Returning to Fairy Tail

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Hey, Readers!!!! I just finished writing the ending for this story, and I think it's a grand ending! XD Anyhoo, here's Chaper 20, ENJOY!!!!!!! 

(*_*) (*_*; (+_+) (@_@) (@_@。 (@_@;) \(◎o◎)/!


Lucy P.O.V

Today, we leave Hinamizawa. After last night's little "wozzer", both Natsu and I decided that it would be best to head back to Fairy Tail. Although I've only been here for less than two weeks, and I've loved it here so much, I've worried so many people, and it was time to head back. The next morning, I packed all my things, and looked at myself in the mirror. "Goodbye, home." I whispered. Natsu was behind me and held my waist. He gave me a peck on the neck, and I smiled. I knew that it was goodbye, but not forever. 

We left Hinamizawa after saying goodbye to all my dear friends. As we walked through the forest towards Fiore, I could see that Natsu was in deep thought. He's been doing this alot latley. I frowned a little. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." He said silently. 

Like that was believable.

I stopped in front of him and held out my hand. "I won't move until you tell me that you're truly okay." 

Natsu sighed. "Fine, I'm not fine." His face looked more pale than usual. I frowned. "Is it about..." I didn't want to say the word, "sacrifice" in front of him. "No it's not about that." He said.

"Then what's wrong?" I asked.

He sighed even more and sat on a boulder that was behind him. "I'm.....lost."

"Lost how?" I asked, very confused.

He was silent for a split second, and then said, "If I die, that means'll be alone."

So it is about the sacrifice, I thought in sorrow. "No I won't. I've still got you."

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion. I held his hand tightly. "Just because you're not with me physicaly, doesn't mean you won't stay in my heart." I layed my head on his shoulder,  and I could feel his muscular hand on my hand. "Don't say stuff like that." He said silently. I looked up to see him blushing. I giggled.

When we finally reached the doors of Hinamizawa, I got a little nervous. Natsu must've noticed and asked, "What's wrong? You're with your family again."

"I don't know. I haven't seen anybody in weeks. What if they're mad?" I asked nervously.

Natsu smiled and held my hand tightly. "It's going to be alright. Just push the door." Filled with slight confidence, I push the doors open. Everyone stopped in mid-action and looked at my direction. Everyone was silent. Awkwardly, I said, "I'm back."

Suddenly, everyone came rushing towards me, screaming, "LUCY!!" I was soon surrounded by everyone in Fairy Tail. But the person who was the closest was Levy. "Lu-Chan! Thank God, you're alright!" Tears fell from my eyes as I embraced Levy. "I'm so happy I'm back."

"Don't ever do that again!" Wendy exclaimed.

"You really worried us!" Ezra exclaimed as well.

"Good to have you back." Gray smiled.

I cried even more at the sight of everyone in tears. "I'm glad I'm back!"

After all that comotion, things finally cooled down. Ezra, Juvia, Wendy, Levy, Gray, Gajeel, Natsu, and I sat at one table, talking to our hearts content. We all laughed, cried a little. I missed all of it. I held Natsu's hand the whole time with comfort.  Suddenly, Natsu asked, "Can I borrow Lucy for a moment?"

Everyone grinned, but it was Wendy who said, "Of course, Natsu." And with that, he guided me to the back room and locked it behind me. "What's going on?" I asked.

He gave me a grim face. "Are going to tell them?"

"Tell them what?" I asked.

"About me being the sacrifice." He said silently. I gasped a little. I hadn't thought about that,I admitted in my head. Should we tell the guide about Natsu? I sighed. "What do you want to do?"

"I'd rather wait. Until we learn more." He said. I could see that he was feeling a little uncomfortable, so I gave him a gentle hug. I could feel his body react with shock. "You don't have to keep your emotions hidden." I said silently.

I could feel his body tense up a little. His hand reached my back. "I just don't know what to do."

"I know." I whispered. "I know."

Suddenly, there was a pounding knock on the door. "If you two arn't busy, then would you two please come out of there!" Someone growled. Surprised, we both separated and unlocked the door. We looked to see that it was Master, who's face was rather a bright shade of pink. He cleared his voice and said, "I want you two in my office now."

Blushing, I nodded, as did Natsu. We walked to the office, and Master closed the door behind us. "Lucy, please tell me exactly what happened from the night you got back from Cilorthia." He asked.

So I did. I told him everything from all the gods that we encountered, to the death of my family. Of course, I left out some parts, like Natsu and me making love twice, or him cheating on me. But when I got to the part about the sacrificed, I looked nerously at Natsu. "Should I tell him?" I asked.

"He's our Master. We have to tell him." Natsu sighed.

"Tell me what?" Master asked, very interested.

I was silent, but then said gravley, "Natsu has to die in order to defeat the Six Gods once and for all."

Master's face got pale. He looked over at Natsu. "Is that true?" He asked him. Natsu nodded slowly. Master eyes were wide as he stared at the ground. He coughed a little and asked, "Lucy, can you excuse me and Natsu for a minute?"

Confused, I nodded, leaving my boyfriend and Master in the office.

Natsu P.O.V

After Lucy left, it was dead silent. The only thing you could hear was the chatter of the other guide members chatting outside of the door. It was me who broke the silence. "What did you need, Gramps?"

He sighed. "I've known you since you were little. You were always outgoing, never obeying the rules. You cared and loved everyone. And everytime someone was in peril, it would be you who would save them." I could see a tear sparkle as it fell down Gramps' wrinkly face. "I'd never thought there would be a day where you would actually die."

"I was a little shocked too when I found this out." I admitted.

"But how are you so calm? How can you be yourself when you know your life is about to end?" Gramps asked.

I wondered that too. I closed my eyes, and Lucy was the first thing I saw. She was the reason why I was so calm. She was the reason I keep on fighting. "A special girl," was all I said.

Gramps sighed again, which was quite alot for one talk. He walked up to me and held my hand. He said three simple words, which were some of the wisest words I've ever heard. "Live your life." He smiled, and I smiled back. With that, he left me alone in his office. I did a little exploring for old times sake, and saw a picture of Gramps and I together when I was younger.

I smiled like I didn't have a single care in the world.

I smiled at the picture and decided to head back to everyone. Suddenly, my head to began to throb. I groaned, but it kept getting worse and worse. I fell to the ground and bit back my screams. Then, my image changed. I was no longer in Gramps's office. I was suddenly in a place dark.

Very Dark.

"Where am I?!" I yelled.

Suddenly, there was a malicious laugh from a distance behind me. I turned around to see no one there. "Show yourself!" I screamed.

"Natsu Dragneel!" The mysterious being laughed.

"Who are you?!" I screamed.

"You will obey me!" He laughed again.

My patience began to ware thin. "I don't know who you are, but I will kill you if you don't tell me!"

Suddenly, a man in a red cloak appeared in front of me. I couldn't see his face. "WHo are you?!" I screamed.

The man brought out a stop watch and began to swing it back and forth. "You will do as I say." He whispered.

"What the hell are you talking about?"  I asked.

"You will do as I say." He kept on whispering.

Suddenly, I began to feel dizzy. My mind felt like it was melting into soup. I felt like...I should listen to him. "I....I will do as you say." I sputtered.

"I am your master." He whispered.

"You are my master." I said back to him.

"You have one mission and one mission only." He whispered.

"I have one mission." I said back to him.

"You are filled with anger." The man whispered. "You are so angry you want to kill one certain person."

"I am angry!" I bellowed. "I will kill one person!"

"You will kill Lucy Heartfilia." He whispered.

My mind went blank for a minute. Why did that seem like......such a bad idea. "You will kill Lucy Heartfilia!" The man suddenly screamed.

As if a giant wave came upon me, I was suddenly filled with rage. "I WILL KILL LUCY HEARTFILIA!" I screamed.

I could see the man smile. "Now go back to Fairy Tail. Wait until you two are alone."

"Yes, master." I obeyed. With a wave of his hand, I was no longer in the dark void. I was back in Gramps' office. I stood up, but wobbled a little. The door swung open, and Lucy walked in. "Hey, what's taking you so long?" She asked.

You will kill Lucy Heartfilia! I remember my master screaming those words in my head. I grinned at Lucy. "Nothing. Just....thinking." I told her.

"Well stop thinking! Let's go have some fun!" Lucy cheered.

"Alright." I said. She grabbed my hand and walked me out of the office. As we walked through the halls to everyone, I smiled maliciously. I will kill you, Lucy Heartfilia,  I thought to myself. I will not disobey master. 

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