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A little further in the future:

   I looked at my reflection in the mirror, a happy smile on my face.

   There was a knock on the door before Dana poked her head in. "C'mon, you don't wanna be late to your own wedding."

   I took one last glance at myself before standing up and following her out.

   We met my dad by the isle and he stuck his arm out. "Ready?"

   I linked my arm through his. "Definitely."

   We watched Max, Anna, and Patty run up the isle before taking their places next to Wendy, Blake, and Beth.

   Then, the sound of the organ filled the room and my dad started leading me down the isle.

   I waved at all my smiling friends as we passed, spotting Candy in the crowd, she flashed me a warm smile.

   We stopped in front of the alter and he smiled at me before pulling me into a quick hug. "I love you, sweetie."

   I returned his smile. "Love you to, dad."

   He nodded before walking off to his seat and I stepped up onto the alter.

Welp, here I stood on the alter for the fourth time in my life. But, instead of watching my best friends or sister getting married, it was my turn, again. Hopefully this would be the last time, because I was determined to live out the rest of my days with the woman I love.

   "You don't have any hidden flasks do you?" Wendy asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

   I chuckled. "Not this time."

   She flashed me a warm smile. "Good."

   We heard more applauds and turned towards the isle, seeing Rebecca and her mom.

   They walked up and her mom hugged her before facing me with a smile. "Take care of her."

   "I will."

She gave me a small nod before walking off to her seat.

I turned towards Rebecca, staring deep into her eyes as the officiant started...

"... I understand you've both prepared your own vows?" The officiant asked.

We nodded and Wendy handed me the sheet of paper.

I smiled down at them before facing Rebecca.

"I love you so much, Rebecca June. I know we've made some mistakes in the past and said some things we didn't mean but, here today, I vow to never again take you for granted, to never forget what a sweet, caring, and amazingly beautiful woman you are. You've always been the only girl for me and I vow to prove that to you every single day. You're not only the love of my life, you're also my best friend and wherever you go, I'll go. Whatever you decide to do with your life, I'll stand behind you one hundred percent. If you decide you wanna move to mars, then I'll pack my bags and fuel up the spaceship..."

A few laughs rang out, including Rebecca's.

I smiled at her. "... You're the best part of my life and I'll gladly walk through hell to be with you. Whatever it takes, because I'm so madly in love with you. I always have been and I always will be. You're my rock and as long as you'll have me, I'll be there. Anytime, anywhere."

I handed the paper back to Wendy before facing Rebecca again.

Kris handed her the vows and she looked down at them, a few tears welling up in her eyes.

"Skylar, I know this is my own fault. I'm the one who decided to leave and I'm the one who walked out the door. But, I thought I was doing something good, for us, for our family. But, I quickly realized that I didn't need a fancy job or a fancy house. All I needed was you. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met and I vow to never leave your side again. You're everything I've ever wanted, everything I've ever needed and nothing will ever come between that again..."

She lowered the sheet and looked me in the eyes, speaking from the heart now. "... you said you'd never take me for granted but, I'm the one who should be saying that. I left the only woman I've ever loved high and dry. If I'm your rock than you're my oxygen. without you I can't live, I can't be happy. You're the only woman I've ever needed, you bring my life happiness, you give it meaning and I vow to never forget that. You'll never have to feel alone again because I'll be stuck to you like glue. I'll never let anything come between us again and that's a promise."

I flashed her a wide smile, wiping a few tears from my eyes.

"That was beautiful, ladies. Now, if you'll please join hands." The officiant said.

We stepped forward, taking each other's hands.

"And the rings?" The officiant asked.

Max ran forwards, handing him the rings.

The officiant placed the rings in our hands. "Now, by placing these rings on each other's fingers, you vow to love and care for each other until death do you part."

I slid my ring on Rebecca's fingers. "I do."

She did the same. "I do."

The officiant smiled. "Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss the bride."

We smiled at each other before leaning in for a deep, tender kiss.

The crowd got to their feet and cheered.

When we finally pulled apart, I ran my thumb over Rebecca's cheek. "I love you so much."

She smiled. "And I love you so much more..."

The End

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