Chapter fifty five. The wedding.

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On Sunday morning, Joon-Jae dressed in a white suit, which would match the dress he had sent over to Jenny. He grinned at thought of Manager Do's reaction later in the day, he wanted to punish him just a bit longer. There was also a different reason, he couldn't quite trust the man fully so it was better this way.

The practice run of the limousine on Friday had been a success so Joon-Jae had booked it again but this time it was bringing the dress and stylist to Jenny. It was decorated in wedding splendour, to bring Jenny to her special day in style and most importantly comfort.

Joon-Jae started to pace, worrying about Jenny's state on Friday. He needed to be with her, she was struggling to walk which hadn't been an issue earlier in the week. Hopefully her Journey would be bump free because a fear was starting to take root in his heart. If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself, especially now, when he couldn't be by her side.

Manager Do knocked and nodded at Joon-Jae's suit, Tan tilted her head next to him as if adding her approval. His manager was quiet, in deep thought over yesterday's conversation, hopefully he was filled with guilt. Although the CEO had been the puppet master, manager Do was no wooden doll, he had many chances to do the right thing. The only possibility was that Mr Daniel had some hold over him, perhaps a secret or some kind of threat. He knew his manager wasn't completely heartless so there had to be something else going on.

"Do you have the passports?" Joon-Jae asked.

It was the main reason for this deception, manager Do was in charge of all of his offical documents and paperwork while they stayed in The UK. Without his passport Joon-Jae wouldn't be able to register his marriage so it was vital that his manager bring them.

"Of course, I am assuming we will be witnesses, I looked it up. Let's go, the cab is here," manager Do said.

Tan had a cream silk bow around her neck, matching his suit so when Joon-Jae stepped out of the cab, she stood proudly by his side. He ruffled her ears and gave her a serious look, his smart little dog wagged her tail, ready to be on her best behaviour. Manager Do dismissed the car and they entered the building. It was fairly busy and in Korea Joon-Jae would have been mobbed by fans but here, Tan was the star.

"Oh my, what an adorable dog, can I pet her?" A woman asked.

Joon-Jae grinned and nodded, Tan licked the woman after her affectionate strokes. "Sorry but Tan has to go, she'll be carrying the rings," Joon-Jae explained.

They walked up to reception and Joon-Jae put his hand out for the passports. Manager Do scowled and handed them over. "Could you take Tan outside to make sure there aren't any accidents, she didn't poo this morning and I don't want anything to happen. We'll be in the largest room, there's still half an hour before we start but hurry up," Joon-Jae ordered.

Manager Do sighed, assuming it was more punishment and not realising it was actually a distraction. He left with Tan and Joon-Jae turned his charm onto the receptionist. She melted in front of his gaze and promised not to disclose that he was the groom. Soon his passport was verified and copied, Jenny had sorted hers out already so all they had to do was sign the book and their certificate.

The room was already set up and all the guests had arrived, Joon-Jae almost skipped to the door. It had been too long since he had seen Jenny, every second away was torture so when she turned towards him his breath was taken away. As he thought, she looked absolutely gorgeous in the dress and it was loose and light enough that it wouldn't be a burden to wear.

Ignoring the other guests he strode forward and pulled her into a gentle hug. "You look lovely, I missed you," Joon-Jae said softly.

"I missed you too, my soon to be husband," Jenny said, looking into his eyes.

They kissed, oblivious to the others in the room, until her mum tapped her shoulder.

"Wait until you've signed everything and don't smudge the lipstick, dear," her mother said.

Joon-Jae stepped back and blushed to his ears as the stylist fussed around them both. When they looked decent again manager Do entered the room, looking around suspiciously while Tan yapped happily at her new friends.

He approached Joon-Jae, with a puzzled look on his face. "Who's the groom?"

"Hello everyone, are all the guests present, can the bride and groom step forward?" The registrar announced.

Joon-Jae grinned and shrugged as the witnesses were called up too. Just to mess with him, Joon-Jae had put Mr Do down as a witness along with Jenny's mother. Joon-Jae stood next to the bride and it was obvious to everyone that they were a couple. Joon-Jae hung a thinner ribbon on the one on Tan's neck, threading two rings onto it and made her sit between himself and Jenny as they read out their vows.

The reality of the situation was hitting manager Do hard, you could almost see his hair turning white from stress. Tan started to whine and sniff at Jenny as they said their I do's and signed the book, then the printed certificate. They put on the rings, an expandable one for Jenny so they were officially married. Joon-Jae leant forward to kiss his bride, unexpectedly, she pushed him away.

"Is this how things change when you get married?" Joon-Jae Joked.

"Stop it!" Jenny gasped.

"What is it, are you OK?" Joon-Jae asked.

Tan whined and went to sniff at Jenny a bit too intimately. "Mr Do, can you take her?" Joon-Jae ordered.

"I think it's time!" Jenny panted.

"What! Don't we have another week!" Joon-Jae asked in a panic.

"It doesn't work like that, my hubby," Jenny said.

"Nobody get changed! Where's the photographer, quickly, take a photo of us right now!" Joon-Jae said, gathering Jenny in his arms.

The poor man did his best on short notice but luckily, he had taken some pictures during and before the event. Joon-Jae carried Jenny in his arms followed by all the guests. Jenny's family piled into the limousine but manager Do couldn't fit with Tan so they followed in a cab with the photographer, who insisted that it was his duty to take a picture of the new baby. The stylist left, grinning happily.

"To the best maternity hospital please," Joon-Jae ordered the driver.

Jenny groaned as her mother and daughters fussed over her. Joon-Jae held her hands and Jenny squeezed them in a death grip.

"Please take out the waterproof sheet in the storage compartment, if the limousine gets damaged, it comes out of my wages," the driver explained as they helped Jenny get comfortable.

Samantha took it out as no one else was free and helped spread it over the seat. The driver  checked the journey and drove only when he felt the interior was safe.

"There are two choices, the nearest hospital, which is private or another which is NHS. Do you have insurance, if not I'll take you to the public one." The driver asked.

"NHS!" Everyone except Joon-Jae said.

"Oh, I can pay for private, except I'm not sure how it works in this country," Joon-Jae explained.

"I'll take you to the public one, you can always transfer afterwards," the driver decided.

They pulled up to the entrance in their decorated limousine, a few minutes later and crowded into the accident and emergency department. In the waiting room, several people waited to be seen, many looked only mildly injured while a few were holding onto hurt limbs. Most looked up at the group of dressed up individuals in interest, it had been hours since they booked in and it almost relieved their boredom.

"Is there a doctor, my wife is about to give birth! " Joon-Jae shouted, he held her in his arms and looked around in a panic.

"Stop it Joon-Jae, this isn't a drama! Mum can you book me in? Joon-Jae, put me down, we'll have to wait a bit," Jenny explained calmly.

"Are you alright now?" Joon-Jae asked, while stroking Jenny's hair away from her face.

"This contraction is over so I should have a few minutes, I thought this might happen so I brought the baby bag. My back has been aching all morning and the pain started just before I left home. Call Samantha over, she has it," Jenny explained.

"Samantha!" Joon-Jae called out.

"Mum, you're booked in now. They'll take you up to the maternity ward in a minute. Um, can I call you dad, Mr Joon-Jae? Here's the bag," Samantha said shyly.

Joon-Jae smiled and took the bag.

"Mrs Knight?" A doctor called, pushing a wheelchair.

"Actually it's Mrs Heo now!" Jenny said, winking at Joon-Jae.

The doctor smiled taking in the clothes of the group.

"Congratulations, it looks like you're about to get a wonderful wedding present, the groom may follow but everyone else must wait until visiting hour's on the ward, only one person can come in," the doctor explained.


It's time for a baby, congratulations Jenny and Joon-Jae. Don't forget to vote and comment, see you in the next chapter.

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