A Dream come True Ep 22

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Shivaay asked Anika if he had asked something wrong to her dad.

Anika: I don't know

Shivaay: Sorry, if I did so

Adam: let's change the topic, we need to discuss about the fashion contest... hope you guys remember it.

Darshan: That's the main point...


Smriti and Krutika tried to ask Ronit something. The latter asked them to continue the breakfast with the children, he will be joining in a few minutes. Then the two Lady heard a sound of a growling stomach. It was from Ronit, without any doubts. They dragged him to the breakfast table. Krutika signed Shivaay to not utter a word.

"Anika, what fashion theme you got to do?",asked Darshan.

"It's a traditional theme",said Anika in a tense voice.

"It's nice",said Darshan.

"It can't be nice... We have to do a lot of work in it such the stitching, the embroidery and so on", exclaimed Anika.

"It will be done",said Adam. "Don't worry, we are with you."

"One more thing, you both Sir can't wear traditional attire",said Anika.

"Why? I was very excited",said Adam.

"Sorry", apologized Anika.

She gave Darshan the sheet of the fashion show rules and regulations. He read that.

"It had been strictly mentioned that we both can't wear the theme cloth", exclaimed Darshan. "We need to wear suit and it's theme is black and white".

"Okay, then we need to shop for that", said Adam Levine.

"There is a small issue, I need stiching machine, the materials", uttered Anika.

"I can get you the machine",said Ashlesha.

"Thank you aunty", commented Anika.

"Anika, wait... you are missing something", said Darshan. "It has strictly mentioned that you had to use old clothes and not used clothes to make the dress".

"What! How could I miss that point?"said Anika with a sad expression on  her face.

"Don't worry! I have some unused pieces in my factory, I'll bring that",said Ronit.

Ashlesha and Ronit went to bring the stuff which Anika need. Darshan was reading the next page of the rules and regulations. Suddenly he stood up. Everybody glared at him.

"What happened dear?"asked Krutika.

"Adam and Me should do Anika's fashion contest opening and for that we need to do ramp walk", exclaimed Darshan, "I don't know to do ramp walk".

"Exactly our problem",said the four (Gauri, Omkara, Shivaay and Bhavya) except Rudra and Anika.

"I'll teach you how to do it", exclaimed Krutika.

Smriti signed Sumeet to come with her to fetch some food stuff at her restaurant. He went along with her. While going downstairs, Smriti asked him if he had featured in some Television series.

"No, What did you make think so ?",he asked.

"Actually, you know the famous TV series "kyunki Saas bhi kabhi bahu thi",....

"It's was a fantabulous show on Indian television"interrupted Sumeet.

"You must know Tulsi Virani, the main female lead"said Smriti.

"Yaah,I know",said Sumeet.

"Then you must know her oldest son Gautam Virani known as Gomzy, you know... you look totally like him",she uttered.

"What! I don't think so! Should I tell you one thing?", Sumeet said.

"Go ahead", Smriti said.

"You look totally like Tulsi Virani, the mother of Gautam Virani"he commented.

"Really", said Smriti by blushing.

"By this , I can call you mom then", exclaimed Sumeet Sachdev.

Smriti felt a bit emotional and she patted Sumeet Sachdev shoulder. They went to the restaurant.


Adam thanked Krutika for teaching them the ramp walk.

Darshan: If you guys tell me to sing in front of millions of people, I can do that.... Ramp walk... please God help me.

Adam: Just Chill bro...

Krutika ordered them to stand in a line. They did so. She teaches them to do it. Rudra was laughing at them at they were walking randomly especially the two girls Gauri and Bhavya. After a two hours of practicing, Smriti and Sumeet brought food for lunch from the Mihir Eternity Restaurant. When the food were served in the table. The six, Adam and Darshan ate the food just like they got food after a month. Suddenly everybody stopped eating and burst out laughing. Then they did their lunch calmly. After a few minutes, Ashlesha and Ronit arrived with the stuff. They also joined them for lunch.


Ep 22 is here.
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Love, Ashu♥️

"I am missing your comments"kudsiya12

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