ACT 3B) The Trials Of Tentojin Part 1

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The hero party slowly awakes and sees Sakura and Drakoina standing in front of them, Meri, Sofia, Freida and Randy the right side of Drakoina.

Drakoina speaks: ok, now all of you know what to do now?

The hero party speak: we are sorry!

Drakoina replies: you call this an apology, please be sincere and put on effort. After all this apology is what you guys had owed Randy.

Sakura adds on: if you guys do not know how to apologize sincerely, I will like to teach all of you how to do so, do you understand?

The hero party reply: yes! We will! *starts to kneel down* we are very sorry to Randy and causing trouble to his friends, we promise not to do it again.

Sakura replies: good, good. This is how you apologize to people sincerely. Well sorry about that all of you have to leave.

Yuhitoh asks: we already apologized, Randy can you help us to lead us to where the trials of Tentojin is?

Sofia replies: Hey, even if we lead you to the trials, are you guys able to clear the trials? Yours overall combat powers are to low to clear the trials and will be dead before even able to halfway clear the trials.

Freida adds on: yup yours power level and skills are too low to clear the trials, so go back and train harder to be stronger, according to yours standards you guys need to train extremely hard for minimum of 5 to 10 years to be able to achieve the power level and skills that are able to clear the trials.

Randy adds on: if the trials of Tentojin are very easy to clear, we will see lots of adventurers gather around here to clear the trials.

Yuhitoh replies: I am not weak, I am the hero. I have the power of the hero from my blood. I will clear the trials in no time.

Funiko adds on: with my magic that surpass thousands, I will be able to help Yuhitoh to clear the trials in no time.

Terrisa adds on: the hero party is blessed by the god's blessing, we will able to clear the trials with the power of God.

Sakura replies: the power of god huh? The power of hero huh? The magic that surpass thousands huh? Ara~ ara~ Are you guys trying to be funny? If you guys really do have the power that you guys had just said, you will not be struggling to battle us and the battle would ended much longer. Can you really prove that power you possess?

Yuhitoh replies: we only lost to you first time, doesn't mean that we are powerless. We can still clear the trials with the powers that each of us posseses.

Funiko adds on: Yuhitoh is so right about that. We have the power and blessing from the god.

Freida replies: hmmm... You guys got all of your weapons destroyed and that girl that has only her undergarments on while talking about my magic surpass thousands. Do you mean your stripping of clothes and armor magic has surpassed thousands?

Funiko replies: what are you saying that to me? My magic really surpass thousands.

Sakura replies: ok if all of you want us to lead you to the trials of Tentojin, you need to beat my trial so you can proof you are worthy to let us to bring all of you to the trials of tentojin.

Yuhitoh replies in high confidence: we will like to take the trial you give to us, to we aren't that weak.

Sakura replies: my trial is very simple, just don't get to blown away by a 10m tall aeronex whirlwind vortex dragon.

Funiko replies: this will be very easy trial for us.

Terrisa adds on: we are the hero party, we won't be blown away by a dragon.

Yuhitoh adds on: not only we won't be blown by that dragon, we will defeat it as well.

Sakura replies: ok then, I will start the trial. *chants* from the void I summon the wind elemental vortex dragon, Aeronex.

Aeronex the whirlwind vortex dragon appears from the void, stand tall with strong whirlwinds surround its body. Sakura, Meri, Sofia, Randy, Freida and Drakoina head to the where the trials of Tentojin is. The hero party tries to dash forward and bypass Aeronex but they fail. All of them have sending flying backward by Aeronex's whirlwind armor. Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson are gripping the ground as hard as they can to prevent them from being send flying even further away. A minute has passed as Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson are still struggling to prevent themselves from being send flying by Aeronex. The wind pressure that Aeronex's whirlwind armor is increasing, making Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson unable to grip the ground as hard as they did before and keep losing their strength to grip on the ground. Once Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson lose their grip, they have been send flying further backward. Yuhitoh starts to cast grand lightning fiery blast, Funiko starts to cast supercharged lightning dragoon blast, Miyurin starts to cast supercharged blazing dragon blast, Restia starts to cast giga chain bursting lightning blast and Terrisa starts to cast hyper solarium blast. Yuhitoh launches his grand lightning fiery blast toward Aeronex, Funiko launches her supercharged lightning dragoon blast toward Aeronex, Miyurin launches her supercharged blazing dragoon blast toward Aeronex, Restia launches her giga chain bursting lightning blast toward Aeronex and Terrisa launches her hyper solarium blast toward Aeronex. Yuhitoh's grand lightning fiery blast, Funiko's supercharged lightning dragoon blast, Miyurin's supercharged blazing dragoon blast, Restia's giga chain bursting lightning blast and Terrisa's hyper solarium blast hit Aeronex hard, generating a big smoke and a loud crashing sound can be heard. Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson are happy that Yuhitoh's attack, Funiko's attack, Miyurin's attack, Restia's attack and Terrisa's attack had landed a clean hit on Aeronex, they are hoping that their attacks are able to defeat Aeronex. The big smoke has scattered away and a deafening dragon roar can be heard, Aeronex appears unharmed after the attacks that had hit Aeronex hard. Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson are surprised that Aeronex is still able to stand after receiving their signature attacks head on. Aeronex roars at Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson to express his anger and starts to launch his signature move dragonic supreme whirlwind vortex. Aeronex launches a 10m tall whirlwind vortex towards Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson, as Aeronex's dragonic supreme whirlwind vortex has send Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson flying out of Tentojin Island.

Sakura, Meri, Sofia, Randy, Freida and Drakoina has reached the trials of Tentojin, Aeronex notifies Sakura that Yuhitoh, Restia, Desmond, Funiko, Terrisa, Cheren, Miyurin and Anderson had been flying out of Tentojin, before returns back to the void. Sakura, Meri, Sofia, Randy, Freida and Drakoina smile at each other before entering the respective trials that they are going to clear.

Tentojin sacred island trial: trial of speed

Sofia enters trial of speed, as she is warped into the dimension battleground where the trial of speed is held. Trial of speed has 5 levels to be cleared. Each of the next levels has its difficulty to clear the level increases. The last level will be the most difficult to clear.

Once Sofia has been warped into the level 1 of the trial of speed, Sofia sees 5 sonic wave raging wolves is charging toward her. Sofia immediately warps into her shadow dimension as she vanishes in her shadow while the 5 sonic wave raging wolves clashes against each other causing them to send flying backward. Sofia who is in her shadow dimension casts shadow cat rushing slash, her twin pair of shadow black aura cat paws emerge out of her shadow and start to slash the 5 sonic wave raging wolves who had been sending flying backward after clashing against each other extremely hard at the extremely fast speed. Just within 5 seconds, Sofia's twin pair of shadow black aura cat paws had slashed the each of the sonic wave raging wolves 50 times, slashing each of them into 50 shards of gore with their blood splashing violently around until their blood can't splashed any more. Sofia emerges out of her shadow when her shadow moves out of the pool of sonic wave raging wolves' blood.

Sofia has moved on to the boss fight of level 1 of the trial of speed. As the boss monster of level 1 of the trial of speed aka turbo-charged flaming fang wolf has appeared. The turbo-charged flaming fang wolf charges toward Sofia with extremely high speed while Sofia warps in her shadow dimension, dodging the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf's charging attack effortlessly. Sofia casts shadow beast duplicator, as she duplicates the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf as her shadow elemental beast and names it turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf. She hops on her turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf as well as equipping her shadow lightning phoenix blade while charging toward the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf. The turbo-charged flaming fang wolf charges towards Sofia who is riding her turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf, when Sofia's turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf and the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf are about to clash against each other, Sofia and her turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf vanishes in their shadow to avoid the clash. The turbo-charged flaming fang wolf is surprised after it is unable to attack Sofia and her turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf, Sofia hops out of her turbo-charged shadow armored flaming fang wolf while launching her shadow lightning phoenix blade's signature move descending shadow lightning phoenix devastating strike to attack the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf, with her shadow lightning phoenix blade emits out black lightning phoenix aura she descending toward the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf with extremely high speed. Sofia has landed a devastating strike on the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf causing it crack into 2 pieces, Sofia coated herself in her shadow to prevent the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf's blood from splashing on her. Sofia then emerges out of her shadow after her shadow had moved out of the pool of the turbo-charged flaming fang wolf's blood.

Sofia has cleared the level one of the trial of speed, while moving on to the level 2 of trial of speed. She sees 10 tempest glazing sabre tooth liger charging towards her in high speed, Sofia charges toward the 10 tempest glazing sabre tooth liger with her shadow lightning phoenix blade while launching her unique move shadow blazing thunder phoenix strike to attack the 10 tempest glazing sabre tooth liger. Sofia charges past them with her shadow coated red blazing thunder phoenix aura, causing them to burn spontaneously and being electrocuted. Sofia has moved on to the boss stage of the level 2 of the trial of speed, she sees a giga charged raging sabre tooth liger charging toward her at an extremely fast speed to launch an attack on her. Sofia waits for the giga charged raging sabre tooth liger to get closer to her, the giga charged raging sabre tooth liger getting closer to Sofia and is about attack Sofia. Sofia slides under the giga charged raging sabre tooth liger and gives it a sky uppercut sending it flying, Sofia then leaps high up the midair to kick the giga charged raging sabre tooth liger. Sofia kicks giga charged raging sabre tooth liger extremely hard sending it flying even further away. Sofia casts lighnting Phoenix buster to attack giga charged raging sabre tooth liger, Sofia launches a lightning phoenix energy blast toward the giga charged raging sabre tooth liger. Sofia's lightning phoenix buster hit giga charged raging sabre tooth liger extremely hard and split it into two pieces. Sofia has cleared the level 2 of the trial of speed and move on to the level 3 of the trial of speed.

Sofia reaches the level 3 of the trial of speed, she sees 10 whirlwind hurricane falcons launching a huge hurricane attack to her, Sofia immediately warp herself in her shadow dimension, as she avoids the attack effortlessly. Sofia starts to attack back while staying in her shadow dimension, she hits the 10 whirlwind hurricane falcons with her lightning phoenix blade while staying in her shadow dimension. The 10 whirlwind hurricane falcons are being shocked by Sofia's lightning phoenix blade, making them crash on the ground extremely hard and Sofia has moved on to the boss stage of the level 3 of the trial of speed.

Sofia and the boss trial monster of the level 3 of the trial of speed aka raging dark vortex falcon are charging towards each other to launch an attack against each other. When they are 5m apart, Sofia warps herself in her shadow dimension, making the raging dark vortex falcon unable to hit her. Sofia casts shadow beast duplicator to duplicate her shadow galaxy flame phoenix as her shadow beast, Sofia hops on her shadow galaxy flame phoenix while her shadow galaxy flame phoenix soars higher up the sky higher than the raging dark vortex falcon. Sofia casts galaxy phoenix blazing cosmo strike, as her shadow galaxy flame phoenix is infused with blazing cosmo aura while charging towards the raging dark vortex falcon to give it a fast heavy ramming attack. Sofia's shadow galaxy flame phoenix rams the raging dark vortex falcon extreme hard and breaks it into 2. Sofia has cleared level 3 of the trial of speed as she moves on to the level 4 of the trial of speed.

Sofia feels the atmosphere of level 4 of the trial of speed is different from the previous levels of the trial of speed, as the level 4 of the trial of speed only has the boss stage. Sofia is riding on her shadow galaxy flame phoenix at the midair as she sees there are multiple holes on the ground. The swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent charges towards Sofia who is riding on her shadow galaxy flame phoenix, Sofia's shadow galaxy flame phoenix dodges the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent's charging attack while soaring up to the sky. Sofia is going to cast Blazing galaxy phoenix cosmo flame descending bite strike to attack the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent, she leaps up from her shadow galaxy flame phoenix and infused herself with blazing galaxy cosmo phoenix aura and launches herself toward the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent to  attack it with her blazing galaxy phoenix cosmo flame descending bite strike at an extremely high speed. Sofia lands an extremely hard hit on the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent with her blazing galaxy phoenix cosmo flame descending bite strike causing it to clash on the ground extremely hard and seriously injured it, Sofia launches her signature move, shadow blazing cosmo phoenix obliterating blast toward the toxic-charged terra serpent to obliterating it. Sofia releases a shadow blazing cosmo phoenix energy blast and launches it towards the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent, Sofia's shadow blazing cosmo phoenix obliterating blast lands an extremely hard hit on the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent, causing it to burn into ashes even though the swiftly toxic-charged terra serpent has a high fire elemental resistance. Sofia has cleared the boss stage of the level 4 of the trial of speed and move on to level 5 of the trial of speed.

Sofia: 'so far the trial is so easy. Ok let's clear the final level of the trial.'

Sofia sees the final level of the trial of speed's boss level trial monster is a ghostly flame raging malevolent phoenix is charging toward her to attack her, Sofia morphs into her shadow galaxy lightning supreme phoenix form and charges towards the Ghostly flame Raging malevolent phoenix. Sofia the Ghostly flame Raging malevolent phoenix rams against each other, causing each other to slide backward, Sofia launches a galaxy lightning bolt toward the Ghostly flame Raging malevolent phoenix to shock it and causing it to has numbness status which lowers down its speed, attack power and defense power. Sofia casts supreme phoenix galaxy lightning obliterating blast to blast the Ghostly flame Raging malevolent phoenix into pieces of shards, Sofia launches a supreme grade galaxy blue lightning phoenix energy blast toward the Ghostly flame Raging malevolent phoenix. Sofia's supreme phoenix galaxy lightning obliterating blast has landed an extremely hard hit on the Ghostly flame Raging malevolent phoenix causing it to shred into shards of gore.

Sofia has cleared the trial of speed of the Tentojin sacred trial as she teleported out of the trial of speed's dimensional field, Sofia heads to the trial of all which Sakura is clearing as she, Meri, Freida, Randy and Drakoina said they will accompany Sakura to clear the trial of all which is the hardest of the six trials of trials of Tentojin.

Tentojin sacred island trial: Trial of strength

Freida enters the trial of strength, as she is warped into the dimensional battleground of the trial of strength is held at. The trials of strength has a total of 5 level trials and it has only boss stage. Each of the next level of the trials has its difficulty to clear the trial increase, the last level of the trials is the hardest.

Freida is warped at the level 1 of the trial of strength as she sees Raging terra flaming bear is charging toward her, she charges towards the Raging terra flaming bear to launches her neko frenzied-charged punch. Freida manages to hit the Raging terra flaming bear first with her neko frenzied-charged punch before the Raging terra flaming bear can rams at her, Freida launches numberous of neko frenzied-charged punches on the  Raging terra flaming bear. Each of her next neko frenzied-charged punches hits harder and faster causing the Raging terra flaming bear growls in great pain, the raging terra flaming bear cannot takes the 5th hit of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch and is defeated by her 4th hit of her neko frenzied-charged punch. Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch is a 10 hits combo, each hits hits harder and faster. Freida has clear the level 1 of the trial of strength and move on the level 2 of the trial of strength.

Freida reaches the level 2 of the trial of strength as she sees terra-charged enraging gorilla is heading towards her to attack her, Freida charges towards the terra-charged enraging gorilla while launching her neko frenzied-charged punch toward it. Since Freida is faster, she avoids the terra-charged enraging gorilla's punchs while launches her neko frenzied-charged punch at the terra-charged enraging gorilla. With each next consecutive hits of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch has the attack power and attack speed increase effect, each of the next consecutive hits of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch lands at the terra-charged enraging gorilla harder and faster. The last hit of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch lands an extremely hard hit at the terra-charged enraging gorilla, sending it flying backwards.

Freida leaps high on the midair with extremely high speed faster than what she was just now, the terra-charged enraging gorilla hasn't recover from Freida's attack. Freida launches herself toward the terra-charged enraging gorilla with her sightly power up unique active skill, descending meteor supersonic strike. Freida is infused with strong supersonic aura as she is going give the terra-charged enraging gorilla her extremely fast dropkick, the terra-charged enraging gorilla is totally defendless. Freida's descending meteor supersonic strike has landed an extremely hard hit on the terra-charged enraging gorilla, her descending meteor supersonic strike has hit the terra-charged enraging gorilla extremely hard sending it flying and making it crashes against the tree extremely hard, breaking the poor tree as well as knocking the terra-charged enraging gorilla out. Freida has cleared level 2 of the trial of strength and move on to the level 3 of the trial of strength.

Freida has warped to level 3 of the trial of strength, as she sees omega-charged hyper ancient golem is charging toward her. Freida launches herself toward the omega-charged hyper ancient golem at extremely high speed to attack it with her neko frenzied-charged punch. Since Freida is much faster, she avoids the omega-charged hyper ancient golem's attack and her neko frenzied-charged punches hit the omega-charged hyper ancient golem extremely hard. Each of the next consecutive of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punches has its attack power and attack speed increase, making the next consecutive hit of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch hits the omega-charged hyper ancient golem even harder and faster. The last hit of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch hits the omega-charged hyper ancient golem extremely hard, making a big dent on its torso. Freida then using her legs to launch herself to the midair by pushing her legs on the omega-charged hyper ancient golem's torso, making it to slides backward. Freida launches herself toward the omega-charged hyper ancient golem at the extremely fast speed from the midair to attack it with her unique active skill known as neko supersonic blitzkrieging meteor dropkick. Freida is infuseed with strong supersonic aura that breaks the sound barrier as she launches her neko supersonic blitzkrieging meteor dropkick at the omega-charged hyper ancient golem while the omega-charged hyper ancient golem tries to defend itself from getting hit by Freida's neko supersonic blitzkrieging meteor strike. The omega-charged hyper golem fails to defend itself against Freida's neko supersonic blitzkrieging meteor strike, as Freida's neko supersonic blitzkrieging meteor strike has landed an extremely hard hit on the omega-charged hyper golem's torso to break it into 2. Freida has cleared the level 3 of the trial of strength as she moves on to the level 4 of the trials of strength.

Freida has warped to level 4 of the trial of strength, as she sees the mega booster hyperion cyclops charges towards her while it is going launch a laser beam at her. Freida charges towards the mega booster hyperion cyclops to attack it with her neko frenzied-charged punch, Freida dodges the mega booster hyperion cyclops' laser beam while closing up the distance between her and the mega booster hyperion cyclops. The mega booster hyperion is slower than Freida, Freida hits the mega booster hyperion extreme hard with her neko frenzied-charged punch. With each next consecutive hits of neko frenzied-charged punch has its attack power and attack speed increases, each of the next consecutive hits of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch hits the mega booster hyperion cyclops much harder and the last hit of Freida's neko frenzied-charged punch hits the mega booster hyperion cyclops extremely hard, sending the mega booster hyperion cyclops flying backwards.

Freida decides to try to use elemental physical attacks and energy blasts attacks, it is the first time she uses it since her tribe doesn't able to use any magical attacks. She remembers that Sakura said that she is able to cast her version if any magical attacks that Drakoina used that she has seen Drakoina had used before, when Drakoina had formed a contract with Randy, due to Randy's universal command abilities. She tries to cast her version of Drakoina's dragonic blazing solarium radiance strike aka blazing solarium frenzied-charged strike. She is charging toward the mega booster hyperion cyclops at the extremely high speed with her new active skill: blazing solarium frenzied-charged strike as she is infused with extremely bright white solarium flane aura. Freida's blazing solarium frenzied-charged strike hits the mega booster hyperion cyclops extremely hard, causing it to break into shard as she dashes through it. Freida has cleared the level 4 of the trial of strength as she moves on to the level of trial of strength.

Freida has warped to the last level of the trial of strength as she sees the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops who is about to launch its ultimate charged laser beam at her from its gignatic eye, Freida starts to cast her version of Drakoina's super-powered dragonic blazing solarium buster which she saw Drakoina used when they fought the orge lord and its armies aka supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast, as she charges up a supreme-charged blazing solarium energy blast to launch her supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast to counter attack the the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops' ultimate charged laser beam. Freida continues to charging up power to launches supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast to counter attack the the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops as the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops is also charging out power to launches it ultimate charged laser beam to attack Freida. Since the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops's ultimate charged laser takes a longer time to charge power that is able to launch it, Freida is able to a charging up power to launch her supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast as it is her first time to cast supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast it take her longer time to launch it.

5 seconds passed both of them finally able to charge up an extremely high power to launch their attacks as Freida launches an intensely hot white solarium flame overloaded energy blast toward the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops while the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops launches a super strong red laser beam toward Freida. Freida's supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast and the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops's ultimate charged laser clashes against each other creating a big impact that generates a gigantic smoke. When gigantic smoke disperses, another intensely hot white solarium flame overloaded energy blast is being launched toward the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops, it seems like Freida had charged up another intensely hot white solarium flame overloaded energy blast to launch supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast to attack the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops right after she had launched an intensely hot white solarium flame overloaded energy blast toward the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops. Freida's supreme-charged blazing solarium overloaded blast has landed an extremely hard hit on the overloaded ultimate-charged cyclops, blasting it into shards of gore. Freida has cleared all the level of the trial of strength as she is dancing a victory dance when she is warped out of the dimensional battleground of the trial of strength. After a minute of dancing she heads to the trial of all as all of them promised they will back Sakura up to clear trials of all, if they had cleared their respective trials.

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