A Wounded Dragon

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Clark was running through the woods chasing after a blur of brown and white fur. His dog Harvey had run off suddenly, which was completely out of character for him. Clark ran screaming his name trying to get the dog to stop and come back. After lots of running Harvey stopped in the middle of a clearing and began barking at something. Clark ran to his side and grabbed his collar, he was about to scold the hound when he saw what he was barking at. 

Laying a few feet away was a black mass, it was shaking and small sounds were barely heard over Harvey's barking. Clark rushed over to the thing and gently picked it up, seeing it was scaly. Now he could see it properly was shocked at what he found. The small creature was a dragon! It was covered in pitch black scales, small wings protruding from its back, purple skin stretched between the supports. Hesitantly he checked to see its gender and found it was a girl. He glanced at the ground and was hit with a wave of fear. 

The green grass where she had laid was stained red and glistened in the shining sun. He looked over the dragon and saw the missing scales on her side, thick blood flowing from the wound. Harvey must have smelled the injured dragon and ran to her aid. Without thinking Clark ran full speed back to his home, frowning at the soft noises of pain the scaled girl let out as he went.

As soon as he got home Clark rushed to his room with Harvey hot on his heels. He put a towel down before placing the injured dragon down. He grabbed the first aid kit and worked to clean the wound. Carefully he removed the broken scales and disinfected the wound, as he cleaned deeper into the wound she hit something hard and rugged. 

Taking some tweezers he carefully found the intruding object and pulled it out. It was a bullet. Clark felt his blood boil at the thought of someone shooting a small animal like her. Shaking off his anger he went back to cleaning, Harvey not leaving his side. After he was done he placed a cotton patch on the wound and wrapped some gaze around her middle to keep it there.

Clark found one of Harveys old beds that was too small for him now and placed it on his desk. Gently picking up the dragon he set her in the soft bed, leaving her there to rest. While she slept Clark went to his computer to do some research, he was still a bit shaken from his discovery. He found that it was normal to find fantasy creature, although it was very rare. He read that they can bond with humans and become life partners with them. Clark entertained the idea of bonding with the little dragon but doubted she would trust him. 

(art is mine)

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