Chapter 14

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Rebecca started her new job today at Stephanie's flower shop. She was nice enough to give Rebecca a job, which we were thankful for. But, with the kids visiting my parents and Rebecca at work, I had nothing to do.

I strolled into Twist and took a seat, Blake walking up shortly after. "How's it going?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Bored."

She chuckled. "Wanna beer?"

I nodded and she slid one my way. I popped the cap off and took a sip before Twist's newest addition caught my eye.

I stared at the fist sized hole in the wall, caused by yours truly. Now, that hole had a story, a story that started when Rebecca came home that night...


   I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I pulled it out and read the text from Rebecca.

   "Gonna be home soon. We need to talk."

"Alright, kids, it's time for bed." I said as I slid my phone back into my pocket.

"Awe." They replied in unison.

"C'mon, mom's gonna be home any minute." I said with a laugh as I took their hands and led them to their room.

After getting them tucked in, I heard the front door open and soon enough, Rebecca joined us.

She helped me get the kids to sleep before we made our way to the kitchen and sat at the table.

"So, your text sounded pretty ominous, what'd you wanna talk about?" I asked.

She smiled. "Well, hopefully good news."

I smiled back. "Lay it on me."

She laughed a little before she spoke. "I got a job opportunity today and it would pay five times what I'm making at the diner."

My smile grew a little wider. "That's great, where's it at?"

Her smile quickly faded and she sighed. "California..."


"Shh, we just got the kids to bed." She whispered.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before whispering back. "We can't go to California, we have a life here, friends, family. What about them?"

She lowered her head. "I'd miss them, a lot. But, I think this is something I need to do."

I stood up. "Are you crazy? We can't just leave. I mean, we just bought a freakin' house." I said, gesturing around the room. "And what about my job?"

"We can get a new one in California and I'll be able to support us until you can find a new job."

I rested my hand on my forehead. "Rebecca, do you know what you're asking me?"

She nodded.

I shook my head. "I don't think you do, you're asking me to throw my whole life away and start a new one two thousand miles from everything I've ever known and loved."



"Excuse me?"

"I said no. I won't do it and neither will you."

She scoffed. "You sound like my mother."

"Really, you wanna go there?"

She shrugged. "I'm just calling it how I see it."

"Fine, I can play that game to. This is crazy and it's not happening, end of discussion."

She shook her head. "I'm an adult, Skylar, and I can make my own choices."

I faced her. "Well, I'm not going, so now what?"

She looked down. "Then... then I'll just go without you."

"I'm sorry, you'll What?"

She looked up, a couple tears rolling down her cheeks. "Skylar, I love you and I want you by my side... but, this is your choice to make... I'm going with or without you."

I felt a few tears start to well up in my own eyes. "Rebecca... I cant. I can't choose between you and my home..."

She nodded slowly. "Fine..."

She brushed past me and headed towards our room. I followed her in as she grabbed a bag and started filling it with her clothes.

I grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"Let go of me!" She yelled, pulling from my grip.

"God Dammit, Rebecca! I can't make this choice. I love you to much and I don't wanna lose you... what about us, Rebecca? what's gonna happen to us?" I asked, searching her eyes.

She looked down and wiped at her eyes. "If you aren't coming... th-then there is no more us..."

I dropped my hands to my sides. "What..?"

She looked up, anger, fear, sadness and a million other emotions hid behind her eyes. "We're done."

I just stared at her, rendered completely speechless. How could she do this? Eight years down the drain, just like that. I just couldn't wrap my head around the whole situation. I mean, was this really happening?

She just stared at me, tears pouring freely from her eyes.

"Please don't do this..." I said in barley a whisper.

She lowered her head. "You made your choice."

I felt the anger start to form in my stomach. "Don't you dare put this on me... if you wanna leave, that's your choice, not mine. You're an adult who can make her own decisions, remember?"

She met my gaze. "Skylar-"

I shook my head and backed up. "Don't... just don't." And then I was out the door, grabbing my jacket on the way.

I got in my car and started it, speeding out of the driveway. I refused to look back, so I just kept driving, not really sure where I was going.

Naturally, I wound up at Twist. I flicked my cigarette to the ground before pushing through the doors.

Wendy and Blake looked up as I approached.

"Hey." Wendy greeted with a smile.

I just sat down, attempting to fight back the tears, but failing miserably.

Blake and Wendy exchanged a quick glance.

"Last call!" Blake called out.

After everyone cleared out, they faced me.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked.

I just shook my head, not able to get a word out because I was crying to hard.

Wendy rubbed my back while Blake grabbed a few beers.

"Just take your time." Wendy said.

"Whenever you're ready, we're here." Blake added.

Once the crying slowed a little, I looked up at Blake. "R-Rebecca's leaving..."

They exchanged another quick glance.

"What do you mean?" Blake asked.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled. "She's leaving me."

"What? Why?" Wendy asked, standing quickly.

"A big job opportunity in California." I replied sadly.

They just stared at me so, I told them the story.

"Just like that?" Wendy asked.

I nodded and Blake shook her head. "I'm gonna go talk some sense into her." She said as she grabbed her jacket and started heading for the door.

I stood up and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Blake... she made her choice."

She spun quickly. "So, you're just gonna give up?!"

I shook my head. "What the hell else am I supposed to do?"

"Fight for her! You love her don't you?"

I felt the anger start to rise again. "Of course I do... but, if it's that easy for her to just walk out, th-then maybe loving her was a mistake."

Wendy walked up next to us. "This isn't your fault, Skylar..."

"Bullshit, she's letting the love of her life walk out the door!" Blake yelled.

Wendy turned on her. "Hey, Rebecca made her choice! What does that have to do with Skylar?"

As they continued to argue, the anger in my gut spread and eventually, I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I let out a yell before spinning and planting my fist into the wall.

They both quieted down and faced me.

"Stop fighting! I can't handle this right now... I just... I can't." I said before sliding down the wall and hugging my knees to my chest.

More tears started to spill as they knelt down next to me and rubbed my back.

"We're sorry." Blake said, Wendy nodding her agreement.

I looked up at Blake and wiped my eyes.

"Sorry for the hole." I replied.

Blake smiled slightly at me. "It's ok... we'll get through this."

Wendy squeezed my shoulder. "Together..."


I felt a tap on my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts.

I looked up to see Rebecca's smiling face. "Hey." She greeted as she sat next to me.

I gave her a small smile. "Hey, how was work?"

She started telling me about her day but, I was still lost in my own head. The past still hurt and what she did to me still hurt. There was a time when I thought I'd never be able to forgive her, I just wanted to hate her. But, I couldn't because, I loved her to damn much.

She made a mistake but, so did I and she gave me a second chance all those years ago. So now, I would return the favor...

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