Chapter One: Spring Time

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I sat in the guild by my self at the bar. Laxus went on a long mission. It would take him about four or five days to complete the mission alone but the train rides there and back would take two days each without trouble.

It's been five days.

Just three or four days left to wait.

I had my earphones in, listening so some music. I lipped the song and closed my eyes. I began wondering what was going to happen in my future but I quickly stopped myself.

I don't need to think, then be in too deep. I'll start thinking of bad possibilities and I didn't need that. I sighed and finished my drink before setting it down on the bar counter.

I looked around and quickly noticed...almost all the girls were gone. And so were half of the guys. Weird. I pull out an earphone and looked at Mira.

"Hey Mira? Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Oh! They're all on missions." She took my mug and filled it again with (Fav drink).

"But why? Because its Spring and everything gets better?"

"No. It's because Mating season is starting Next week."

"But why is everyone gone because of that?"

"Well you see...since the Dragon Slayers have been trained by..." I cut her off after taking my drink and taking a sip.

"Yes Mira, I know. Dragon Slayers have the same impulses to mate just like animals do, all because of the fact that they were raised like animals. I'm a Dragon Slayer too ya know? But why did they leave? It's not like Natsu and Gajeel are going to chose them. Natsu and Lucy, Gajeel and Levy, Me and Laxus...kinda obvious." I explained.

"Yes one else knows that and there is also the possibility they won't choose who you believe them to. It's Natsu's first mating season so he could be bound to choose Kahna or some one other than Lucy and Gajeel isn't an open book. He could choose Erza if he wanted and Laxus? Who knows...he might be in a relationship with you right now but who's to say you two won't meet two other mages that you are more attracted to?"

"'re ending was a bit false on my part. Yes, we could possibly meet other mages but here are two twists to this. Both Laxus and I were marked and chosen to be together. And, interesting fact about female Dragon Slayers. We can't chose our mate." I could almost hear the wind from everyone heads turning to look at me.

"Wait...say again?" Mira asked.

"Female Dragon Slayers can't choose their mate. So if I was to mate with someone they have to chose me. I can't say I want someone and it happen like Males do...I have to wait until a Dragon Slayer chooses to mate with me." I explained.

Mira was awed.

"Females can go years without mating once like normal Mages do but they usually don't because another male Dragon Slayer finds her. And another fact...the female can't tell the male no. So let's say a Rouge Dragon Slayer wants to mate...I can't refuse because I'm a female. I can run away, but if he gets me I can't make him stop. Simple. As. That." I ended it with a period and took a large chug of my drink, finishing it and standing.

"Well...great conversation Mira. Happy to show you some knowledge on Dragon Slayers, have a great day." I smiled and walked from the guild.

After leaving the guild hall I wandered the streets of Magnolia. Mira's words kept bouncing around in my head as did mine. Not the fact that females can't choose mates...but when I said Laxus and I have been chosen to be together.

Laxus has been wanting me to move in with him for the past month and when Laxus wanted to do it I would try and sneak my way out of it. Im worried that...

"What if we aren't meant to be?" I whispered, touching the right side of my stomach where the mark is.

Or rather...was. that's right...I said was. As in past tense. It's gone.

For the three months, just after Lukas tried to Envoke Fairy Law in the guild, my mark started to disappear. It started to fade. When ever I would go out I would use a marker to trace it back on but it never stayed permanent.

Even the scar that the mark left behind when it was seared into my skin was fading. I went to the library to find out what it meant or what I could do but I found nothing. I was going to go and explain it to Gramps but the dream I had over three months ago kept comming back.

What if Laxus found out? What if that dream came true and Laxus killed me?

I walked past a group of girls who were reading a sorcery weekly magazine. I rolled my eyes and kept walking but lbs of the girls spoke up about mating season.

"You do know that Spring Time is here and Mating Season is next week right?" A brunette asked her two friends.

"Yeah! I wonder what's gonna happen!" A blonde said.

"You know exactly what's gonna happen, Ino." The Red head giggled.

"Naylan! I thought we said no magic!" The Brunette whispered yelled.

"Come on Winnie, just a tiny bit? Just for at least a mid from the boys?"

"No! Besides, they all have Girlfriends!" Ino, pushed Naylan.

"We can just erase their memory of the kiss. It's okay!" Naylan pushed.

"We're still a bit young for them aren't we?" Minnie asked shyly.

"No! Look Natsu is Minstrel and so Is Gajeel the only one who is gonna be hard to get is Laxus 'cause he's twenty-one."

I growled lowly at the thought of this, Naylan, kissing Laxus. They must have heard my growl and turned to look at me.

"Who are you?" Naylan asked disgusted.

"Not someone you wanna Fuck  with kid." I sneered.

I had my hood up so they couldn't see my face and I was thankful for that.

"I'll do what I want!" She yelled.

"No you won't. Cause I know for a fact that you three wanting to kiss those Fairy Tail Mages ain't gonna happen and if it does you're in a Hell-a-lot of trouble not with just them with they find out but with their girls too."

"Mmmhmm and what makes you so sure that my Laxus is gonna be mad at me? As for his girlfriend? She's probably weak! He can do so much better than her!"

"Might not wanna be saying that about her kid."

"And why not? It ain't like she gonna hear me talking shit."

"Oh she already has." I turned, pulling my hood down and glaring at Naylan.

She gasped and squeaked. Her eyes widened in fear as I cracked my knuckles.

"I'm sorry!!" She yelled and ran away.

"You better be!! And don't be using any magic cause if I find out you'll be wishing you never met me!!!" I growled and walked off to my apartment.

Fangirls. I open th front door and threw off my cloak I had on, and went to my room. I took a shower, Braided my hair over my shoulder, changed my clothes, and laid in bed. I grabbed my comfortable earbuds and I plugged them into my soundpod.

Music always has helped me. It was a huge crutch for me. It helped my motion sickness, it helped calm me down, it put me to sleep, made me happy. It did a lot for me.

I turned down the volume to a nice, low pitch and closed my eyes. Slowly falling asleep, and into a dream. Or rather a nightmare.


I sat in the guild on Laxus' lap. I have no idea when it was but what I did know was that I was happy.

I laughed at Laxus, he got us drinks, I would talk endlessly to him. Things were perfect. I was happy. All of a sudden, I felt sick. I jumped off his lap, running into the bathroom puking. Gross. I know.

I walked out of the restroom after cleaning and freshening up. Just as I kissed Laxus' cheek lightly as we worried for me and after I did the front doors of the guild exploded open.

Jennifer, my abusive caretaker that I had before I ran away, was standing in the doorway. She smiled and called my name over and over. I just hid behind Laxus. I was scared of her. Nikki flew up and watched Jennifer, and Cujo ran beside me. I think he gave me away because Jennifer called out.

"If you won't come out...then I'll have to go through a few people to get you!" She raised her arms and whispered something and shot a ball of white light at Laxus.

I screamed and pushed him out of the way. I used magic to block it and the spell vanished but before I could recover from shock another spell hit me, this time it was black. My body began to glow a ghostly blue before I fell to my side, clutching my chest as blood ran from my mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. I screamed but it quickly turned into a roar.

My body began to grown and my skin melted away to show black scales.
My back cracked and my skin stretched until black and dark blue wings formed.
My face grew longer and wider as I grew a snout filled with razor Sharp teeth.
My spine cracked, growing longer and longer until it became a tail, covered in scales.
My body kept getting bigger and bigger until it hit the ceiling, breaking through it.

The rubble of the guild fell, and one by one I watched as all my friends got crushed. Laxus however, looked up at me. Hatred in his eyes, a scowl on his face. I tried to reach out to him but he yelled.

"No! Stay away! I'd rather die than get help from you! I hate you!" He screamed.

I purred in hurt and suprise before I opened my jaws. I tried to speak but inside of words, black flames engulfed the guild. A wooden beam was burned and it snapped. It began to fall, pointed end ready to kill Laxus yet he never moved.

He watched me as I tried to save him and he whispered.

"This is all your fault."

With that, he died.


I woke up screaming. My music was still playing as I yanked my earphones out. I threw my spundpod and earphones on the floor, gasping for breath, tears rolling down my pale face, and sweat covering my body making my clothes stick to me.

I was having a panick attack. The harder it was to breathe, the more I cried, and the more I cried the hotter I got. I rolled from my bed and onto the floor. I stood on my hands and knees as I struggled and gasped for breath.

I could hear the rumble of feet running up the stairs to my room. Lisanna, Mira, and Elfman busted into my room, seeing me in the state I was in. Mira tried to grab be but Lisanna got to me first. She shushed me, and rocked me back and forth.

It took a while, but Lisanna was able to calm be down. I was soon able to breathe, and I stopped crying. Mira and ElfMan sat near me and Lisanna.

" get h-here?" I asked in a studder.

"Lisanna said she had a bad feeling when she thought of you and we came to check if you were okay." Mira answered.

"Yeah. It's three in the afternoon and you never came into the guild. When we knocked you never answered, instead we heard a thud come from your room." Lisanna butted in.

"What happened to you?" Elfman asked.

"P-panick attack." I whispered.

"We know about that, Bixlow told us how to calm you down incase you had one while he wasn't here." He said again.

" They get pretty bad s-sometimes and I can't control i-it." My studded slowed down, finally comming to a stop.

"Well...why don't you get dressed and meet us at the guild. Everyone has been worried." Mira stood as did Elfman.

"I'll stay here with her, just to be safe." Lisanna offered.

Once the other two left I scrambled to take a shower, brush my teeth and hair, get dressed and make it to the guild before three-thirty.

Had a nightmare. Slept in till three, had a panick attack, and Laxus still wasn't back.

Let's just hope things don't get worse from here on out...

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