(not actually an update either, BUT ANOTHER THING)

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(...That was supposed to be a screeching tire noise. I know, I fail at onomatopoeia. xD)

Actually, before I get to that, there's a few other bouncy-excited fan things I that wanted to get out of my system. Since I already have you all here, I might as well INFODUMP MY ODD SQUAD-RELATED ADVENTURES AS OF LATE ON YOU GUYS! RIGHT? YEAH!

And by 'adventures' I mean 'thoughts on stuff'. Which, to be fair, are probably adventures in themselves. Here we go!

ADVENTURE/THOUGHT #1: Okay, so I was recently able to watch a couple of the newest OS episodes on the TVO Kids YouTube channel. (I'd watch it on TV, but sadly, that has proven impossible for me at the moment. xP) So far, I've been able to see Three's Company/Behind Enemy Mimes (which I think is kind of an older new one) and High Maintenance/Not OK Computer.

I might as well say it now—I'M REALLY LOVING THIS SEASON ASGDJKL. Does anyone know about how many more episodes we have to go before Season 2 ends? It seems like PBS Kids shows have a habit of having less episodes per season after Season 1, but I'm not sure about Odd Squad.

Anyway, I was super excited to see O'Donahue in Behind Enemy Mimes! I wrote up a whole episode review that I might post in some other book specifically for rambley episode reviews, but we'll see how that goes. I guess I just wasn't expecting O'D to show back up again—and what do you know? HE MIGHT BE A RECURRING CHARACTER AGAIN. IN NON-FLASHBACK FORM. COOLNESS AMIRIGHT.

Oh, and don't even get me started on High Maintenance/Not OK Computer. I was laughing at those episodes way too hard, especially at all the great lines. XD

"No, I do not have time for a survey!"
"...Well, okay, if it's fast."

I did an episode review for that too, but I'm going to have to reread it to make sure it's not just me laughing the whole time. (I don't know why I stay so excited about episodes for so long... Maybe I don't get off the Hype Train at my station? #ALLABOARDTHEHYPETRAIN #WHOOPWHOOP)


ADVENTURE/THOUGHT #2: I also just caught up on all the latest OddTube videos on the Odd Squad website, and... pfffff. I don't know which parts I like best! (Though it's probably a four-way tie between Dr. O's "I know I am!" line, Olympia noticing that she can't go a certain way because some agents have started a hockey game in the hallway, Otis literally scrambling to get off-camera [hey, reminds me of me!], and Olhm's pans in Hong Kong.)

(Speaking of which, I'M GLAD OLHM MENTIONED ORCHID. THEY NEVER SEEM TO WILLINGLY GO NEAR EACH OTHER SO IT'S GOOD TO KNOW THEY ACTUALLY DO GO OUT ON CASES AND STUFF. Also, did Olhm in that video seem a little more... normal... than usual, or is just me? Maybe Orchid is whipping him into shape just like Ms. O said she would. XD)

Oh, and also:

"Do you have a shark?"
"Not on me right now." XD

I guess just like the OddTube videos because they feel a lot less scripted than the show—which I think is what the producers were going for. Just little things like the camera bobbing after Olympia as she leads the way down the hall, and stuff like that. (I wonder who Olympia got to help her film? Oona, probably?) I know it's not technically behind-the-scenes, but it's canonically behind-the-scenes, and as a fan of BTS stuff in any form, I find that cool!

ADVENTURE-THOUGHT #3: Okay, okay; back to what I was saying at the beginning. THE OTIS MYSTERY! Dun dun dunnn! How mysterious.

Well, for a whole giant long list of reasons, I'm convinced that Otis was a villain before he joined the Squad. I obviously don't know any of the details, but I just like to imagine that the season finale is the episode that features Otis' Big Reveal™.

Probably, if Otis was a villain, Olympia would feel pretty betrayed for most of the episode. I mean, he's her partner, right? They're supposed to work together and be there for each other. Could she really trust him again if he kept something that important from her?

I like to think that yes, she would conclude that she can by the end of the episode.

And she'd go up to him with a sheepish, apologetic smile, scrapbook in hand.


"Hey, um, hey Otis..."

"...Y—yeah, Olympia?"

"I, heh, just... had a question to ask you, was... was all!"

"Okay..." Otis answered slowly, standing stiff with eyes averted. "...Go ahead."

Olympia grinned, first hesitantly, then eagerly.

"Could you sign my villain autograph book?"

Otis stopped to stare, caught off-guard. She smirked at this and gave a brief shrug, beaming proudly.

"It's not complete anymore, ya know?" she explained, grinning very wide.

Otis didn't answer at first, only looking troubled at this. Olympia hopped up next to him to elaborate, eyes sparkling with playful excitement.

"It's missing my favorite signature!"

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