Yin and Yang

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Hey, Readers!! There are two people who have always made me laugh while looking at the comments, and you two know who you are!!! XD This is a shout out to  




Anyhoo, here's Chapter 15, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

Tears spilled out of my eyes when I heard Otou-San telling me about Okaa-San. "What do you mean?" 

My father looked at me with a grim face and sighed. "I've known where you've been the past twelve years, but I didn't want to risk your saftey."

"So all this time you could've just brought me home, but instead you let me stay with a bunch of strangers!" I screamed.

"Lucy, calm down." Natsu said calmly.

"How can I be calm! It's his fault I've been living a lie!" I cried. I ran out of the house, hearing my father calling out my name, but I didn't care. He left me! He didn't even think about bringing me back. I looked up at the shiny blue moon and screamed to the top of my lungs. "Okaa-San!" Tears fell to the ground like a winter rain, and I fell to the ground. "Why?" I whispered. "Why  is it always me?"

"Lucy!" Someone gasped. I turned around to see Natsu running towards me, falling to the ground. "Natsu!" I screamed. I run up to him and see him covered in sweat. "You're wounded! Why are out of bed?"

"You were crying." He gasped. "I had to be by your side."

"You're a fool." I laughed.

"A fool in love." He smiled. God, have I missed that smile,  I thought to myself. I held his hand looked over at his wound. Luckily, the wound didn't re-open, so he would be fine. "Come here." He said, pointing me to his arm. Slowly, I layed down by his arm. He wrapped his arm around me, and we just layed there in silence. I looked up to see the stars shining brightly, and a shotting star flew out of no where. "A shooting star!" I gasped. I closed my eyes and made a wish. I wish for Natsu and me to be together. Forever. I know it sounded like a childish wish, but that was my one and true desire. "You still make wishes when you see a shooting star?" Natsu chuckled.

"Of course! They always come true!" I told him.

"What did you wish for?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Spoilers." I said to him. He laughed a little, which made me smile. Suddenly, my father's news popped in my head, and tears began to spring out of my eyes agaimn. "Why?" I asked him. "Why do so many surprises keep jumping out of no where?"

"It's how fate wanted it." Natsu sighed, squeezing tightly.

"Then why is fate so cruel?" I asked him again.

"That's not a story for me to tell." Natsu said. My head suddenly became dizzy. My eye sight became blurry. "Natsu.....Something's....." I gasped, and suddenly, I was sucked into a deep black void. I was floating in the middle of nothing. "Help! Something's happening!" I screamed. But my voice just echoed. Suddenly, a bright shining blue light appeared, blinding me completley. When the light dimmed, I look to see a familar, beautiful woman smiling at me. When I see her blonde hair and blue eyes, I knew who she was. "Okaa-San." I said softly, my eyes filled with tears. I float towards, trying to giver her a hug, but I just go right through her. "Okaa-San?" I was confused.m Then, a giant fire appeared before her, melting her to liquid. "No!" I screamed. 

Then, a voice boomed around me. "You will never win!"

"Who are you!" I screetched.

"You're worst nightmare!" He yelled, laughing like an insane maniac.

"Show yourself!" I commanded.

"You will see me soon enough, young Dragon Slayer." He chuckled.

The fire got closer, and I could feel it's imense heat. "Stop, please!" I screamed. I soon was sucked into the giant fire. "Help me!" I screetched. The pain was too much for me. I could smell my own flesh burning. I could see my world turn black, awaiting my death.

Natsu P.O.V

"Lucy!" I exclaimed. I don't know what just happened. One minute, we were talking about fate, and the next she passes out. I shook her body and yelled, "Lucy! Wake up!"

"I don't wanna die!" Lucy suddenly screams, jumping out of my arms. She's covered in sweat, her eyes blood shot red, and was panting for air. "Lucy, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Fire.....So much fire!" She screams, clutching on her head. I held her tightly, trying to calm her down. "Tell me what happened.

"I saw my mother. And then there was a loud voice, and then fire." She said.

"It was just  dream." I told her.

"No, it wasn't. It was too real to be a dream." She said silently, squeezing my arm.

"Well, I'm here now, and it's over." I said, soothing her. "Let's head back to the house."

"O-O-Okay." She stuttered. She helped me up, and together, we walked back into the dark house. There was a note stuck on to it, saying:

Dear Atsuko and friend, 

A sudden event has accured, so we have to leve to the water hole. We'll be back by morning. Until then, behave yourselves.

Isamu and Kazehaya

"God, father. I'm not seven." Lucy groaned.

"He's just making up for those years." I chuckled. I layed myself on the bed, and Lucy brought blankets for herself. "You don't have to sleep next to me." I told her.

"But I want to." Lucy pouted. I sighed and patted a seat next to me. She smiled and layed blankets by my side. She squeezed herself next to me and said, "I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

"Why not?" I asked her.

"Because so many things have happened in one day." She said silently.

"A lot of things have happened latley." I sighed.

"Both good and bad." Lucy added. "Hey, Natsu. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, ask away." I said.

"Will I be able to go back to Fairy Tail?" She asked me silently. I looked at her to see that her eyes were filled with dismay. I could see little drops of tears about to fall out of her eyes. I move myself to the position where I'm on top of Lucy. She sqeaks a little, but her face is red all over. "No matter what happens, I will bring you home. I will bring you home, and we can be together. Forever." I told her.

I pressed my lips against hers, bringing shock to her eyes. The eyes slowly closed, and she kissed me back. The kiss turned from gentle and soft to rough and passionate. As our love sparked, our love turned into something more: Us becoming one.

Lisanna P.O.V

I know I've been tricked.

But I was to stupid to realize it.

But now, I know where I'm going.

They think they're so smart by tricking me.

But they were wrong.

I was coming for Natsu.

And I will kill Lucy with my bare hands.

All this for the sake of my love.

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