Chapter Fifteen. False imprisonment.

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The next morning I was taken to a room to see a man I didn't recognise. He seemed to be a lawyer of some kind. There was no translator and only one female prison officer in the room.

"(I will be defending you in court, is there anything you want to tell me before tomorrow? We can discuss everything. Here is your written statement, can you confirm this is correct? )" He said in Korean as he pushed some paper towards me.

"(Were you coerced into giving this statement, is this true?)" He tapped the page, drawing my attention to the Korean writing there.

"Um, you do realise I have no idea what you are saying? I don't know who you are and I have no clue why I'm here. Can't you call the British embassy or something? "

He frowned and turned to the woman in uniform. "(Why wasn't I informed that a translator was necessary, do you enjoy wasting my time.)" Without even saying goodbye, he looked at his watch and spoke to her again, leaving hurriedly.

"(I'll be back just before court next week, there had better be a translator here! )"

The woman watched him leave "(Hey, don't you speak Korean, it wasn't in the paperwork, )" She said to me, in confusion.

I hadn't spoken to anyone, I just assumed they knew I needed a translator. I got the idea that was what she was asking about but I didn't understand her fully.

"Sorry, I don't understand. "

"Oh. (I apologise, I will look into it)" She took a short bow, stopping herself from being too respectful towards me, considering I was here as a criminal.

I was back in my cell ten minutes later, just in time for the breakfast meal trays to be handed out. My stomach grumbled but I frowned at the food. Everyone was given a steamed bun and what looked like a carton of either some flavoured milk or a yoghurt drink.

They tried to hand me my breakfast but I shook my head, "is there anything else? " I asked without hope. The other prisoners took my food for me and put it on the small table inside the cell.

I sat down, staring at the food I was unable to eat. My stomach grumbled so loudly, I couldn't hide it from the others. "(Don't you want it? You should eat something,)" The older woman said in a kind tone, pushing my food towards me.

I shook my head and started to cry, I could handle everything else but I couldn't handle skipping breakfast. I ended up getting a group hug from the other women. They were so nice, how could these people be criminals?

The prison officer from earlier came to see what was going on. I couldn't understand what was being said and at that point, I didn't care.

"(She is obviously hungry but she won't eat, doesn't someone speak English here? Don't English people like bread and milk?)" The older prisoner asked.

"(I'm sorry, there's no-one. I didn't even know she only spoke English till this morning. I'm going to check the records, she couldn't even talk to her court-appointed lawyer earlier.)"

I calmed down and sat in the corner while they cleaned up the breakfast things, just giving my food to the others to eat.

At around ten thirty we were taken outside to get fresh air, it wasn't exercise. I sat on a bench watching others talk amongst themselves, I was approached a few times by curious prisoners but they left when I replied in English.

From all the dramas I had watched, I expected some violence or something but everyone was very polite to each other. Probably because they all wanted to get out with no issues.

Lunch was in a large hall, everyone was served a meal of rice with vegetables as side dishes and some kind of breadcrumb cutlet. I had no way to check if the food was safe for me but I had no choice. I filled myself with rice and veg, who knew what dinner would be?

Later I focused on the dinner which of course I couldn't eat and sighed, the wheat-based noodles in the soup were poison to me. Breakfast the next day was the same as the previous one. I was starving and irritable by then. I just kept drinking water to fill my stomach and that was how the next few days continued.

My cell mates gave up trying to communicate and I withdrew into myself. It felt like my life was suddenly out of my hands. My freedom was more important than I had realized. I couldn't do what I wanted or talk to anyone.

 I should have been able to call my girls at least but for some reason I wasn't allowed to. This isolation made everything that happened feel worse. The people around me were like paper cutouts, I could see them but they didn't seem real.

With only thirty minutes to use the small library a day, I read through the battered copy of an English-to-Korean dictionary, in the hope that my communication with the others would improve. Although I tried my best, without enough food or sleep, my brain could only take in a few phrases.

The lawyer never returned so I wasn't expecting that the next week at around eleven am, they put me in the transport van to take me to court. 

 I ended up falling asleep on the way there until the noise of the crowd outside the court woke me. The van stopped. Reporters and a mass of people were pushed away from the door and two prison officers supported my unsteady self as they covered my face with a simple mask.

I was battered by the noise as someone in the crowd threw some eggs and others held up signs, I didn't know what the writing said but I recognised the many photographs of my idol. I wondered what was going on but mostly I just wanted the crowd to stop throwing stuff at me.


Jenny finally got out of prison, only to go to court! Will anyone save her? See you next week.

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