Prologue: Stolen Eyes

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Here's my Prologue to my first Naruto fanfiction

Hope you didn't wait long ( ͞   ~ ͞  ;)

Editor: Aaron_dragona






"Tailed beasts talking"

'Tailed beasts thinking/talking with the jinjuriki'


(Author's notes and POV's)


Nobody's POV

Everyone in the Uchiha clan died, everyone except one boy, but he had lost his eyes, they had been crushed. So the villagers needed a new pair of eyes and they just knew where they could get them.

From a little blond haired boy, that was walking around the streets, all alone.

No one to protect him, no one to take care of him, only the 3rd Hokage, but he was busy, as always.

(Konoha's streets)

Naruto walked down the streets and down an alley.

But it was the worst time to take short cuts to his apartment, the villagers that had rescued the Uchiha boy, was watching, more like stalking him, to get the timing right before attacking the poor boy.

Naruto's POV

I could feel other's presence, but I couldn't tell where, but they were there.

Waiting like hungry animals, like they wait for their prey.

I stopped, because a man blocked my path.

"Uhm can I get pass you?" I asked as calm as I could, but my voice was still shaking.

"No, you can't." The man said back to me "Do you know why? ...because we want something."

I backed a little away, but felt another presence behind me, so I stopped and looked behind me with scared eyes.

There were two other villagers.

They moved closer to me and I backed away.

And then I saw their eyes.

Yellow glowing eyes, with slit pupils. They looked like they were possessed (Guess who?)

"Please, don't hurt me. Please." I said, almost crying.

"Nope, I don't think so, because what we want, is something we need to hurt you, before we can get It." The first man said.

And then they launched at me and started beating me.

(A Little Time skip)

My body couldn't take it anymore and my energy, that I used to try and escape, was gone.

So I blacked out.

Nobody's POV

The villagers saw that Naruto blacked out and started to take his eyes.

When they were done taking his eyes out, they took the eyes and walked away, just leaving the poor boy, wounded and blind.

(10 minutes later)

An ANBU with white hair felt that something was wrong and asked permission if he could patrol the town. He got permission and went out.

After a little while, he found the boy and went to check on him. What he saw wasn't a pleasant sight; the boy was wounded all over and blood everywhere on him, but where there was most blood was under his eyes, like tears that fell down his cheeks.

He took the boy and immediately went to the hospital.

The white haired ANBU asked nicely if they could take care of him and see what's wrong with him and his eyes.

(Time skip)

"Sir ANBU, he has lost his eyes." The nurse said to the white haired ANBU.

"Who is he anyway?" He asked worried.

"You don't know him, sir?"She questioned. "Do you know the demon child?"

"Yes I do." He answered, he thought about it and said "Wait, you don't mean that this child is him, he is Naruto?"

The nurse nodded and walked out of the white room with a window out to the village.

"Oh Naruto, I hope you can live with the world, now that you can't see." He said and walked out of the room.

He thanked the nurses who helped Naruto and ran off.

Naruto's POV

I can hear a faint voice




I smacked my eyes up, so hard it hurt. I looked around the weird place I was in. There was water on the floor and there was a cage-like thing before me.

My eyes still hurt, but I could clearly see.

When I saw what was in the cage, I backed away, scared.

'Kit, don't worry, I won't hurt you'

When I heard those words, I was relieved and walked a bit forward again to only see a gigantic red eye with slit pupil.

"Who are you?!" I asked a bit surprised.


'Are you telling me, you don't know me?'

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying."

'Tch, can't be helped then, I am the nine tailed fox, Kitsune'

"The nine tailed fox?" I said in a confused tone, but when I thought about it more, I remembered who he was. "YOU'RE THE NINE TAILED FOX THAT ATTACKED THE VILLAGE?!?!?!"

He nodded

"But-" I was cut off by Kitsune.

'You're probably going to ask "Why are you in here?!", well ask the fourth Hokage about that.'

He said in an annoyed voice.

'Listen Kit, someone stole your eyes, so you have no sight.'

"Someone stole my eyes?" I said scared. "Wait, what do you mean by have no sight?"

'I tried to restore your eyes, but...'

"But..?" I asked.

'I restored your eyes, but I couldn't get your sight back, I'm sorry Kit.'

I was about to say something, but Kitsune cut me off, again.

'The people that are watching over you are worried; you should probably wake up now.'


'Just wake up, we can talk again, another time.'

He said grinning and he disappeared.

(The White Haired ANBU's POV)

I saw Naruto lying in the hospital bed and his breath was normal.

That was good.

I was lost in my thoughts, when I heard groaning from the bed.

"Nurse! He's waking up." I shouted to the nurse that took care of him.

She ran over to the room and over to the bed.

(Naruto's POV)

Everything was black.

I couldn't see anything, only hear.

And again I could hear a little faint voice.

"-ey are you awake?" The faint voice said.

It sounded like a male.

I tried to open my eyes, but I still could nothing see, but darkness and again I heard a voice, but it was different from the other, it sounded like a female

"Naruto, don't try to open your eyes for now, you can't see anymore." She said, but I didn't listen; I took the bandages off my eyes and opened them. I heard gasps and the male's voice said "His eyes, they are there, but they are missing a little light in them, could you check them nurse?"

"Yes of course." The female's voice said, who I identified as a nurse.

I could feel her hands near my eyes and I said "I can't see anything."

"His eyes looks like they can see, but he can't." She said "I can't do anything about this anymore, he has to live without his sight."

"I understand." The male's voice said.

"Hey, who else is here with me, nurse?" I asked. "Oh, this is Wolf, he's an ANBU."

"Nurse?" I asked. "Can I stay here a little longer? I still don't feel that well."

"Sure." She said and I heard her walk off and another pair of footsteps came.

But I heard them stop.

"Boy, if you need help or anything like that call the nurse, while you're in here. When you come out, I will help you train, so you can see in another way." When he said that I was so happy.

I thanked him and lay down again and went to sleep.

The last thing I heard, when I was about to fall asleep was footsteps and I fell into the deep sleep.

(The Weird Place)

'Kit? ... Earth to Naruto!'

I shot my eyes open and I was glad that I could see again.

'Kit I can train you, how to see in another way and use Jutsu.'

"Really?!?!?!" I asked happily .

'Yes, come over here and listen-'

(Half a year later)

I got released 5 and a half month ago.

Kitsune taught me, how to see, in a way, where you can see other's chakras. And my hearing became really good, I could dodge things better than people that could see.

Wolf came over often and trained me in the same things Kitsune trained me in, so I became a little better in everything.

Today was Sunday and Wolf came over, I asked him if I could join the ANBU's.

"You can join the ANBU's if you pass the test." He explained "and the test is tomorrow."

(Time skip: 1 day later)

"You ready?" Wolf asked (He had his ANBU mask on all the time, he came to Naruto's house, because Naruto was more "safe")

"Yeah I am!" I shouted "okay let's go" He shouted back in a happy voice.

(Time skip: after the test (Yes a lot of time skips))

"I......PASSED!!!!" I shouted to Wolf, he laughed.

"Good for you, Naruto." He said back.

I got my stuff and weapons.

I was now Official an ANBU.


And done with the prologue.

I hope you enjoyed these 1,400 words \( ͞   υ ͞  )/

See you guys in the next Chapter :)

Oh and i need 5 votes for the next chapter! or else i don't have the guts to make chapter 1

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