Battle of All Ages

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Hey, Readers!!!!! I'm just telling you now, there may be a sequel to this story, I'm just not sure if I should :P.  But I love how I'm getting more and more views!!!! Each chapter I post, I get over 200 views in just an hour!!! I'm glad people are loving this story! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 23,ENJOY!!!!!! <3 :) 


Lucy P.O.V

As we walked up the field, getting ready for the battle, I was able to see our openants. Thee, over the horizon, were....creatures. Demons, more like. They all looked gruesome, each posing like a hybrid of two animals. I could see the Devil marching in the front, along with Natsu by his side. My heart ached a little, but I knew now wasn't the time to cry.

It was time to fight.

"Dragon Slayers! It's not too late to quit now and surrender your lives!" The Devil called out.

"Heh. Yeah right!" Gajeel yelled.

"Suit yourself." The Devil smirked. He raised one hand, and the demons got ready. Some brought out they're spikes, some blazed into fire, and some revealed their bloody wings. We got on our mark, ready to charge.

The Devil lowered his hand.

And the demons charged.

And so did we.

We ran as fast as we could, our magic building up. "For Fairy Tail!" I screamed.

"FOR FAIRY TAIL!" The others yelled.

And that's when the battle began.

Natsu P.O.V

I could hear the demons screetching as the Dragon Slayers began to fight. I could see the Air Dragon Slayer blowing most of the demons into oblivian. The Iron Dragon Slayer was just knocking them out with his Iron Magic. "NOW THIS IS FUN!" was what he yelled.

And then then there was her.

Lucy Heartfilia, the Water Dragon Slayer. She was using all her power to get through the crowd of demons, as if she was trying to reach her destination. Her blonde hair was running wild as she ran from one direction to another. Her face was surprisingly calm.

She showed no emotion.

I don't know why, but I was hypnotized by her presence. I could sense my master staring at me as I was staring at her. "Natsu?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh! Yes master." I said, realizing how I was easily getting distracted.

"Are you getting distracted?" He asked, glaring at me.

"No! Of course not!" I exclaimed, trying to sound convincing.

"Just remember your mission." He said silently.

"Yes, master." I said, trying not to sound nervous.

But did I really want to kill her?

Lucy P.O.V

I looked back  to see everyone trying their best. Even the Exceeds were trying as they fought the smaller demons. 

As for me, I was struggling.

I didn't show it, but I was literally falling behind. I only had one motive and one motive only : 

To save Natsu.

As I was knocking out most of the demons, I felt a stinging pain all over my body as their touch burned my skin. I could feel pain all over my body as I battled through the demons, their magic hitting me like a bullet. Finally, I got through the intense crowd and got to the other side. I fall to the ground and did a quick healing spell on my wounds. I looked to see a pair of black shoes on the ground. I look up to see a familiar pink haired boy; the boy I loved.


Natsu P.O.V

I stared down at Lucy Heartfilia, and she slowly smiled. "Natsu." She breathed.

I stood there motionless. I didn't know what to do. My master wants me to do one thing, but the angelic lady wants me to do another. My head ached with confusion, but soon froze when Lucy stood up. She was injured a little, mostly at the back. I noticed that she wobbled a little, and was still in pain while standing. "Natsu," she pleaded, "listen to me. I'm the one you love. You're the one I love."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I asked.

Just when she was about to answer, we were interrupted. "Natsu!" A female called out. I looked back to see Lisanna running towards me. She gave me a sudden hug. "I knew it! I knew you would join me!"

I don't know why, but the sight of her really pissed me off. I suddenly pushed her away, and she looked at me with confusion. "Natsu?"

"We were talking, Lisanna." Lucy growled. I looked over at her, but she didn't look angry at all. She looked like she was in pain. "Let's make a deal, Natsu."

"A deal?" I asked.

"Yes, a deal. We'll fight, just the two of us. No other demons, no other Dragon Slayers, no Devil. Just us." 

"What do you get if you win?" I asked, suddenly getting interested.

"A kiss." She said with confidence.

I looked back at her in shock. "A what?!"

"And if you win," she continued, "you can finally kill me."

I looked at her, and her face was filled with confidence. "I like this idea." Lisanna said, smiling maliciously.

I sighed. "Fine. But it's your funeral." I took out my hand, forming the deal. Lucy hesitated for a minute, but finally shook my hand. Then, the battlefield was cleared. The Dragon Slayers were swiped to one side, and the demons were swiped on the otherside. Lucy walked on one side of the field, and I stayed on my side. The snow began to fall heavily, making it hard to see. "Are you sure you wanna do this!" I warned.

"Before we start, I have one questioin for you." Lucy said with a smile.

"And that would be?" I asked.

"What is snow made of?" She asked me.

What kind of question is that? I asked in my head. But as I processed the question carefully, I realized what a big mistake I've made. "Water." I growled.

She smiled brightly. "That's right, Natsu-Kun."  

And that was when she ran for the attack.

Lucy P.O.V.

I had to make no mistake. Everything had o go percisley as planned : To win. To bring Natsu back. I began to magically wave my hands around, and the snow moved to my movements. With a strike of one hand, the snow melted to water and critically hit Natsu, knocking him to the ground. He slowly got up and smirked. "I've gotta admit. You're good." 

"I did learn from the best." I smiled back.

"But maybe you're not good enough. Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" His fire attack came swooping at me, but I was able to dodge it with ease. I stepped back and winced at pain. I looked down to see that I was slightly hit on my right foot. I cursed under breathe. "Aw. Is the little Dragon Slayer hurt." He mocked.

I was beginning to feel annoyed with this new Natsu. I darted evil eyes at him and hissed, "Are you forgetting what you are?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

I looked at him with shock. How on earth could he have forgotten who he was! I looked over at the Devil, who's face was hidden, but I could still see the evil grin. I fumed with anger. "HOW DARE YOU!" I screetched. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE HIM FORGET WHO HE IS!"

"What the hell are you talking about!" He screamed.

"You are Natsu Dragneel! A DRAGON SLAYER! How else did you use that spell!" I screamed. His face got pale, and he began  to wobble. "I'm....a what?" He whispered.

"A Dragon Slayer!" I yelled again.

"You're lying." He whispered. I looked at him flabbergasted, and his eyes were fuming with anger. "YOU'RE LYING!" He ran up to me and began to punch me roughly. Pain explaoded all over my body as his fists crushed my insides.  Using my Blood Magic, I struggled to keep him still. He tried to break free, but my magic was too strong. "What," I gasped, coughing up blood, "are you doing!"

"Doing my mission." He said darkly.

I stood there, not able to say a word. I knew I couldn't keep this up. Even if I was totally surrounded by water, it still wouldn't stop him. I chukled a little and released my spell. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Fulfilling your mission, Natsu Dragneel." I told him. "You've won. Congratulations." I could feel tears falling down my face. Oh god, this it, I thought to myself. 

"You're willing to let me kill you?" Natsu asked.

I nodded slowly. "Lucy!" Wendy screetched.

"Don't do it, bunny girl!" Gajeel screamed.

"No!" The Exceeds yelled.

I looked back and smiled. Goodbye, I thought. I kneeled to the ground and folded my hands together. If I was gonna die, I wanted to die in style. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking that question?" Natsu asked with confusion.

I laughed softly. "Yeah, I guess you are."

"Well, then I guess, good bye Lucy Heartfilia" Natsu said silently, a daggar appearing in his left hand. The sharpness of the daggar made me flinch, but I just silently waited for my death. I could hear him raise his daggar, Wendy and the others screaming, pleading for me to stop. I could hear Lisanna chuckling, yet nothing from the Devil.

This was it.


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