Saving Digimon City Part 3

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Last Time On A Digimon Scientific Railgun.........

"Who was that?" asked Uiharu.

"It look like Laylamon." Said Kuroko.

"But what happened?" Said Alice.

"I have a sneaky idea who did it." Said Mikoto as she looked back to the castle.


Back with the others.........

"Well that was satisfying." Said Saten.

Suddenly a podcasting camera came out of the stone floor as their was a buzzing sound. KingEtemon must be podcasting his show again.

"Welcome to my show again. Now you will see the punishment I had plan for the captured humans and their Digimon partners!" Said KingEtemon as they can hear him podcasting his voice over the speakers in the basement.

KingEtemon face then popped on the computer screen. "And now... Hey wait!!! How did you get out!?" asked KingEtemon as he just noticed the captured humans and their Digimon partners freed and have Digivoled.

"Hehe!" Said Saten as she made a mocking face. Drake had his tongue out as he mocked KingEtemon as well.


Back in Digimon City......

"Hey! That is Saten!" Said Uiharu as she and the others were watching the live broadcast on the floating TVs in Digimon City.

"And that is Drake." Said Alice.

"And that is the princess!!" Said Mikoto as she can see Beastmon on the TVs.

"But how did they get free?" asked Kuroko.

"How did you all get yourself free!? Who freed the princess!?" asked KingEtemon.

Suddenly, someone walked right infront of the podcasting camera. Sam lowered himself so that his face was broadcast everywhere.

"That would be me!" Said Sam.

"ITS SAM!" Said the girls.

"How did you get past my guards and my security?!" asked KingEtemon with a angry look on his golden face.

"It is called sneaking around. Now, that my friends and the princess is freed, your next KingEtemon. The time of justice has come KingEtemon!" Said Sam before he crushed the podcasting camera.

On top of a near by building, the mysterious person named Norm watched the live feed and had a smiled on her face.


With KingEtemon.............

"Unbelievable! I am about to lose to a human and a Digimon!?" Asked KingEtemon as he continues to sit on his throne.

Suddenly, the floor right infront of him exploded as a stream of fire came right through it, creating a large hole.

WarGreymon was the first to came out of the hole as he was carrying Sam and Beastmon in his hands. The other two Digimons carried their human partners and joined him. The Digimon gently set everyone down away from the hole as Sam stared at KingEtemon with anger.

"Well well. KingEtemon. We meet face to face!" Said Sam as he narrowed his eyes.

"Same thing to you human!" Said KingEtemon.

Saten, Drake, Gatomon and Tentomon were freed. The princess Beastmon is now putting her freedom and safety of Digimon City in Sams promise. Can Sam and WarGreymon defeat KingEtemon?


Digimon City..........

"I can't believe it! KingEtemon is about to lose!" Said One of the Digimon civilians. 

"And we and the princess will finally be free!" Cheered another Digimon.

Across all over Digimon City, all the citizens were cheering that they will be free and KingEtemon will be no more.

"I still can't believe that Sam is about to face KingEtemon." Said Mikoto.

"Me either." Said Kuroko.

"Same." Said Uiharu and Alice. 

Their Digimon partners nodded in agreement. From behind them, the mysterious person named Norn was observing the cheers of the Digimon.


With Sam.........

"I still can't believe a human and a Digimon was able to out smart me and my forces." Said KingEtemon as he stood up form his throne and walked down in fighting distance infront of WarGreymon.

"Yeah. Too bad no one will see this fight of you losing!" Said Sam.

"Oh really?" asked KingEtemon as he snapped his fingers. More broadcasting cameras came out of the stone walls and floors as this fight is now live for everyone to see on the TV's

"Are you really that eager for everyone to see the butt kicking you clearly deserved?" asked Sam

"No! It will be yours!" Said KingEtemon as he charged at WarGreymon.

"Go WarGreymon! Stop him!" Said Sam.

WarGreymon throw a punch at KingEtemon at the same KingEtemon did the same thing. They both punched each other in the face. A cross counter.

"Not a bad punch. But not good enough!" Said KingEtemon as he kicked WarGreymon in the chest.

"King Monkick!" The moment his leg kicked WarGreymon in the chest, an explosion was created. WarGreymon had to jump back before the explosion could damage him.

"Terra Force!" Said WarGreymon as he formed a giant ball of energy and tossed it KingEtemon.

KingEtemon formed a ball of energy in his left hand and throw it at the attack. The two attacks struggled to overpower the other.

"Sam! Let us help you!" Said Saten.

"I am afraid we can't Saten." Said Angewomon.

"And why not?" asked Saten as she was confused by her Digimon statement

"Angewomon is correct Saten. WarGreymon and I must be the ones to defeat him. KingEtemon form is very clear to me. He is a Mega level Digimon." Said Sam.

"I am at a Ultimate Level. Not strong enough to battle a Mega level Digimon." Said Angewomon.

"And I am only a Champion level." Said Kabuterimon.

"Meaning... we will only get in the way." Said Drake.

"I see." Said Saten as she final understand why Sam doesn't want their help at this moment. He doesn't want them to get hurt in this fight.

Saten then felt a hand on her right shoulder. "Don't worry. Sam promised to save us all didn't he?" asked Beastmon with a happy cat smile.

WarGreymon Terra Force attack overpowered KingEtemon attack and collided with the Digimon himself. It pushed him back into a wall and the ball of energy exploded.

Everyone had to cover their eyes from the explosion. When the dusted settled, KingEtemon has wounds that were leaking out data from his body. Since Digimon are made up of codes, it is like leaking gout blood but instead, when a Digimon has a fetal wound, they leak out their codes instead.

"How could this happened?" asked KingEtemon as he fell to his knees.

"I am a member of the Lucemon Empire!" Said KingEtemon. "Oh master, if you can hear me, please give me the strength to beat these Digidestined!" shouted KingEtemon as he was shouting in the air by himself.

"No one is hearing you KingEtemon. You are all alone. So take you punishment like a man." Said WarGreymon as he right arm begin to charge up with a attack.

Suddenly, a huge beam of red light crashed through the ceiling and struck KingEtemon. The ray complete engulf him.

WarGreymon had to step back when he sense evil in that beam of light. "Whats happening?" asked Sam

"I don't know. I sense great evil in that light." Said WarGreymon.


Unknown location...............

"Where.... where am I?" asked KingEtemon as he was floating in a dark space with no light. 

"Hello? Is anyone here?" asked KingEtemon

"So.... KingEtemon. You have summoned me?" Asked a male voice that echoed in this space. KingEtemon knows that voice

"Yes my lord Lucemon. I need the power to stop the Digidestined. They are more powerful then we can possibly imagine." Said KingEtemon.

"And this Digidestined, how much trouble is he giving you?" asked Lucemon.

"Enough trouble that he overpowered Laylamon." Said KingEtemon. He heard nothing for a few seconds.

"Very well. I shall give you the power to defeat him." Said Lucemon as the dark void and KingEtemon become engulfed in pure white light.


Back in the Castle Throne Room......

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" KingEtemon begin to shout out. Suddenly a massive wave destroyed the red light and KingEtemon came out of it 100% healed up.

"What the... He is all healed up!?" questioned Sam.

KingEtemon simply took a step and he was right infront of WarGreymon before he could even blink.

"What the?" asked WarGreymon before he was punched in the face and was picked up by KingEtemon.

"I am now stronger...." He then tossed WarGreymon across the room into a wall. WarGreymon slowly slide of the wall just in time for KingEtemon to pick him up again.

"....faster..." He then slammed WarGreymon back onto his knee. WarGreymon let out a sound of pain.

".... and more powerful than I was before!" Said KingEtemon before he slammed WarGreymon into the floor.

"You can't beat me now!" Said KingEtemon before he kicked him across the room.

"WarGreymon!" Said Sam as he was worried about his partner and friend.


With Mikoto.........

"No! This can't be happening!" Said Mikoto as she is watching KingEtemon getting the upper hand on the TVs

"What happened? WarGreymon was about to win and suddenly KingEtemon just got stronger than before!" Said Uiharu.

"That is because it was Lucemon doing." Said Norn as she walked up to them as she caused them to turned around to see her. "He made KingEtemon more powerful than want he was suppose to be."

"Who is she?" Asked Biyomon

"Yeah! Who are you?" asked Kuroko and Uiharu

"That's her Kuroko. That is the person named Norn." Said Renamon.

"What do you want?" asked Kuroko

"And are you trying to tell us that Lucemon somehow made KingEtemon stronger?" asked Alice.

"Yes. At this moment, WarGreymon doesn't have the strength to defeat KingEtemon at this moment." Said Norn as she now stands infront of Mikoto.

"At least not by himself." Said Norn.

"What do you mean?" asked Mikoto.

"Your Digimon Gabumon can help WarGreymon but only in his Mega form." Said Norn as she held her hand out and Mikoto Digivice went into her hand and she begin to make it glow.

"Hey what are you doing?" asked Mikoto

"Making some adjustments. Now your Digivice is now working just like Sam's Digivice." Said Norn as she put it back on Mikoto right arm.

"Why are you asking only Sissy for help?" asked Kuroko.

"Because, I am giving her a way that only her and Sam can perform that will stop KingEtemon." Said Norn. Norn whispered the instructions to Mikoto in her ear.

"Do you understand?" Asked Norn.

"Yes." Said Mikoto as she nodded to Norn question. Norn then created a portal behind her.

"Then go. This portal will take you straight to where Sam is." Said Norn.

"Lets go Gabumon." Said Mikoto.

"Right behind you!" Said Gabumon as he and Mikoto jumped into the portal. Once they entered through the portal, Norn closed it so no one else could go through it.


With Sam..........

WarGreymon was kicked straight into a wall. WarGreymon let out a sound of pain as it was clear that he was in trouble.

"WarGreymon!" Said Sam as he ran over to his injured friend. "Are you okay?"

"No... I am afraid that I don't have the strength to beat him. He got too strong." Said WarGreymon.

"Ha Ha Ha!" KingEtemon laughed. "Say good night!" as he begins to form another ball of energy in his hand.

Just before he could, a portal appeared right infront of him as missiles came out of the portal and striked him hard in the face.

"Oww! My face!" Said KingEtemon before a figure flied out of the portal and pushed him away from Sam and WarGreymon.

The figure landed infront of Sam and WarGreymon. MetalGarurumon!

"Is that Gabumon? In his Mega form?" asked WarGreymon.

"If that is Gabumon then that must mean..." paused Sam as he saw Mikoto jumping down from MetalGarurumon back.

"Mikoto!?" asked Sam.

She begin to walk over to Sam with her hair bangs covering her eyes. Sam knows that she must be angry. Sam closed his eyes as he prepared for a punch on his head.

Or so he thought. Mikoto just walked up to Sam and hugged him. "I am glad that you are okay brother." Said Mikoto.

"Sorry for making you worried Mikoto." Said Sam.

Saten heard this from her safe area with Drake and Digimon partners. "Wait hold Misaka. Sam is your brother?" Asked Saten.

"It is a long story and it is complicated." Said Mikoto a she looks towards Saten. She then turned her focus to Sam

"Listen. I have an idea of how to defeat KingEtemon once and for all." Said Mikoto.

"What that?" asked Sam. Mikoto whispered the plan into his ear.  "Oh I see. That is a good plan."

Sam then stood up as he got to the right side to Mikoto. WarGreymon finally got the strength back to stand up again. Their Digivice begin to glow. Mikoto begin to remember what Norn told them to do.



"When you get to Sam. Have both of your Digivices connected to each other. And say the words....." Said Norn when she whispered this to Mikoto back in Digimon City.

End Flashback..........

"DNA Digivolution!" Said both the Misaka siblings as Mikoto raised her right arm and Sam raised his left arm. They move their arms close to each other as their Digivices connect to each other.

A bright white light was formed when the two Digivices came into contact. This white light shot straight into the ceiling and then crashed through the ceiling as it reached far into the Digital World Sky.

WarGreymon! MetalGarurumon! DNA Digivole to..............

Both WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon turned into streams of code as these two different codes begin to swirl around each other before merging together.

KingEtemon finally recovered to see a Digimon forming in the white light. "What... what is happening!?" asked KingEtemon.


Digimon City.......

"What is going on?" asked Uiharu as she is seeing the giant beam of white light. All the Digimon were amazed by this white light.

"It has started." Said Norn.

"What has?" Asked Alice

"And what has happened to Sissy and Sam Digimon?" Asked Kuroko.

"Just keep your eyes on the TV's and you will see." Said Norn as she continues to watch both the white light and the TVs.


Back in the Throne Room.......

The white light begin to died down as a Digimon was slowly appearing. Mikoto and Sam were amazed of what is happening.

"WarGreymon..." Said Sam.

"MetalGarurumon..." Said Mikoto.

"They have Digivole together to become...." Said Mikoto and Sam together.

This new Digimon swipe away the white to reveal himself. A huge white like knight Digimon Omnimon.

"Omnimon!" Said this new Digimon as it has both the voice of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. It open up its blue eyes.

"NO... it can't be.... Those two Digimon fused together to become Omnimon?" asked KingEtemon.

"KingEtemon. Your ways of hurting and brainwashing the Digimon have gone on for too long. The hour of justice has come!" Said Omnimon.

"No! I won't lose the likes of you!" Said KingEtemon as he created a large ball of blue energy and tossed it at Omnimon.

The left head of WarGreymon opened up its mouth as a sword came out of it. "Transcendent Sword!" Omnimon slashed the ball of energy into tiny pieces that released tiny explosions.

"He... he cut through my attack like it was paper!" Said KingEtemon as he was sweating nervously.

"Supreme Cannon!" The right head MetalGarurumon opened up its mouth to reveal a huge cannon. He fired it directly at KingEtemon who dodged it at the neck of time. When he look a the place he once was, their was now a huge hole in the throne stone walls.

"He destroyed a part of my wall like it was nothing!" Said KingEtemon.

Omnimon suddenly appeared right infront of KingEtemon before he even noticed. Omnimon kicked KingEtemon outside of the castle.

"AHHHH!" KingEtemon cried out as he was sent flying. Omnimon flied into he air and caught up with him. KingEtemon was now scared of his fate.

"No wait!... Please...." KingEtemon didn't get a chance to finish speaking as he felt he was stabbed in the chest.

Omnimon stabbed him with his sword. He then tossed him into the air as he charged up his Supreme Cannon.

"Goodbye KingEtemon!" Said Omnimon and he fired his cannon at KingEtemon. The attack destroyed KingEtemon as he was turned into a stream of code. The stream of code went into the air and will be later be reborned into a different Digimon.

Across the whole Digimon City, they saw the defeat of KingEtemon. They begin to cheer so loud that it can be heard from the skies. They begin to cheer to the Digimon and the Digidestined that save them.

Omnimon flied back to the castle and landed into the throne room. He walked over to Sam and Mikoto.

Omnimon then begin to glow as he turned back into Agumon and Gabumon. Mikoto and Sam caught their partners as they fell after they unfused.

"You did good. You both did." Said Mikoto as she hugged her Digimon partner.

"Yes. You all did." Said a female voice.

They turned around to see Norn with the other Digidestined and their Digimon partners. With a snap of her fingers, Saten and Drake Digimon begin to change back. Saten partner become Gatomon again and Drake partner returned to his Rookie form.

"Well. I defeat KingEtemon. Now you agreed to answer some questions that I have." Said Sam.

"Well. I can answer any questions you have but those ones must be answered when Jijimon comes out of hiding. But I can answer the question of who I am. At the very least you deserved to know who I really am." Said Norn as she took off her cloak to revel herself.

"I go by many names. I was once called King Drasil, and Yggdrasill. But call me Norn Mikihara. Once the ruler of the Digital World now reborned as a human." Said Norn as she revealed her true self.

(This was the only colored version of this person that I could find.)

All the Digimon in the room begin to bowed down to her. Beastmon was about to but Norn put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"A princess like yourself doesn't have to bow down to me." Said Norn. Beastmon begin to smile at her. Norn then turned her attention to the Digidestined.

"Digidestined. Because you have save Digimon City from a member of the Lucemon Empire, all the questions that you have when you were first brought to the Digital World will soon be answered." Said Norn.

Digimon is now free of the control of KingEtemon. Omnimon was formed to bring justice onto KingEtemon. Norn true identity was revealed. The question that the Digidestined that had will soon be answered.


To Be Continued..........

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