God of Love

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Hey, Readers! For your information, I'm actually writing another book, but I'm not publishing it until I've actually finished it! So keep an eye out for it! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 7, Enjoy!!!!!! >.<


Lucy P.O.V

We were running to the beach where Wendy had told us to go. We gasped for air as we ran almost four miles from the Cilorthia Library. My mind was still on that moment, when Natsu and I kissed. My lips were so tingly, wanting more. Finally, we reached the beach to see the other Dragon Slayers and Exceeds unconscience. "Wendy! Gajeel! Everybody!" I screamed.

"Who did this!" Natsu growled. Suddenly, the ground began to vibrate. Then a loud thump noise rang in my ears. The louder the sound, the bigger the vibrations. Suddenly, a giant shadow appeared. We turned around to see a giant stone cupid, his eyes looking angry. "You make me angry!" It yelled. It's yell was so powerful that it almost knocked me off the ground. Luckily, Natsu was fast enough to catch me. "You alright?" He asked me.

Seeing your face is all I need, I thought. But instead I said, "Yeah."

"Who the hell are you?" Natsu asked.

"Me God of Love!" He roared. Suddenly, my heart began to pound. My head began to throbb. Images began to pop in my head. My nightmare that I had a few days ago. It was coming back to me. One of the gods were the god of love. He would only come when true love appeared. When I realized this, my heart began to ache. I screamed in pain. "Lucy!" Natsu cried, running to my side.

"Stay back!" I told him. He looked at me with confusion, but obeyed. I started to walk towards the god, and Natsu called me. "Lucy, what are you doing!"

"Just trust me!" I told him. I looked him in the eye, hoping that he would. He stared at me with concern, then he nodded. I smiled and turned away. "You are the God of Love, are you not?" I asked, the pain starting to ease away.

"I am!" the god bellowed.

"What is your duty?" I asked him.

"To destroy love!" He bellowed again.

"Well, I'm not gonna let that happen, sadly." I said, using Natsu's smirk.

"Oh, really? Burning Arrow!" He chanted. He shot one of his love arrows at my direction, and it began to burst into flames. I tried to dodge it, but I wasn't fast enough. I scratched half of my arm. "Lucy!" Natsu screamed. He ran to me, avoiding the other arrows the god had shot. "What were you thinking?" He asked me, gently touching  my wound.

"It's nothing. Just a scratch." I assured him with a smile. He smile back sadly, and then his face turned to anger. He looked at the god and screamed, "Your gonna pay!" He began to run at the god and chanted, " Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" He struck the god directly at the stomach, sending him flying away. Surprisingly, it didn't even give him a single scratch. "You think you can defeat me with just that?" With one easy swipe, he knocked Natsu flying. "Natsu!" I screamed. I looked at the god with anger. No one hits Natsu, no one but me! Struggling, I got up and screamed, "Water Dragon's Boiling Point!" Using both of my hands, boiling water appeared on my hands, knocking out the angel. Again, he was sent flying. I turn to Natsu to see him on the ground. I run to him. "Are you alright?" I asked with major concern.

"Just one punch isn't gonna kncok me out!" He said, bringing excitement to his voice. I giggled at his excitement. The god appeared again, still not showing a single scratch. "How are we gonna defeat him?" I asked, feeling worried.

"I have no idea." Natsu admitted. Natsu got up, his body wincing with pain. "But I'll be the one to defeat him." He started to run again, but slower than last time. He jumped up high and yelled, "Fire Dragon's Roar!" As fire began to spit out of Natsu's mouth, the god tried to dodge it, but he was too slow. He got hit on the right side of his face, and he began to screetch in pain. "Gaaaaaaah! It burns!" He screamed. Natsu smiled at his accomplishment, but by the way he hit him, the god was very peeved. "You'll pay for this! Love God Special!" He yelled. Suddenly, the sky turned to a special shade of pink the god's eyes began to glow pink as well. He raised his right arm, and the sky suddenly began to roar with thunder. He lowered his hand, and a shower of arrows began to fall from the sky. "Duck in cover!" Natsu screamed, pulling me under a tree. He covered me with his body, and I could tell that he got hit a couple of them. "Natsu! What are you doing!" I screamed, trying to shove him out of the way, but wouldn't budge.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm protecting someone precious to me." He said with a weak smile. Tears began to flow down my face. "Do you really care about me that much?" I asked him.

"Of course. Did you think what I did at the Library was just a joke?" He asked me. He leaned in for a kiss. Instead of passionate, it was soft and gentle, showing his true feelings. He pulled away, and suddenly his face brightened up. "I have an idea!" He exclaimed.

"And that would be?" I asked.

"We have to do a unison raid!" He said. A unison raid? Would that really work? But I knew better than to doubt Natsu's plans. I smiled and nodded. "Let's do it!" But the problem was that there were too many arrows coming out of the sky. How would we be able to avoid all those attacks?

Natsu P.O.V

Lucy and I were truly stuck. To many arrows were falling from the sky that would definetley strike at us. I've already been hit three times, and if I get hit one more time, I knew i would go down. I looked over at Lucy, who was thinking of an idea. I could tell that her hand was trembling a little, so I grabbed her hand and held it tight. She looked at me and smiled brightly, her facing showing a hint of pink. I smiled, but I knew that it wasn't gonna help us in this situatio. Suddenly, Lucy's face beamed up. "I have an idea!" She exclaimed.

"Tell me!" I said.

"Follow my lead." She said with a wink. "Hey, God of Love!" The god looked over at Lucy with confusion. Then he began to laugh. "Your doomed, mortal! I will destroy you, then the world!" He bellowed.

"You think your that powerful? Don't you know I'm a Celestial Wizard?" Lucy lied.

The angel suddenly stared at her. "You? A Celestial Wizard?"

"You got that right! Isn't that right, Natsu?" She asked me.

"Oh yeah! She collected eleven of the twelve gold keys." I bragged.

"Eleven!" The angel gasped.

"Mmm-hmm. If you want, we can comprimise something." Lucy said with a wink.

"Oh? How so?" The god started to become interested.

"If you stop your spell, I promise to be your servant for eternity." Lucy promised.

What are you doing! I thought.

Trust me! I know what I'm doing! She replied. The angel thought about it for a few minutes, or so I thought. "You got yourself a deal, Celestial Wizard." The god said. He raised his hand, and then lowered it again, calling off the arrows. All the arrows disappeared into a pink dust. Lucy smiled, and I smiled back. I grabbed her hand, and our plan was about ot be unravelled. "Hey, God of Love." I called out.

"What now!" He said in annoyance.

I looked at Lucy, and she looked at me with confidence. "Unison Raid!" We chanted in unison. A gaint water and fire missle was launched, going thorugh the angel. He screamed in pain, and it disappeared. Before it could though, its last words were, "I thought you were a Celestial Wizard!"

"Did I say I am? I meant to say I was a Celestial Wizard. I'm a proud Dragon Slayer now." She announced. It finally disappeared, and we both sighed with relief. Lucy fell to the ground. "He's finally gone." She sighed.

"Yeah, I guess he is." I lie down next to her and held her hand. "How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"A little soar, but I'll beat it out." She said with a playful smile. I smiled, remembering how I loved that smile of  hers. "Hey Natsu?" She said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Now that we've....kissed, what does that mean for us?" She asked nervously.

"Do you want me to tell you or show you?" I asked her.

She gave me a puzzling look. "Show me how?" I rolled right next to her and kissed her lips. This kiss was the meaning of our new love : passionate and promising. Lucy kissed me back, holding my hand. I grabbed her waist and held her tightly. I pulled away looked at Lucy's face. Her blonde hair fell on her face, her blue eyes sparkled with beauty. Her smile was just....well, nothing could describe her smile. "Shouldn't we be helping the others?" She asked me.

"Aw. I thought we had something going on here." I complained.

"But we have to; their hurt badly." Lucy said.

"Alright." I sighed. I got up and helped her get up as well. I think I pulled her too hard, because she bumped into me, our body touching and our face a centemeter apart. Lucy giggled, and I chuckled. We walked over to the others side, helping them with their wounds.

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