New Lucy

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Hey, Readers! After writing the last chapter, I realized something : I SUCK at 3rd person writing! From now on, Imma do stuff like Lucy P.O.V and stuff. Soooo much easier! >< Anyhoo, here's Chapter 2, ENJOY!!!!!!!! >.<


Lucy P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Natsu by my bed, sleeping on a chair. I tried to sit up, but there was so much pain in my body. What happened, I thought. And then thats when the memories began to flood back to my head. My keys disappearing, Moth, my new power. My heart began to race, and I began to panic. "My...keys!" I gasped. I began to scream and cry, which woke up Natsu. "Lucy!" He cried, trying to hold me down.

"My keys!" I kept on screaming. Master, Wendy, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, and ran into my room. "Lucy!" They all cried.

"Calm down, Lucy!" Natsu cried. What could I do? Those keys were my friends, my family. And now their gone. "No!" I cried.

"Wait! I can calm her down!" Wendy cried out. She uses some kind of spell on my, and I suddenly begin to calm down. I rested in Natsu's arms, who sighed in relief. "Thank you.....Wendy." I said silently.

"Can someone please tell me what happened to bunny girl!" Gajeel yelled.

Master raised his hand, and Gajeel was silenced. "Do you want me to tell them, or do you want to tell them yourself?" He asked.

I was silent for a minute. "If you want, you can."

Master nodded and faced the group. "Everyone, something extrodinary happened to Lucy on a job."

"What?" They all asked.

Master sighed. "Lucy is a Dragon Slayer." Everyone gasped in shock. I squeezed Natsu's arm tightly. "What do you mean? Isn't she a Celestial Wizard?" Gray asked.

Master shook is head. "Thats what got me confused. It must've been trick."

"But," I started to say, "how can I be a Dragon Slayer? I wasn't raised by a dragon, and I don't have any lacrima on me."

"It could be that someone was secretley a dragon in your house hold. Who was a magic user in your house?" Natsu asked.

"The only pereson that used magic besides me was......" I said, but stopped mid-way.

"Who?" Erza sked.

".....My mom." I said silently.

"It could be possible that she was a dragon." Natsu said.

"No! She couldn't have been a dragon! Wouldn't I be a dragon too, then?" I aked frantically.

"But you have a human father. He might've cancelled out most of the dragon DNA except for the magic." Master explained.

"What kind of Dragon Slayer are you anyway, Lu-chan?" Levy asked me.

"The way she faught against Moth, it looked like a Water Dragon Slayer." Happy said. I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me, a Dragon Slayer? It even sounded impossible. I found a mirror on the table across the room. "Erza, can you hand me that mirror?" I asked her. She nodded and handed it to me. I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything was normal except for my eyes. My once brown eyes were now a sky blue-ish color. I could feel tears fall down my face. "I'll never be the same as I was, will I?" I asked, my voice cracking up.

"Just becasue you recieved a new power, doesn't mean you'll change." Natsu assured me, squeezing my hand. 

"I think we should let you rest now." Master said. He left the room, along with everyone else. "Wait! Natsu." I called out.

"Yeah?" He asked.

I was silent for a minute. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

Natsu smiled. "Of course!" I smiled and layed down on my bed. As Natsu was next to me, I drifted off to sleep, feeling a hint of happiness.


Natsu P.O.V

As I watched Lucy dift to sleep,, my head felt like it just got hit with a bomb. So many things happened within a day that made him think so much that he already had a migrane. "What a day." I sighed. I looked over at Lucy. She was asleep, but not peacefully. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "WHy....Mama....." I frowned. I never liked seeing Lucy upset. When she was upset, so was I. It was almost like we had this mutual emotional connection. I suddenly blushed. Emotional connection! What's with that, I thought to my self. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It opened, and outside the door was Master, Wendy, and Gajeel. I stood up. "Natsu, your here. Good." Master sighed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We have to talk about Lucy and the three of you." Master announced. We all sat down at Lucy's kitchen table. Master sighed and looked at the three of us seriously. "As we all figured out, Lucy is a Water Dragon Slayer."

"Yeah, so what. She's like three of us." Wendy stated.

"But she is different as well." Master said.

"Different how?" I asked in concern.

Master was silent for a minute. "After we left, Levy and I did a little search on the Water Dragon. And it has some.....extrodinary abilities."

"How extrodinary?" Wendy asked.

"Wendy, you have an extrodinary gift. You can heal anyone in a matter of minutes. But Lucy is completely different." Master explained.

"Just tell us already!" Gajeel yelled impatiently. 

"Sh!" I shushed him angrily. I looked over at Lucy, who groaned a little, but just went back to sleep. "Lucy doesn't just control water." Master finally said.

I stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"According to the books, a Water Dragon can not only control water, but anything that contains liquid itself." Master explained.

"So, like, juice?" Gajeel asked.

"No." Wendy said nervously. "She could control anything that contains liquid. That's like from storms, to trees, to......humans."

"Are you saying that Lucy could control blood as well!" I exclaimed.

Master nodded. "We have to help her control her powers. And make sure nobody outside Fairy Tail knows about it either. We don't know who might just want Lucy's power." I looked over at Lucy. Lucy, I thought to my self. "So she's a target." I said blankly.

Master sighed. "As of now, yes." I stared down at the table. Suddenly, there was a knock at Lucy's window. I walked over to see a butterfly carrying a letter. I opened the window, and the butterfly flew over to Lucy's bed and dropped the letter on her bed. Then, the butterfly disolved into gold dust. "W-what is it?" Wendy asked nervously.

"I can sense Celestial Magic on it." Master said.

"It's a good-bye. From her family." I said with a sad smile. I go over to Lucy and pat her head. Suddenly, I see Lucy smile. I smile as well.

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