A Dream come True Ep 11

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Assembly Hall:

All the students gathered in the assembly hall. The principal addressed them about the competition. The students were excited to hear about that. "Finally, the principal had arranged something about the competition",exclaimed Rudra.
After some time all the staff arrived at the stage. The principal were staring at them. Adam and Darshan were not present at the assembly.

Principal: Hello students, hope you had a great lunch time. Without any delay...

He couldn't finish his sentence as his assistant Mr Badola whisper something in his ear. The principal asked the students forgiveness about this interruption.

Principal: So, students, I just got the news that Miss Gwen Stefanie had ordered to cancel the competition.
Sorry Students, you may proceed to your respective class. Thank you!

The staff and students went to their classroom. The six students went to their respective class. Anika wished them good bye. "Why?", Shivaay asked in a surprisingly way.

Anika: Actually it is the class of the day. So we will meet tommorow. Bye

Shivaay: Bye... Take care Anika

Omkara: Guys let's go... We are getting late.

Gauri: let's take our time. The class is not going anywhere...

Rudra: we must run!

Bhavya: Why? But.. it's only 01:15 p.m. Shhhiiit.. 15 minutes..

Gauri: late???

Omkara: yaahhh...

Adam was waiting for his students. His hand was bleeding. Darshan entered the class. He saw Adam sitting quietly. "Any problem", asked Darshan in a low voice. "I'm fine", said Adam with a pained expression in his face.

Darshan: Are you sure?

Adam: Don't worry, I am fine. Actually... forget it...

Darshan: What happened? Come on... tell me..

Adam: my hand!

Darshan requested Adam to show him his hand. His hand was covered with blood. By seeing the blood, Darshan started to panic. He didn't know what to do. Without wasting time, he went to the medical store in the University, and brought the medical box. Shivaay noticed Darshan action. He asked the other to come quickly. Adam closed the door of the class. The five arrived at the class but  they were astonished by seeing the door close. After some time, Darshan entered the room and re-closed the door. They were not able to understand what is happening. After some time , the other students joined the five outside the room.

Inside the room, Darshan applied the antibiotic cream to reduce risk of infection and covered it with a cotton and a sterile bandage on it.
Darshan told him that his student are waiting for him outside the room.
Adam ordered him to open the door. He did so and welcomed them. They were about to take their seat but Adam stopped them. "Can you guys stand in a queue?", requested Adam to the students.

Adam: Good Afternoon!

Students: Good Afternoon sir!

Adam: on the desk, your name had been stick and you guys will sit according to it. Have your seat, please...
🎶 Adam Levine class 🎶

Darshan wished them to have a good time and he left the class.

Adam: How are you? ... Just forget it... I think someone is absent...

Shivaay raised his hand to ask the teacher a question. Adam ordered him to ask his queries.
"Sir, actually, why don't I have a partner who will sit next to me? ", said Shivaay with a clam voice.

Adam: The person is absent today ... I think ... You are scared of sitting alone...

Shivaay: No.. it's fine...

Adam: No worry... I will sit next to you...

Let me introduce myself. I am Adam Levine, your music teacher. Come on give your introduction...

Students: Okay Sir!

Adam: We will start with the students in the second row.

They all gave their introduction except Shivaay, Rudra, Gauri, Bhavya and Omkara.
"Why you didn't asked the introduction of the first row students, sir", asked Niyati , a student in the class.
" I Know them very well , Miss....", exclaimed Adam.

Adam asked Shivaay to pick the sheet on his table and distribute it among his classmates. Shivaay did so.
After the distribution, Adam asked them to revise on it and tommorow , they will discuss on it. After some time , the bell rang and the students see off each other and went home.


The Eleventh Ep is here.
Hope you enjoyed reading.
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Love, Ashu♥️

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