A Dream come True Ep 8

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Principal: Suggest me fast! Wait... Your voice...

Shivaay: it's me Shivaay Singh Oberoi

The principal turned up his face and saw that six students standing in front of him in an angry face.

Principal: You guys! Get out from here...

He started to call out his assistant in a high pit voice. Shivaay asked him to calm down. The principal asked them forgiveness for his irresponsibility.

Shivaay: it's not your fault sir...

Anika: we understand the situation. You may have some workload as you are the principal of the University.
Dimension of the principal's room

Adam, Darshan and Varun were surprised by their answer as they were not expecting that one. Varun thought that there will no scene, he ordered Adam and Darshan to leave.
Adam held Darshan's hand preventing him from going.

Principal: Thank you for your understanding my dear STUDENTS.

Varun was about to go inside the room. Suddenly he heard an angry voice saying"Shut up". He back off.

The voice was of the University trustee.

Principal: Miss Gwen Stefanie.

Gwen(angry): Hello, Mr Rishi Kapoor...

The six said in chorus, "Good morning ma'am"
Gwen: Good morning, I think one of you send me the recording of the conversation of Mr Rishi Kapoor.

Omkara: it's me , ma'am!

Gwen: Good job my boy! I must know what is happening in this University. I really hope that in future, our University get students like you six. So Mr principal, can you show me the mail?

Rishi: I can't!

Gwen: What? Why? One sec... The mail was supposed to be send to me. Right Mr Rishi.

Rishi: it is ... For the ... Another... Trustee...

Gwen: Another trustee of the University...Are you kidding me?I am the only trustee of the University. Now you are gonna show me the mail.

Gwen Stefanie snatched the laptop from him. She was shocked by seeing that thing in the laptop.

Rishi: Sorrryyy!

Gwen (angry): How dare you, Mr Rishi Kapoor! How could you!

The three near the window kept wondering,what the trustee saw in the laptop. They were curious to know. Darshan requested the principal assistant to bring them inside. He agreed and took them inside the room. They pretended as they don't know anything about it. Adam and Darshan greeted Gwen.

Varun(principal assistant):Hello Miss Gwen Stefanie... Would you like to have some hot tea?

Gwen: I can't have hot tea otherwise my head will explosed. Can I get one cup cold coffee, please?

Varun: Sure ma'am! Have a seat ma'am.

Shivaay pulled the chair and make her sit. Adam and Darshan were trying to peep in the laptop but they couldn't. Rishi was asking for forgiveness.

Rudra: I think we should leave.

Bhavya: Yaah! It's your personal issues.

Gauri: let's go guys.

Gwen: You guys wait here! No need to go anywhere.
Mr Rishi Kapoor...I need an explanation.

Rishi: I am sorry!

Darshan: Ma'am, What sir did ma'am?

Gwen: See it yourself, it is in the laptop.

Adam: can we?

Gwen: Sure!

Adam and Darshan saw that in the laptop. "How can you do that sir",asked Adam Levine. The six were not able to get it. Bhavya signed Adam to turn the laptop toward them. When he did so, the six were shocked by seeing Gwen Stefanie pictures in the laptop. Varun dropped the coffee down after seeing the pictures.

Rishi was asking forgiveness from Gwen.

Gwen: okay! I will forgive you in one condition.

Rishi: Thank you so much!

Gwen: Delete the pictures of mine in the laptop, right now!

Rishi: sure!!!

Gwen: Now hear the condition!

Rishi: What?... Okay... Continue!

Gwen: Due to your mistake, All the freshers will go home after this meeting and you will prepare the class classification list and competition rules and regulations today itself. After you had done it, send a copy in my office. And of course, no one will help you.

She ordered the principal assistant to go home and spend quality time with his family.
She left the room by wishing Mr Rishi Kapoor best of luck.

All the freshers went home early.


The Eighth Ep is here.
Hope you enjoyed reading
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Love, Ashu♥️

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