A Divine Love

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Jeon Taehyung was trying to stop the loud wails of a one-year-old, Minjoon when the phone rang. He had a bad feeling but he was never the one to believe such stuff as his guts. Bouncing the little one on his leg, he picked up the phone not knowing that his world would soon be shattered to pieces. 


'Jeon Taehyung, husband of Jeon Jeongguk?'

Taehyung visibly gulped hearing the unknown yet serious voice on the phone. 

"Who wants to know?"

'Sir, we're sorry to inform you that your husband was earlier met with an accident.'

Taehyung eyes went wide, his ears could not hear anything but the line repeating over and over again in his head. He could not cry, he was in pure shock. He found it extremely hard to gulp the lump in his throat. 

'Sir, are you there?'

He hummed, he did not even have anything left in him to utter a word. 

'He's critical but the doctors ar---'

"Which hospital?"

Taehyung did not waste another second and rushed to the hospital not forgetting to take his son with him. He contemplated leaving the little boy with their neighbors but the little lad was his only emotional support and comfort. 

On reaching the hospital he almost growled at the receptionists about his husband and he rushed to the operation theater where a red light was brightly glowing. Taehyung made Minjoon sit on one of the chairs while he paced to and fro in front of the theater. 

It was not long before his in-laws joined him along with his husband's ex-wife and children. "Why are you here, Jieun?", Mr. Jeon voiced out the question in Taehyung's head. "Of course she should be here. She's his partner.", Mrs. Jeon spat back defending Jieun. 

Mr. Jeon was ready to fight with his wife until Taehyung intervened. "Can we do this later when Jeongguk is alright?", the old man nodded and pitied the poor male before going over to sit with Minjoon. 

It was almost five hours when the light turned off and a doctor walked out. Taehyung was quick to recognize the male as his best friend, Hyungsik. He rushed over and took a minute to take in the sight of blood on Hyungsik's scrubs.

"How is he? Is he alright?", Hyungsik let out a sigh. "I need you to take a seat and calm down, Tae. Please?", Taehyung nodded his head hesitantly and sat on one of the chairs. "We're his parents, you should be talking to us, not him.", said Mrs. Jeon and Hyungsik glared at her. 

"Can you please stop? I don't care if you're older than me, I'll have the security drag you out.", the woman instantly shut up and Hyungsik sat near his friend. "I'm sorry, Tae.", the brunette let out a choked sob. 

"We tried everything but he's in a coma now. We are still unsure of when he'll wake up...", the doctor looked at his friend before continuing, "Or if he'll ever wake up.", he completed. Hyungsik embraced his wailing friend who could not stop his tears from falling. 

"No, you're lying, Sik.", the male weakly threw his fists at the male's chest. Mr. Jeon and the kids teared up at the information while Mrs. Jeon and Jieun scoffed at the male. "Stop causing a scene, will you?", said Jieun with Mrs. Jeoen nodding her head.

Hyungsik glared at the two women before having them dragged by the security guards. Hyungsik had to leave and Mr. Jeon comforted his son-in-law. "He's a fighter, Tae. He'll survive for you.", Taehyung sobbed again nodding his head.

It was an hour later when Hyungsik told the two men that they could visit the ravenette. Mr. Jeon went in first and pushed Taehyung to go in when he was done. Taehyung clutched the hem of his shirt trying to breakdown at the sight of his husband on the bed with the wires and plasters on his body. 

The room was quiet except for the beeping of the machine recording his husband's heart rate. "Gukkie? Can you hear me?", the male spoke in a hushed tone and held his husband's hand taking care not to move the needle piercing his skin. 

Taehyung held the cold hands of his husband as he looked at his face which was partially visible because of the oxygen mask on his face. He looked at the closed eyes of his husband and pecked them as soft as a feather. 

"Please wake up soon. I miss you, already. You promised to come back home when you left for work this morning, right? Why didn't you keep your promise?", the male silently sobbed again. Taehyung gently touched the pale cheek looking at the bandage that was wrapped around his husband's head. 


It was almost three days when the male in comatose was moved to a room. Everyone had gathered around the bed looking at Jeongguk on the bed. Lisa and her twin brothers, Seojoon and Sejoon were sobbing as they looked at their still father. 

On the other hand, Minjoon was still unaware of his Daddy's situation and poked his father's side, "Pway wif me.", the little boy mumbled. "Don't do that, you little vermin!", Mrs. Jeon exclaimed angrily causing the little boy to tear up at the old woman. 

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to tell you guys something.", said Hyungsik who had just entered the room. All eyes and ears were focused on him except for Minjoon, of course. "All the doctors who operated on him had a discussion together yesterday. We've concluded that we'll give him three months to wake up and if not...", he dragged not wanting to break them even more. 

"If not, then what Hyungsik?", Taehyung held his friend's collar. Hyungsik took his hands off and held them tight before continuing, "If not...we have decided to pull the plug.", Taehyung laughed humorlessly. "Quit playing around, Sik. It's not funny.", Hyungsik looked down not wanting to meet his friend's bloodshot eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Tae.", the male mumbled before leaving the broken male and walking out. Taehyung had no family, only Jeongguk and Minjoon. He was an orphan with no knowledge about his family. 

Taehyung spent most of his time searching for his family but as much as he hated how he spent too much time for them, he was glad since the search for his parents led him to find the love of his life, Jeon Jeongguk. 

They met when Taehyung went for a job interview since he needed money to continue the search for his family. Jeongguk had just gotten out of his divorce. He was determined to never fall in love again but the next time he did, he fell for the right person. 

Taehyung flipped his world into rainbows and unicorns and Jeongguk could not be more thankful for the little male. Taehyung's happiness knew no bounds when Jeongguk went on one knee on their second anniversary. 

Then came along Minjoon who made their world brighter and cheerful but Taehyung never failed to love his stepchildren just the same. Jeongguk loved his children without a doubt and he promised to do the same. 

But now everything had turned dark.

Taehyung spent most of his time beside his unconscious husband. Some days Minjoon also tagged along only to ask his Dada to play with him. The sight broke Taehyung even more than he already was. 

Taehyung read his husband stories and shared his feelings every time he visited, which was almost every day. Jeongguk's parents visited him as much as they could and the same with the three kids. 

It was almost four weeks when Taehyung was busy reading his favorite novel to his husband. "Wakey wakey.", Minjoon mumbled with a cute bunny smile as he shook his Dada to wake him up. Taehyung put the book away and bit his lip to hold back his sobs.

"Minnie, Daddy will wake up soon, okay? Don't disturb him, baby.", he mumbled out but the one-year-old paid no attention and continued to shake his Dada's body. "Jeon Minjoon, I told you to stop it.", Taehyung yelled at the baby with widened eyes while he had a hard grip on the little one's fragile wrist.

"Tae?", the said male turned his head to look at Mr. Jeon who hurried to pull off a sobbing Minjoon. "What are you doing, Tae? He's just a baby.", the elder said and pat the little one's back. 

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry. I miss him. I miss my husband, Dad.", Mr. Jeon gave a sad smile to the male and pulled him into a hug with his free hand. Minjoon smiled before patting his Papa's back, "Iths ogay.", the one year mumbled out and Taehyung kissed his tiny fingers.


 It had been more than a month since the accident but Jeongguk still showed no signs of waking up. Taehyung tried everything he could but he was slowly losing hope. The hope that his husband will wake up one day and embrace him and cuddle him.

Taehyung felt as if he was barely alive anymore, he felt as if he was a living corpse. So Mr. Jeon thought that it would be better if Minjoon stayed with them for a few days since clearly he was too broken to even take care of himself. 

Hyungsik was concerned about his friend and he decided to visit him one day and that was when he found him unconscious in one of the rooms. The sunken cheeks and the dark bags around his eyes indicated that the male never paid attention to his own body. 

Hyungsik hurried to get his friend to the hospital but the results got him smiling. He could not wait to tell his friend about the news. He hoped that it would cheer him up. Taehyung was out cold for an hour before he woke up. 

"Hey you're awake?", the male nodded and sat up. "Why am I in here?", Taehyung looked around understanding that he was in a ward. "I came to your house but you were unconscious. So I brought you here.", the small male nodded.

"Probably cause I haven't been eating well. Sorry if I got you worried.", the blonde smiled at his friend. "Well, that too. But I have news for you and I think that would cheer you up.", Hyungsik smiled at his friend. 

"You're pregnant, Tae.", Hyungsik cheered out but the other froze the blood draining from his face. But he uttered out something that Hyungsik could not believe, "I don't want it.". The doctor stared at his friend. "What are you saying, Tae?", only tears blurred the hazel orbs as he stared at the wall. 

"I don't want the baby, Hyungsik.", Taehyung mumbled out. "Do you even hear yourself, Tae?", Hyungsik stood up, "You know what? I'm gonna step out for a few minutes and when I come back I hope you'll have a good and reasonable answer.", the doctor walked out leaving his friend behind.

Jeongguk sighed closing his laptop. Minjoon was asleep in the nursery and his husband was right beside him going through some magazine. The ravenette reached for the other's spectacles and took them off placing them on the nightstand. 

"You know Minjoon would be such a good big brother. Taehyung glared at his husband closing the magazine, "So what are you suggesting, my beloved hubby? Adoption?", he wiggled his brows. "Or we could make love right now and get you swollen with our child.", Jeongguk traced his fingers down the other's arms. 

"Oh yeah? Well...", the younger looked at his husband, "What if I wanna do it now?", Jeongguk smiled at his ethereal husband. "Well, then Highness, thy wish shall be my command.", the raven head smirked before hovering over his husband capturing the other's sinfully soft lips in a gentle yet hot kiss. 

Just like every other time Jeongguk took care of his husband as they made slow sweet love. The two cuddled when their session was over. "I can't wait for our little princess.", the raven head rubbed his husband's soft tummy before leaving a peck on the other's temple leaving him to giggle. 

"I hope you made a decision?", Hyungsik's question brought him back to reality. Taehyung shook his head, "No. Whatever I told you, I was not in my right mind, I'm sorry.", Taehyung sobbed. "Why are you crying? Everything's gonna be alright, Tae. Hush now.", Hyungik helped his friend calm down. 

"So what made you change your absurd decision?", Hyungsik handed his friend some water. The corner of his lips curved into a small yet sad smile his hands gently rubbing the still flat tummy, "Because Gukkie wanted a princess.", Taehyung wiped the tears that ran down his face.

It hurt Hyungsik to see his friend in so much pain but he could only pray for Jeongguk to wake up soon or the pregnant male will have to be alone through his pregnancy. "He'll wake up soon, Tae. Please stop worrying about him, yeah? You have another little someone to take care of along with Minjoon.", Taehyung sighed. "So will you be able to do everything by yourself? I can help you out if you'd like?", Taehyung smiled at his friend before telling his friend that he will be alright on his own.

"Let's do an ultrasound, yeah?", the brunette nodded and laid on the bed lifting his shirt to expose his flat tummy which had stretch marks on it from his first one. Initially, he hated those marks but now whenever he looked at them, he could only see Jeongguk leaving little kisses on it and telling him how beautiful and precious those really are.

"You know the protocol, right?", the male nodded and hissed as his friend applied the cold gel on his mid-section. "We'll hear the heartbeat first.", the brunette held his breath in as the other male turned on the machine.

He finally sighed happy tears leaving his eyes when a beautiful rhythmic sound flowed through the room. "Guess someone's gonna be a Papa again. You're already two and a half months in.", Taehyung blinked his tears away as he listened to his friend. Hyungsik then showed him the image of the little pea-sized bundle of joy and handed him the tissues to clean himself. 

"He already looks so handsome, Tae. He's gonna be such a heartbreaker.", Jeongguk grinned Taehyung's hand tightly clutched in his. "You don't even know the gender yet. Moreover, he's only 5 months old and that too inside your husband's tummy, Jeon.", Hyungsik laughed but the proud grin never went off the raven head's face and Taehyung could swear that he would never need anything else in his life. He was contented, he was happy. He felt blessed. 

"Hey, Tae? Are you alright? What's the matter?", Hyungsik panicked on seeing his friend cry again. "I miss him, Sik.", the doctor sadly sighed before hugging his friend and patting his back. "He'll be back soon. Don't lose heart, Tae.", the other nodded before getting off the bed. 


Back at the Jeon's residence, Mr. Jeon was trying to calm the cries of the one-year-old who was currently at his residence. "If you stop crying we can see Papa.", he tried coaxing the little boy and it worked like a charm. "Can you please drop him back? He's extremely annoying.", Mrs. Jeon mumbled as she went to open the door which was being knocked. 

"Oh, you.", she scoffed at Taehyung at the door. "Good evening to you too, Mrs. Jeon.", he bowed. Minjoon perked up hearing the familiar voice, "Pwapwa.", he screamed out and Mr. Jeon chuckled before carrying the little one to his parent. "We were just gonna call you, Tae.", the other giggled. 

"Well, I guess I have a perfect timing then.", he stared at his son who had clutched on him as if his life depended on it. "Then, I'll get going. Thank you, Mr. Jeon.", the old man nodded but before the other could leave, a voice stopped him. 

"Why don't you come in, Tae? Let's have a nice cup of tea and have a little chat.", the woman smiled a sweet smile but her husband was quick to notice the venom behind it. Taehyung  nodded his head dumbfounded and came inside following the woman. 

Minjoon was already asleep on Taehyung's lap sucking on his thumb head rested on his Papa's chest. Taehyung felt suffocated from the thick tension filling the room his eyes focused on the glass of lemon tea in front of him. 

He finally decided to break the ice, "So what did you want to talk about, Mrs. Jeon?", the lady smirked as she sipped on her tea. "Well, my husband and I, we have been discussing something.", the old man turned to his wife not understanding what she was talking about. 

"Well, what is it, Mrs. Jeon?", Taehyung was feeling nervous all of a sudden. The lady smirked before replying, "Oh, nothing. I think you should give us the custody of Minjoon. Jeongguk might not be around. You're emotionally unstable which renders you unfit to raise a kid alone.", Taehyung and Mr. Jeon went wide-eyed.

Taehyung cleared his throat, "What are you trying to tell me?", Mrs. Jeon shrugged. "You need to find a psychologist and get some help, Tae. You can't raise a child alone. So leave Minjoon here. He's our grandson.", and that was the last straw for the pregnant male. 

He stood up, "You hate me and my son, why do you care for him all of a sudden? And, Jeongguk will be back. How can a mother say that her own child might die? Are you even a human?", Taehyung spat out and turned to his father-in-law. "I can't believe you did this to me. I thought you and Jeongguk were different from her. I don't know what I was thinking.", he did not wait for a reply as he picked the bag and cradled his son tight before going to the door. 

"And by the way, I won't ask you to take care of Minjoon anymore. Sorry for bothering you.", he walked out. "We can take this to the court, Kim Taehyung.", he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face the old woman. "Really? Great. Do what you can. I won't give up my son.", he spat out and drove off. 


It had been almost three months and Taehyung was almost five months along his pregnancy. He gently ran the wet sponge over his husband's immobile body. He was done shaving his face and grooming his hair and it was time to clean his body. Soaking up the sponge he dragged it along the pale skin of his husband and the silence in the room was deafening to him. 

Minjoon was asleep on the couch and his parents never came to visit him again after that day. Even if they tried to, they were not allowed as per Taehyung's request. It had been more than a month and had been missing his other half too much. 

A sudden shuffling of the door had him turning his head. Jieun along with three kids walked in. "Let me just put some clothes on him.", Jieun nodded not really minding the other. Soon Taehyung was done and walked out to the cafeteria with Minjoon in his hold. 

He did not have anything against the four but Jieun and Lisa always found a way to hurt him. The twin boys were the contradiction of the other two. They really liked Taehyung and loved to spend time with him and Minjoon. 

Setting the half awaken Minjoon on his lap, Taehyung sipped on his orange juice. He stroked his little belly feeling the small bump on it. The juice was not the best but was better than much of the other choices they had. Minjoon woke up in less than a few minutes and stole a few sips of the orange juice. 

The duo was lazing around the hospital greeting the patients there until Hyungsik ran up to them. He looked frantic and out of breath. "What? What's wrong?", Taehyung pulled his hand from his friend's grip as he looked at him for an explanation. 

"He's back, Tae.", Taehyung's eyes were blown wide. He took off running back to his husband's ward as fast as his bump allowed him to. He let down Minjoon once he was in front of the room. He could clearly hear the voices of his in-laws too but that was not his concern. 

Taehyung slowly pushed open the door and every noise died down. "Gukkie..", he sat beside him and took his hands in his. "I missed you so much.", he sobbed out unable to control his emotions. "Dada.", came a tiny voice and Hyungsik smiled before helping the little one up the bed. 

"Pway wif me.", Minjoon mumbled out and made his way to Jeongguk's lap. The raven head had not uttered a word but Taehyung was just glad that he had woken up. "What's wrong, son? Talk to them. They missed you so much.", Taehyung wiped his tears and looked at his husband. 

"Why?", Taehyung felt his heart stop. "Gukkie stop playing around.", he tried to laugh and shrug it off but he could not. "What do you mean? And who are you two?", Taehyung's eyes were blown wide. 

"Jeongguk-ah, that's your husband and that's your son.", Mr. Jeon tried again but all in vain as Jeongguk blankly stared at the two. "Gukkie, do you seriously not remember us?", Jeongguk glared at the pregnant male. 

"Look, I really don't know who you are or who this is.", Jeongguk picked up Minjoon handing him over to Taehyung. "I don't even know why you're here.", he spat out. "Do you remember us then?", Mr. Jeon pointed at himself.

"Dad, you're my Dad and Mom, you're mom. Happy?", Hyungsik looked at the raven head. "Who are they?", Jeongguk let out a long sigh. "That's my wife, Jieun. My daughter Lisa and my sons, Seojoon and Sejoon.". 

"Your current spouse?", Jeongguk turned his head to glare at the pregnant male. "Yes. I'm sorry that I don't remember you. If you meant a lot then I guess I wouldn't have forgotten". Ouch, Taehyung shook his head grabbing his bag and walked out as tears kept falling. "Pway wid Dada.", Minjoon mumbled with his baby accent but nothing, he just kept walking. 

"Tae?", Hyungsik held the other's shoulder to stop him. "Tae?", the blonde turned away not wanting to face anyone. "Tae, please just look at me.", he finally lifted his tear-filled eyes to look at his friend. 

"Tae, he'll remember you in no time. Don't stress yourself, Tae.", he tried but the other shook his head. "He was right. He would've remembered me if I meant something to him. Obviously I don't.", the younger shook his head and walked away holding Minjoon. 

Hyunsik scheduled for a CT scan for Jeongguk as soon as he came back. The raven head was pretty reluctant but he gave in after his Father almost begged him. Mr. Jeon was not ready to let his son lose the one valuable thing he had gotten in all these years. 


It had been a week and Taehyung was not feeling any better. Seeing Minjoon cry for his Dada broke him daily and there were times he thought of aborting the unborn child not wanting to raise the two without the other parent. There seemed to be a war between his brain and his heart but his heart always won and he gave up the absurd cruel thought. 

Hyungsik checked up on him as much as he could but he could only do so much with his tight schedule. Taehyung even tried to visit his husband but his mother-in-law and Jieun had restricted him and it hurt him to see Jieun being the perfect wife to his husband. In the end, he stopped hurting himself and his children.

Hyungsik had given him a time of six months to remember everything but Jeongguk showed no signs, not even the tiniest glimpse. The expecting male was brought back from his train of thoughts when he heard a knock on the front door. He slowly laid Minjoon on the bed and looked at him once before opening the front door. 

Taehyung opened the door only to be met with his father-in-law. He did not want him there but he knew it would not be too polite to do that. "What?", the old man gulped feeling responsible for the cold tone of the male. 

"Well, we have organized a dinner tomorrow to celebrate Jeongguk coming back home and it would be great if you could come, Tae.", the elder smiled but the brunette sighed. "You didn't have to come up to here, you could've just called. My answer is no, I'm sorry.", said the brunette and looked at the other whose smile had dropped. 

"Tae, I--", "Why do you want me there? To hurt me? To make me see that my husband and his ex-wife are a perfect couple? Or, do you wanna take away my children? Didn't you say I'm incompetent?", the pregnant male lashed out angry tears cascading down his face. "Tae? Please hear me out.", the other sighed and nodded shifting his weight to his left. 

"I don't know what my wife was talking about that day but I swear I have no intention of doing such thing, Tae.", said Mr. Jeon and looked at his son-in-law. "I'll see if we can come there.", the old man nodded and gave a little smile the other forcing out one.


Taehyung checked Minjoon one last time before guiding him downstairs. The little one had a red vest over his white shirt and an adorable bow tie to complete his look while the pregnant brunette had slipped into a  red sweater and a pair of khaki pants. 

He helped Minjoon up the couch and made him wear his shoes while the little one kept blabbering about meeting his Dada. Taehyung tried so hard to fit his shoes but his belly was not ready to allow him. After a few tries, he gave up and sat on the couch burying his face in his palms. 

"Tae?", Jeongguk called out the other and panicked hearing soft sniffles from the living room. He hurried to sit beside his husband, "Hey baby, what's wrong?", Taehyung sniffed back his tears his cheeks tinted with a light hue of red. 

"I can't even wear my own shoes.", he sobbed out and the other chuckled. "My adorable little pumpkin, don't cry.", the raven head wiped his tears and bent down to help the pregnant male wear his shoes.

"I'm always here for you, bub. Just call out, okay?", Taehyung nodded standing up with the other's help. 

I'm calling out now, where are you, Gukkie? Taehyung thought as he cried at the soft memory. "Pwa.", Minjoon giggled hugging his parent's leg making the other chuckle. "Ready to go?", the little one nodded his raven strands bouncing up and down. Finally, with much struggle, Taehyung put on his shoes and took a  cab to his in-laws' house. 

The ride was short. He tipped the driver before getting off holding an overly excited Minjoon. Taehyung took a deep breath trying to embrace himself for anything that he could face that night. He let out a breath before knocking on the door and was met with the onyx orbs looking down at him. 

The smile on the other's lips fading to be replaced by a grimace. "Why are you here?", Taehyung's fingers itched to caress the other's face and kiss his lips ask him how he's doing  if the wounds still hurt. "I invited them.", Mr. Jeon intervened inviting him in but was soon stopped by the raven head. 

"Dad, he's been bugging me ever since I woke up in the hospital, why did you call him?", he whispered but it was loud enough to send daggers to the pregnant male's weak heart. Minjoon came from behind the brunette's leg and jumped on his Dada who was visibly shocked. "Don't you know how to raise your child?", Jeongguk asked the pregnant male who only looked down pulling Minjoon to stand beside him though he was reluctant. 

It was time for dinner and Taehyung was sitting facing his husband who was near Jieun while Minjoon was on his lap munching on the mashed potato. Jieun whispered something inside Jeongguk's ear and Taehyung could feel his blood boil at the sight. He had packed up some Kimchi fried rice which he knew as his Husband's favorite. 

Jeongguk took a spoonful of it before stuffing it in his mouth and Taehyung peeked from behind his brunette strands to see if the other liked it and he saw that the other was completely still. 

"You have got to try this, Mom. He makes the best fried rice in the world, I swear.", Taehyung chuckled feeling shy of his husband's praise only for the other to press a kiss to his knuckle. "I can second to that, son.", it was Mr. Jeon. "Your Mom might be feeling sad about not being able to cook so well.", Mr. Jeon teased his wife a little and the other two laughing with him. 

"My baby is the best.", The best. Husband.

"--Gguk. Jeongguk?", the raven head came back to reality a hard pang in his head at the memory that he just remembered. "What is it honey?", Jeongguk shook his head as Jieun cupped his face. Taehyung sighed in relief seeing that the other was alright but he was still waiting for at least the tiniest compliment from the ravenette. 

Jeongguk left to the backyard to attend a call and only the sound of the forks and knives on the ceramic plates was heard. "You know, it's nice to have our Dad back. Without you he's doing much better.", Lisa deadpanned and Taehyung found it hard to swallow the lump in his throat. He shut his mouth, he could have chosen not to come and he did anyway. Soon Jeongguk joined them again.

The ravenette cleared his throat to get the brunette's attention. "Can you two move out, soon? I and my wife really want to move back there. We'll have more privacy there.", Taehyung was still hoping for a playful glint in the other's eyes telling him he was kidding but there was nothing. "Jeon Jeongguk, he's your hu--", Mr. Jeon began but Taehyung stood up helping Minjoon off his lap. 

"Thank you for the dinner. And Jeongguk-ssi I will move out in a few days. I'm sorry for overstaying my welcome there.", he bowed and walked to the front door pulling a still hungry Minjoon with him and Mr. Jeon following. The one-year-old could not peel off his eyes from his father's back, "Dada.", the little boy sobbed and pulled away before waddling to Jeongguk. 

"Don't you teach your kid that it's not polite to call other people Dad?", Taehyung bowed muttering an apology and pulled the little boy. Jeongguk huffed before pulling the little kid away from his legs, "Look, I'm not your father, kid. Get lost.", he looked up at Taehyung, "Oh, and thanks for ruining the night.", he voiced out his thoughts and pushed the little boy to his Papa.

Taehyung found it hard to believe what he had just witnessed. Without another look, he carried a wailing Minjoon and walked out silent tears cascading down his face. "Tae?", Mr. Jeon looked at his son-in-law, his voice gentle as he looked at the duo. 

"Please give him a little time. I'm su---.", Taehyung shook his head, "I was ready to do it all over again but he already threw us away. There's no us anymore, Mr. Jeon. I should have aborted this baby too, I don't know why I keep doing stuff that I regret in the future.", he wanted to sob out loud but kept it in. 

"Thank you for inviting me. I won't bother anyone again.", Mr. Jeon held his hand, "Are you gonna walk back home? It's really late, Tae.". The old man called out his son who rolled his eyes at the brunette. "Yeah, Dad?", Mr. Jeon asked if he could drop the pregnant male back home but received a sigh. "I have a bad headache, Dad. I don't think I can.", Taehyung harshly wiped his tears, "It's alright. I can walk. Thank you.", Mr. Jeon watched him go away with pitiful eyes while Jeongguk smirked and went back into the warmth of the house. 

But before he could walk in further, he was pulled back by his father. "I hope you regret this forever, Jeon Jeongguk. Mark my words, you're gonna be miserable. Your whole life is gonna be miserable.", Jeongguk stared at the retreating figure of his father. "I'm always here for you, bub. Just call out, okay?"....

Though it was a little hard, Taehyung managed to walk home and Minjoon had already fallen asleep from crying too much. He pushed open the door and laid Minjoon in the bedroom after changing his clothes. 

Taehyung sat at the edge of the bed dialing his friend's number who picked up after two rings. 

'Hey, Tae?'

"Hey, I need to ask you something."

'Yeah, go ahead.'

"C-ca--is it too l-late to ab-abort this b-baby?", Taehyung cursed himself for stuttering but he was trying so hard to hold back his sobs. 

'What the hell are you talking about, Tae? What got into you? I already offered to help you out with anything and why would you even think about this again? Didn't you tell me that Jeongguk wanted a princess?'

"We're not together anymore and I have no idea if he's ever coming back."

'Tae, please? It's no--'

"Answer the question...is it possible or not?"

'You could risk losing your life.'

"I'll survive. When can we do it?"

'Are you being serious right now? I just told you that you may not survive, Taehyung. What about Minjoon then?'

Taehyung ended the call and threw his phone on the bed before laying beside Minjoon. He softly brushed off the strands off his face and stared at the innocent baby. A face that resembled his first and last lover like a carbon copy. "I love you, my sweet baby. I'm not going anywhere, okay?", he left a tender kiss on his forehead. 

Taehyung almost gasped when the power went out. He slowly stood up taking care not to hurt himself or slip anywhere. The pregnant male peeked out the window and saw that it was a complete blackout. He was scared of darkness, so he was naturally scared of blackouts too. 

Taehyung had lit up a candle waiting for his husband. There was a blackout throughout the street and the thunder's loud rumbles did not really help the pregnant male. Jeongguk should have been home almost an hour ago but he was yet to come.

Then his ears perked up at the sound of a car honking. Taehyung rushed to the door and opened it. He finally let go of the breath he had been holding in for so long. Jeongguk giggled as he ran towards his husband with a box and a briefcase occupying his hands. 

As soon as he entered Taehyung closed the door and hugged his husband after setting the candle down. "I'm drenched, ho--", Jeongguk stopped when he heard the wails of his husband. "Hey what's wrong, baby?", he cradled his husband's face ever so softly only the candlelight softly lighting up the room. 

"I was so worried and I hate thunders.", the pregnant male hiccuped. Jeongguk smiled, "Silly baby. A tree had fallen down so there was a little traffic. Sorry for being late.", he pat his head. "But you never come home this late. I was so worried.", Taehyung mumbled out wiping his tears. 

Jeongguk laughed before taking the box in his hands and holding it out for his husband, "I know my babies would be craving for a nice chocolate cake.". Taehyung wailed again as Jeongguk and kept the box aside, "Why? What's wrong?", Taehyung shook his head. "We're so lucky to have you.", Jeongguk pecked his husband's lips and made him sit. 

"Calm down, okay? I'm gonna get changed and I'll be right back.", Taehyung nodded like a little puppy still sniffling as he sat back. When Jeongguk came back the expecting couple began to dig in to the cake and later slept on a mattress in the living room with a candle and their bodies to keep each other warm.

Taehyung teared up at the distant memory as he cuddled his little son so that it might not be too cold.


A few days had passed and nothing had pretty much changed except for the fact that Jeongguk had flashes of memories here and there. They were too vague and short for him to make out anything and since the night of the dinner, his father had completely started to ignore him. 

He had five more months to remember everything but the harder he tried the more he was hurt physically and mentally. It mentally hurt from the frustration of not being able to remember his life from a few months ago and physically because of the strong headache that accompanied the flash of memories. 

But something was stuck in his head. The pitiful face of the pregnant male and the little boy who wanted to stick with him and play with him. He knew kids could and would never lie but he found it hard to remember anything. 

He even decided to stick with his statement lying to himself that he would have remembered the two if they had meant something to him but ultimately he could not. "What are you thinking about, Honey?", Jieun kissed the male's cheek from behind.

"Oh, nothing.", he let out an unconvincing laugh. "Hey, did that guy move out already?", Jeongguk shook his head. "He has till this weekend, Eun. He'll move out soon.", the woman nodded before leaving the office room and getting back to her kids. As soon as she left Jeongguk buried his face in his palm. 

The little boy's cries still echoing in his head. "Are you really gonna make them move out?", Mr. Jeon looked at his son emotionless. "Dad I--", "Yes or a no, Jeongguk?", Jeongguk sighed out. "Yes, Dad. It's m--", he looked at the door and saw his father walking away. 

Meanwhile, Taehyung was not doing any better, in fact, he was becoming worse. He felt weaker and he lived as if he had no will to live. He had given his word to move out soon but he did not want to let go, he still had a tiny ray of hope but that too was fading. 

He was done with the sleepless nights when Minjoon cried for Jeongguk. He had considered leaving his little son with his in-laws but he knew it would be impossible for him to live knowing that his baby would be crying, moreover the little lad was his only will to live. 

Harshly wiping away his tears, he stood up and began packing their clothes. Hyungsik had told him that Jeongguk will have to remember everything on his own else the male might suffer. Being the kind person he was, he still loved the male with every nerve in his body but he wanted him to be happy without any suffering. And if that required him to give up, he was willing to do it. 

Taehyung packed his clothes, only the ones he owned and bought with his own money and the same with Minjoon's things. Checking the bags one last time he fetched a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote a little letter expressing his gratitude, nothing less nothing more. 

He took off the ring that he swore to never ever take off. Tears threatened to fall and he let them as he placed the platinum band along with Minjoon's first-ever plushy, a bunny. 

"Look what I found.", Jeongguk gave out his famous bunny smile as he pulled a bunny plushy out of the bag. Taehyung chuckled grabbing the plushy from the other. "It's so cute, like you.", he complimented and Jeongguk puffed up his cheeks. 

"I'm not cute. I'm hot, baby.", Taehyung chuckled pushing away the other. "Minjoonie is gonna love it.", Jeongguk snatched the plushy from his husband and walked over to the crib where their little son was trying to hold the toys hanging above. 

"Hey, my mini baby.", the raven head cooed rubbing his palm over the little one's head feeling the soft strands of hair. "Look what I got you.", he shook the plushy in front of the little one's eyes instantly grabbing his attention. 

And after that night, Minjoon never slept without the little plushy clutched in his hand. 

Minjoon did sob when Taehyung left it there but he wanted to return everything to the owner. He hailed a cab to the nearest terminal since he had decided to move back to his hometown, Daegu. 


Jeongguk knocked on the door waiting for some response. He sighed out in frustration but was surprised to find the door unlocked. He frowned at the complete silence inside the house and checked room by room for any sign of the two. 

When he went to the Master bedroom, he saw the plushy on the nightstand and he looked at the platinum band over a folded piece of paper. With sweating hands, he took it. Part of him did not want to read it but in the end, he opened it. 

'Jeon Jeongguk-ssi, I'm sorry I could not find the key so I had to leave it open. I did not want to let anyone know that I'm leaving. Well, you have your house back. I made sure to not touch anything that was bought by you. 

Thank you so much for being my own safe place, my aspiring comedian and my everything. You were our rock. Thank you for being everything that I had ever dreamed of.  I wish you a lifetime of happiness and success in all that you do.

Thank you again and bye.

-Taehyung and Minjoon.'

Jeongguk slid down the wall tears cascading down his eyes. The letter was close to his chest recalling the content over and over again. He did not know what was happening until a memory hit him so hard.  

A panicked Jeongguk ran over to the little studio apartment where his boyfriend was supposedly living. He was out of breath as he continued to ring the doorbell. "Tae, please? I know you can hear me, baby.", the raven head was close to tears. 

It was going well until that evening when one of the investors' daughter showed up at the park they were. Taehyung knew Jeongguk had to act professional but he lost it when the girl kissed his boyfriend in front of his eyes. 

He fumed out and pulled the girl off of him before slapping her square and was held back by Jeongguk. "How dare you?", the girl dusted off her dress. "I apologize for him. He's a little possessive and you should not have done that either.", said Jeongguk. 

After a long talk, the woman left making Jeongguk sigh in relief. Turning around he found no sign of Taehyung and that's how he found himself running over to the other's apartment. 

Jeongguk was crying as he begged Taehyung to come out and the door opened to reveal a messy Taehyung with swollen eyes and tinted cheeks, "Gukkie, I'm sorry.", Jeongguk chuckled at the sobbing male and pulled him into a hug while he himself found it hard to stop his tears. 

"Never leave me again. I love you, Tae.", Jeongguk pecked the other's soft lips and Taehyung pulled away, "I love you too, Gukkie. You're not allowed to leave me. Not now not ever.", he held out his pinky. 

Jeongguk linked it together before pulling him for another kiss. 

Jeongguk holds his head and screamed in pain as he remembered what he forgot. Every sweet moment flashing before his eyes, the joyful ones, the sad ones, the sweetest ones, everything. He remembered his husband, his happy ending. 

He stumbled out holding the three objects in his hand. To his luck, Hyungsik and his father just arrived at the doorstep. "What are--", "Dad, help me find them.", he slurred out before falling down unconscious. 

Jeongguk woke up after almost an hour of no consciousness. "Can you hear me?", he heard Hyungsik's voice. He gave a slight nod and sat up. "Did you remember anything? Cause you--", "Yes, I do. I remember everything. I remember my husband too.", the raven head was close to tears. 

"I'm sorry but he left, Guk.", the other shook his head in disbelief though he knew it was true. "Aren't you his friend? Don't you know where they are?", Hyungsik shook his head and watched Mr. Jeon calm his son down as he sobbed in regression. 


Meanwhile, Taehyung helped Minjoon get off the bus before getting off and taking the luggage with them. "I never thought I'll come back here. Well, here I am, Daegu.", he breathed in and began walking as Minjoon trailed behind him. 

Taehyung was fortunate enough to get an apartment. It was cheap but tolerable. But the surrounding was not. It was filled with gangster-like men and the pregnant male had to cover his little son's ear every night due to the countless moans and grunts he could hear almost every night. 

Of course, he hated that his son had to be brought up that way but he had literally no choice. Soon enough he got a job but it meant that Minjoon would have to stay alone. Taehyung knew he could never do that to his little boy. 

"Please, Mr. Choi. I swear he won't disturb anyone. I'll be responsible for him.", Taehyung knew very well what he was gambling there, "You can fire me if he does anything at all.", the boss seemed a little convinced. Taehyung stood facing the floor while Minjoon looked around the new place. 

But a laugh made Taehyung look up, "I'm not that heartless, kid. You have another kid coming and kids can never be silent. I know how they are. I'll help you in every way possible but you can't expect a lot from me.", Taehyung teared up in happiness. 

"That's more than enough for me. Thank you so much, Mr. Choi.", he bowed and told his son to do the same. "Dank you, untle.", the little boy muttered out making the eldest laugh at his cuteness. 

"I don't think you have anything for a baby. I have some of my children's old cribs and dresses if you'd like.", Taehyung's eyes sparkled. "Thank you so much, Mr. Choi. I'll repay you somehow.", he promised and Mr. Choi stood up to pat his back, "It's alright, kid. You can start working from tomorrow and you can leave your son in my office.", the pregnant one nodded and thanked the other again before leaving with his son. 

Three months went by in the blink of an eye. Mr. Choi had granted him maternity leave when he entered his last month and Taehyung could not be more grateful. The day finally came when his second one was ready to see him. 

Taehyung had to leave Minjoon off with some nurses but the little one was scared out of his head. He had seen his parent crying in pain in the middle of the night and that frightened him out. 

Inside, Taehyung was more than done. He was too tired. He was close to giving up. "Hey, look at me, Tae. Don't you wanna meet out little Minjoon or Minsoo?", Jeongguk caressed his face as soft as a feather. 

Taehyung nodded as he panted. "You're the strongest person in my eyes, Tae. Please don't give up now, baby. I'm right here by your side. Please fight a little more.", the raven head encouraged his husband. 

Taehyung nodded and put his chin to his chest before pushing harder. He was sweating and in pain but Jeongguk's sweet words got him through until they heard the sweet sound. "You did it, Tae.", Jeongguk kissed the other on his lips. 

Taehyung could see the tears falling down his husband's face as he cut the cord. "It's a .."

"..girl, Mr. Jeon. Your little girl.", Taehyung cried but he was not sure if it was because of happiness that he finally got to meet his daughter or sadness that his husband and her father was not there to see her. 

The little girl was laid on his chest and Taehyung pressed a soft kiss to the crown of her head. "Hey, Minsoo. Welcome, baby girl.", he teared up while the newborn cooed. Soon the little girl was taken for the follow-up procedures while Taehyung was moved to a room. 

When he woke up he realized that he had been out for almost three hours. "Where's Minjoon?", he asked the nurse who had just come in. "Oh, he cried too much so we let him come here.", she pointed at the chair where Minjoon was curled up with Taehyung's jacket. 

"You want to meet your daughter, right? She'l--", before she could complete another nurse came in holding a tiny pink bundle. Taehyung tried so hard not to cry but every part of his body betrayed him as he began crying once he got hold of his little girl. 

The two nurses had gone out giving the trio a little privacy. Taehyung traced his finger over the soft features of Minsoo's face. "Why do you two look so much like him even though I'm the one who carried you two?", Taehyung complained in a hushed voice and gushed when his baby let out a tiny yawn. 

"You've got his eyes, his lips, his hair, his cheek. Oh, you've got a mole like me.", Taehyung touched the little one's nose who was slowly opening her eyes. "I thought you were sleepy, princess.", he giggled admiring his daughter. 

"Pa", came Minjoon's voice. "Hey, Minnie. Come here.", Taehyung pat the spot next to him and Minjoon wasted no time and got on the bed though he struggled a little. "Wha?", the boy pointed at the baby cuddled up in his Papa's arms. 

"This is your little sister, say hi.", Minjoon looked at Taehyung before looking at the infant again. "Hai swi.", Taehyung chuckled at the mispronunciation. "Doll.", Taehyung blocked Minjoon who looked ready to poke the little doll's eye. 

After a while of Minjoon squealing at every move his little sister made the infant cried out and Taehyung guessed that she was hungry. Soon the nurse from before came in and gave him the bottle of formula to feed the infant girl. 

Taehyung watched as she hungrily gulped down the content of the bottle. "Hungwy.", Minjoon giggled at his sister and Taehyung smiled fondly. Soon enough the two kids were asleep and Taehyung had a lot of time to think. 

Think of what Jeongguk was doing, how he was doing, if he misses him or not, if he ate or not and much more. He looked at the two kids who were sleeping soundly. "I don't want you to miss out on her firsts, Gukkie.", a silent tear escaped his eye and he was swift to wipe it off. 

It had been a week since Minsoo was brought home and it was absolutely chaotic for the single parent. Minjoon grew jealous at times since he was not the center of attention anymore and Minsoo was a loud girl. 

It was four in the morning and Taehyung woke up having had only half an hour of proper sleep. It was either Minjoon or Minsoo. As he was tending to his daughter's needs, the door was knocked. Seeing that she was asleep again, he placed her in the crib which Mr. Choi had given him. With slow steps, he was in front of the door but he hesitated before opening the door. 

The apartment doors had no peepholes and no one can ever know who was on the other side of the door. "Who is it?", Taehyung asked robe wrapped tight around him. "Get the fuck out here.", he recognized it as his neighbor's voice. 

Taehyung opened the door and immediately regretted it. There were at least three guys there. Almost their entire body covered in tattoos and piercings, the pungent odor of alcohol and smoke made him want to throw up. 

"Look here, make that thing shut the fuck up or move outta here. Aren't you too broke? Why don't you just sell those two and work your goods?", the man eyed him hungrily. "What did you just say?", the man smirked. 

"I told you to find a Sugar Daddy. I mean you've got the body and everyone knows that you're a whore. How else could you have gotten those two creatures?", angry tears filled Taehyung's eyes. "Leave.", the man rolled his eyes and banged his hand on the wall making Taehyung flinch. 

"I'm not your dog, slut.", he spat out before walking away with his friends. Taehyung shut the door leaning his back on it and sliding down. He sobbed his heart out as he embraced himself, "I can't ever see the tears on your face, Tae. Never cry again, my baby.". Taehyung sobbed harder until a sleepy Minjoon snuggled in his lap. 

"No cwy, iths ogay.", the little one snuggle more and fell asleep again. Taehyung wiped off his tears before pecking the boy's forehead, "Mini Gukkie.", he chuckled before carrying him to his bed. 


Jeongguk was losing his head. He had searched almost everywhere he suspected that his husband would be. He considered Daegu but he also remembered his husband saying that he never wanted to go back there since it was the place where he was abandoned. 

The raven head was too broken especially replaying everything that he had done to his husband, he wished to die every time he remembered it. Mr. Jeon could only hug his son or say something to cheer him up. 

"I'm gonna try Daegu. What if he's there?", Hyungsik leaned back as Jeongguk asked. "I don't know, Jeon. He swore to never go there again, remember?", the raven head nodded sighing in frustration. 

Daegu was the last hope for Jeongguk. But the raven head had something to take care of too. "What do you mean leave? He's not coming back, get over them. They're gone, Jeong--", Jeongguk glared at her. 

"Shut the fuck up. I'll find him no mat--", Jieun interrupted him with a sarcastic laugh, "No matter what? Yeah, right.", she snorted at the already furious male. Jeongguk clenched his fists and grit his teeth. 

"For all I know, he could even be dead. Who would offer some pregnant guy a job or even if he's alive, he would have probably sold off that little vermin. Either way, Jeon. They're go--", Jeongguk slapped her square on the face and stood up.

"Did I not tell you to shut the fuck up, you whore? What? I lose my memories and you tried to worm back your way in? My husband can never be replaced. All of what you just said that Taehyung would've done, that is only applicable for you. You're a goddamn slut, Jieun but he's strong and he knows how to do everything and anything unlike you who uses her body for everything.", he spat at her. 

"If I leave am gonna take the kids with me, Jeon.", Jeongguk scoffed. "You thought I didn't know? They aren't my kids, they were results of you cheating on me.", Jieun was flabbergasted at the sudden revelation. 

"You told my parents before you told me and they were looking forward to meeting their grandchildren so I did not have the heart to unveil the truth that they are not my blood and married you.", Jieun looked at the raven head finding it hard to swallow. 

"Wondering how I know? Your secret affair was my employee.", said Jeongguk making the other go pale. "So I don't care if you leave with the kids and the kids know this too, right? Why else would they be meeting him every day?", Jieun found it hard to take in all the information that the other had just given her. 

"Jeong--", "Don't even think about lying or denying and get the fuck out of here.", the woman nodded and chose to save at least a little remainder of her dignity. Jeongguk buried his face in his palms. He could not lie, he really liked the children and had brought them up well but in the end it was an inevitable truth that they were not his.

Shaking the thoughts off his head, he got ready for his road trip to Daegu, his last hope.


Taehyung decided to take a little walk to the park. Three-month-old Minsoo was bundled up in the stroller while the two years old Minjoon held his Papa's hand trying to keep up with his pace and blabbering about the cartoon he had seen last night. 

The trio was walking down the street when a voice stopped them. "Tae?", Taehyung shook his head to stop his hallucinations but this time it was not only him but Minjoon too, "Dada?". Taehyung looked at his son who was smiling as much as he could. 

"Papa, Dada.", he jumped up and down pulling on Taehyung's jacket in excitement. Minsoo being the curious little baby she was rolled her eyes around hearing her brother's voice. Taehyung took a deep breath before turning to the side only to look across and see the person he had dying to meet. 

"Jeongguk?", he whispered to himself finding it hard to believe. It became more and more clear to him when he was the raven head taking a step towards them. "Minjoon, stay with Minsoo then you'll get to play with Dada.", the boy nodded obediently standing beside the stroller. 

Too lost in each other's eyes, they failed to notice that the lights had turned green. Taehyung had noticed only when he heard the loud honking of a car that was headed towards his husband. 

"Gukkie, no.", he ran to the other pushing him out of the way. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Taehyung flipped over the hood of the car rolling over and falling down. "NO!", Jeongguk screamed as he ran to the bleeding male. 

He made the male's head comfortable on his lap as he traced his face. "Gukkie, you're back.", Jeongguk could not utter words. "Tae, wh--", "Call me that again.", more and more tears left his eyes as he choked out a sob. 

"Tae, don't leave me please.", Taehyung smiled through the pain, "I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave you three.", he said but he was becoming too tired. The brunette's eyelids felt heavy and he could not keep them open anymore though he tried and he eventually gave in to the darkness only hearing the sirens in the distance. 

Taehyung was wheeled in to operating theater while Jeongguk waited outside with Minjoon and his daughter Minsoo. The male could not take his eyes off her. "Your Papa would've been pissed to see that you too resemble me, right?", he kissed her soft cheek. 

Minjoon had been crying for a whole hour, seeing his Papa like that hurt his little heart. He was curled up on Jeongguk's side while the male tried to get his daughter to sleep and it was not long. Jeongguk looked at his white shirt which was a dark shade of red. 

The surgery lasted for more than 5 hours and it felt like an eternity to Jeongguk. "He's alright. He'll be kept in the ICU for the night for observation but you can visit him if you promise to not make any noise or disturb him.", Jeongguk nodded at the doctor's words. 

As much as he wanted to visit his husband, he knew he could not just leave his two children alone. 'I'm sorry, Tae. I'll meet you soon.', he thought as he waited with his kids. That night he could sleep a wink and Minsoo kept waking up at the most ungodly hours and one of the nurses in the nursery helped him out for the night. 

The next morning, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon along with Hyungsik were there with their son waiting for Taehyung's recovery. The male had been late shifted to a room. "He's under a little pain medication so he should be up when it wears off.", the doctor nodded at the nervous male who thanked him. 

It was late in the night when Taehyung woke up. He stared at the ceiling and the pain on multiple parts of his body told him that he was really alive. "Tae?", "Gukkie?", he looked at his husband who knelt down and sobbed holding his hand. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to hurt you. Just give me one more chance, please.", he cried and his tears seemed to have no end. "Gukkie, get up please?", the male sniffled getting up and wiping his tears. 

"You're so adorable.", Taehyung giggled as he slowly wiped off the other's tears. "You did not do anything, why are you sorry?", Taehyung said from behind the oxygen mask. "I love you and I'm glad you came back.", Jeongguk sobbed like a little kid on Taehyung's chest until...

"Papa!.", Minjoon screamed waking up the other baby as well. Jeongguk chuckled before helping Minjoon up the bed and fetching their little daughter. "Hey, little man.", Taehyung kissed the boy's cheek the boy doing the same but licking his cheek. 

"She's Minsoo, three months old.", Jeongguk nodded and cried a little his tears falling onto the little girl's full cheek. "She looks like me too. Must have pissed you off.", Jeongguk chuckled. "Of course. I was the one who carried them. Too unfair.", he pouted. 

"Tae?", Taehyung turned his head and saw the trio entering the room. "You have a loose screw up in your head right?", Taehyung giggled at his friend's remarks. "Hey, son.", it was Jeongguk's father. 

He greeted him with a warm smile and Taehyung mirrored it. "Thank you for being here.", Taehyung nodded with a grin. Mr. Jeon pushed his wife towards Taehyung, "You don't have to like me right away.", said the lady and Taehyung giggled. 

"It's alright, I do like you.", the male smiled and the lady tried not to but smiled a warm smile and patted the boy's shoulder wishing him a quick recovery. "See them? I've got my own doppelgangers.", said Jeongguk as he showed them the two kids. 

"Minjoonie come to grandpa, baby.", the little boy wasted no time to hug the old man and Mrs. Jeon looked at her granddaughter. "Would you like to hold her, Mrs. Jeon?", Taehyung asked and told Jeongguk to pass the little girl to the lady's waiting arms. 

"How are Jieun and the kids?", Taehyung asked when everyone had settled down. Minjoon and Minsoo were fast asleep. "Jieun left with the kids.", Taehyung gasped. "What? What do you mean?", Jeongguk sighed. 

"They were not actually my kids, Tae.", Taehyung found it hard to believe. "Are you okay?", he asked when the others had left. He knew what the children meant to his husband. Jeongguk nodded laying his head atop the other's tummy. 

"I miss them but they are not mine to keep, Tae. I had to let go of them sooner or later.", Taehyung stroked his husband's head gently. "Thank you for being here. I don't know wh--", "Shut up, will you?", he held Jeongguk's face. 

"I love you, you stupid bunny. I love our kids even though they only look like you. I'm not leaving you three, not now not ever.", Jeongguk smiled kissing his husband on the lips. "Oh, I forgot about this.", Jeongguk fished out something from his pocket before sliding it on Taehyung's finger. 

"I love you, Tae.", Taehyung smiled happily admiring his wedding ring. Jeongguk took his off and handed it to the brunette, "Put this on mine now.", Taehyung giggled before doing so. 

Years passed and the couple was still the same being all fluffy and sappy around their kids and others while they wrecked each other when they were alone. They had another little addition who would be joining them anytime soon.

Though he should be resting, Taehyung persuaded Jeongguk for some time in the park. The couple watched their three-year-old and one-year-old playing around as they sat on the wooden. "You do know you should be resting, right?", Taehyung shrugged. 

"Chill, Gukkie. It's alright.", Jeongguk sighed at his stubborn husband. "I think they're fighting. Don't move, Jeon Taehyung.", Taehyung pouted but nodded and watched his husband pull the kids off of each other before settling whatever that was going in between them. 

"Not now, baby. I convinced your Daddy.", Taehyung groaned feeling the contraction pass through. "Are you okay?", Taehyung nodded but saw that Jeongguk did not seem convinced. "Are you sure, baby?", "Of course, wh-- AH!", he held his huge bump. 

"Knew it.", Jeongguk did not know what to do. "We'll walk back home and get to the hospital. I'm fine, Daddy Gukkie.", Taehyung cupped his husband's face planting a kiss on his lips. "Alright, up.", the raven head helped his husband up and called the kids to go back home. 

"Yes, my baby boy looks like me.", Taehyung giggled admiring their infant son, Minhyun. Jeongguk giggled, "Yeah yeah. Happy now?", Taehyung nodded. The three children were fast asleep. 

"I love you, Tae. So much.", Jeongguk pecked his husband's lips. "I love you more, Gukkie.", Taehyung retorted pulling Jeongguk into a long kiss. "Wait, I love you more.", "No, I love you more.", the two debated through the night and spent the rest of their lives together in complete bliss only falling harder for each other by each passing day. 

I guess we could say, they lived happily ever after.

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