until morning).

The breeze caught Eve’s hair gently, causing the red locks to brush across her face. She followed Finno as he led her along the small path to the Two Trees. The light from Laurelin had dwindled to but a small glow, but Telperion brightly shined. The tinkling of bells from Valmar still floated through the air, a pleasant backdrop for the beauty ahead.

Finno watched Eve closely. Her gaze remained trained on the Trees ahead of them. He nearly chuckled at the way her mouth stayed partially open in visible awe of the scene. When the came close, to the foot of the great hill of Ezellohar, she stopped walking.

“I cannot believe what I'm seeing.” She laughed lightly. “Glowing trees. But these are way better than a sun and moon.”

Finno grinned back at her. He hesitated before taking her hand. “Come on.”

Together he led her up the path of Ezellohar. Finno found it surprising that no one else was found there. He certainly didn't mind. He realized how excited he felt to finally spend time with Eve alone. He had done so at Alqualondë, but there she had been more fragile, and though he cared, he had not cared like this. He knew he'd need to thank Nelyo later.

Eve stared up at the trees in awe. They had climbed half way up the great hill. Both towered far above her, and to her surprise she found herself able to look at Telperion without issue. Perks of being an elf, she supposed. Tearing her eyes away from the silver tree, she looked instead at the smiling face of Findekáno.

She grinned. “What?”

But he merely gave a short laugh and shook his head. “You.”

“What about me?” Eve rolled her eyes.

Finno’s smile softened and he turned away, looking instead ahead at the Two Trees. “Everything.”

They stood quietly for a moment. The air felt cool, and Eve noticed now that water dripped from the flowers of Telperion. She turned to Finno. “Can we go closer? Is it allowed?”

Finno nodded to her, winking. “Of course, my lady.”

Together, side by side, Finno and Eve walked the rest of the way up. Surprisingly, the ground felt dry, not moist as she would've expected. There were small aqueducts on the ground in some places catching the water from the flowers. Eve bent down and touched the water in the collectors. It glowed, just like the leaves and the blossoms. The light radiated from the liquid itself, as if the tree cried light.

“It is magnificent, no?” Finno took her hand and led her to the trunk of Telperion itself. “Here. Don't be scared.”

Eve hesitated but nodded as Finno took her hand and placed it gently on the silvery-white trunk. Immediately she became aware of the power that coursed through the Tree itself. She didn't know how to describe it other than she felt it living. The trunk felt neither warm nor cold, but a strange mixture of the two. When she removed her hand, her breath hitched.


“It is truly an experience.” Finno smiled and gestured for her to head back down the hill. “We can stay here awhile, on Ezellohar.”

“I'd like that.” She nodded back.

About half way down the hill, the ground leveled out. Finno sat down and Eve followed. Far above them, millions of stars filled the heavens, and to her surprise they shined bright enough to show through despite the closeness of Telperion. She found Menelmacar, Orion, and lay back in the grass, content to count the spots of light far above.

Finno sat next to her, he looked down the hill at Valmar below. Specks of torches and fires and mystical lights gleamed and flickered in the city. He smiled softly, thinking to himself. “Eve, what did you do for fun in your home?”

She paused before answering. “I followed many stories. We had these things called TVs, where we could watch moving and talking pictures that told stories.”

“That is…Cool,” Finno replied, turning his head and winking at her.

She rolled her eyes but a smile was now firmly plastered on her face. “Anyways. One of these stories I liked to follow was called Star Trek.”

“What was the story about?”

“It's hard to explain. There were these ships, but instead of sailing the ocean, they sailed the sky, in space. They would visit different worlds and peoples.”

Finno looked at her in amusement. “Sky ships?”

“Space ships, actually.” Eve closed her eyes, thinking about home. “There was one, called Voyager. It got stuck very far from home and had to learn to live in new areas. It tried to get home.” She paused again. “Sometimes I think about it.”

Finno turned to her and frowned slightly. At his reaction, she sat up next to him. Eve gave a small smile.

“Do you wish to leave? To return to your home?” He tried to smile to reassure her. “To be like Voyager?”

Eve hesitated. Did she? She missed her family, and her friends. She missed her work and even classes. But here she had found friendships and new miracles like she never could have imagined.

“No.” She paused and felt herself blushing deeply. “I- I wouldn't want to lose this.”

“Good.” He nodded. Finno looked away down the hill again. He felt heat rising to his face, taking over his chest and squeezing his heart. It constricted him so much he felt like he was going to burst. Oh how he regretted teasing his brother. “Eve…”

She looked at him and felt tears springing to her face. She didn't know why, really. Eve just knew her emotions wanted to explode. But she smiled at him, and he back at her. Behind them, Telperion illuminated the world in a soft glow. Eve realized it made Finno’s features even more handsome.

Finno reached out and took her hand hesitantly. She didn't draw back, and his smile widened in amusement as she bit her lip. With his other hand he reached up and wiped away the two tears on her left cheek. She laughed, choking on the air and her tears. She went to hide her face but Finno rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

“You are so beautiful,” he said quietly. “Your ability to see such beauty in the everyday, it astounds me.”

“Don't tell me I'm beautiful when you're literally gorgeous,” she reminded him with a soft giggle.

Finno laughed and shook his head. Eve felt her heart pounding, and spent all her energy she had to not freak out and smile like an idiot. They stared at each other for a moment before he leaned in. Her breath hitched.

“May I kiss you, Eve Gallowyn?” he asked quietly.

She whispered, her voice leaving her. “Please.”

Their lips met softly. Finno and Eve held hands still, their fingers interlacing together tightly. Her heart pounded a million times faster than she knew to be healthy. His heart, little better off, beat so fast he thought it would leap out of his chest. With his right hand, he cupped her face gently. She nearly cried. She had never felt like this, and wasn't sure she'd ever feel it again.

Except when Eve looked at Finno as they broke apart, she knew she would. Because every time she looked into those grey eyes, she felt a fire in her body. She smiled at him, and he back at her though he shook his head.

“I will never tease Turvo and Elenwë again,” he smirked.

Eve burst out laughing and fell back in the grass. She held his hand still, and he began laughing with her. They both lay back, looking up at the stars, counting the specks of light too numerous to ever be completely numbered. Every now and then, Eve would start giggling again. She turned on her side and looked at him, and when he noticed he propped himself on his side to face her.

“What?” He asked.

She grinned in response. “You.”

“What about me?”

With a smirk of her own she replied simply. “Everything.”

Finno rolled his eyes. “You do not believe that I can stop teasing Turvo and Elenwë!”

“Your words, not mine.”

“Well, my lady, I will prove you wrong.” He huffed and sat up. Then he turned to look at her still lying on the ground. “Because now I understand what my brother feels when he looks at Elenwë. Because…”

“Me too.” She finished for him as he drifted off. She sat up next to him and looked him straight in the eye. “All of it.”

After a pause where he merely watched her face, he gave a short laugh and looked down the hill. “Nelyo will be teasing us now, you know.”

“Oh I know,” she replied quickly, following his gaze down to Valmar far below. “He wouldn't be a good brother or cousin if he didn't.”

They sat there quietly for awhile. Eve held his hand, and he hers. Eventually she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder, and he didn't dare move her. He blended waking world and dream as he sat, and when she woke hours later, a magnificent display of golden light greeted them.

“So that's Laurelin,” she murmured quietly, looking back at the trees. They mingled together.

“Indeed.” Finno stood and offered her a hand up. “Perhaps we should get back to the others, my lady?”

“Absolutely my lord,” she teased. Eve took his proffered hand and he hauled her up. “Shall we?”

“We shall.”

They made their way down the hill, joining up with the path to Valmar. Through the city of the Ainur they went, but this time Eve’s attention strayed more to Finno and less to the opulence and wonder around her. And yet despite this, she paused at the sight of a great fountain of light and water.

Finno smiled. “You know, you should have an elvish name.”

“Oh?” She looked at him curiously. “But I thought that the Epessë was given by others?”

He chuckled. “I am glad you remember that lesson. And indeed. I had one for you.”

She grinned at him. “What is it?”

He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Elmendë, meaning Wonder.”

She blushed causing Finno to laugh lightly. He took her hand and pulled her back to the path away from the water feature. Eve couldn't stop smiling as they continued on.

“I like it. Eve Elmendë,” she said with a quick nod. “Now when we tell new people who I am, they won't stare at me.”

“If they stare, send them to me,” replied Finno.

She nearly cackled. “Yes, sir!”

It took about an hour, but soon they entered the Vanyarin city. By now, morning had fully dawned. Golden light bathed the streets, and the light illuminated the golden haired elves who wandered the streets.

Nelyo saw them first. The group sat outside a café style breakfast place at a large white table. The redhead grinned but tried to hide it.

“They're coming. Act natural,” he hissed.

Elenwë, back to the couple, grinned widely. “Did it work?”

“Based on how much they're both smiling,” Nelyo replied, “I would guess yes.”

Moryo snorted as he put down his fork. “Took them long enough.”

Nelyo kicked him under the table. As Moryo cursed him, he stood waved to Eve and Finno. Huan bounded over and met them as they approached, nearly tripping Eve. She laughed and hugged him as Finno continued on.

“How'd you like Trees, Eve?” Káno asked innocently.

Finno coughed as she blushed. He answered for her. “I know you all know. So let's not make this awkward.”

Nelyo burst out laughing but grabbed Finno in a quick hug, smacking him on the back a couple times. When he let him go, the redhead winked at Eve.

Moryo smirked deviously. “I've seen worse couples.”

Finno rolled his eyes good naturedly and laughed once. “Thank you.”

“Congratulations,” Tyelko nodded as Huan returned to his side. “Though I fear our father may not approve.”

Finno rolled his eyes again, and his grin dropped. “Lord Fëanáro approves of nothing related to me. I will not be surprised.”

“Nerdanel will curb any anger,” Elenwë assured him and Eve, who seemed troubled. She stood from her seat and took Eve's hands. “What is important is that you two are happy.”

Eve nodded. “Yeah.”

“By the way, I figured it time Eve got a true elven name, for use with strangers.” Finno turned to her and gestured. “Elmendë, she shall be.”

Káno smiled widest and voiced his approval. “A good one. Apt.”

“On that note, we should go see if my parents can introduce Káno to Elemmírë,” Elenwë decided. “So, hurry and eat, both of you!”

They didn't have to be told twice.

A/N 2:


IT finally HAPPENED.


How's everyone feeling? Excited?

This chapter was a strange dichotomy of easy and difficult. Easy because I know what needed to happen and stuff, but difficult because I wanted it to be perfect.


It's been almost 4 months since I started this fic. Can't wait to start the second.

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